Unique Item List - 300 of 419

k4n3 wrote:
new map should be done with abyssus on for true hardcore experience.

My 700hp glasscannon melee witch wearing
can't wait to try this map xD (and yes, it's sometimes frustrating to play but the crits are too much fun :D )
Unarmed for life! (although I do like maces too recently)
Fun fact: the original flavour quote for Rat's Nest was
Not much changed after Jack "The Rat" drank the wrong elixir:
He still lived in a bad 'hood.

Sadly this was vetoed at some point along the pipeline. q_q
Median XL 2012 | Diablo 2 mod
Adun Tori Laz.
BrotherLaz wrote:
Fun fact: the original flavour quote for Rat's Nest was
Not much changed after Jack "The Rat" drank the wrong elixir:
He still lived in a bad 'hood.

Sadly this was vetoed at some point along the pipeline. q_q

Look, it's a wild Laz. Hey Laz, any new uniques coming from you in the future? If so, I hope for a Scales of the Serpent like item with some kind of proc :D
Unarmed for life! (although I do like maces too recently)
Broliciously wrote:
BrotherLaz wrote:
Fun fact: the original flavour quote for Rat's Nest was
Not much changed after Jack "The Rat" drank the wrong elixir:
He still lived in a bad 'hood.

Sadly this was vetoed at some point along the pipeline. q_q

Look, it's a wild Laz. Hey Laz, any new uniques coming from you in the future? If so, I hope for a Scales of the Serpent like item with some kind of proc :D

A ton of items are blocked somewhere in the catacombs of GGG like a 200/200 dragoon army. Such is life when you can't just throw in items but you have to wait for assets and balancing.

Scales of the Serpent is in fact an item. :p
Median XL 2012 | Diablo 2 mod
Adun Tori Laz.
Laz! I'm glad you're contributing here
I let you know that I'm still playing that "little mod" called Median ^^
i like this game. i mean have you seen how powerful is the barbarian
Last edited by Qarak#2415 on Sep 9, 2013, 3:18:38 PM
BrotherLaz wrote:
Broliciously wrote:
BrotherLaz wrote:
Fun fact: the original flavour quote for Rat's Nest was
Not much changed after Jack "The Rat" drank the wrong elixir:
He still lived in a bad 'hood.

Sadly this was vetoed at some point along the pipeline. q_q

Look, it's a wild Laz. Hey Laz, any new uniques coming from you in the future? If so, I hope for a Scales of the Serpent like item with some kind of proc :D

A ton of items are blocked somewhere in the catacombs of GGG like a 200/200 dragoon army. Such is life when you can't just throw in items but you have to wait for assets and balancing.

Scales of the Serpent is in fact an item. :p

Nice to hear. Pounce build incoming? (Flicker Strike + Melee Splash + Scales of the Serpent :D)
Now we need Frysturguard too xD
Unarmed for life! (although I do like maces too recently)
Kongor's Mace...WOW. I need to start saving up Chance orbs again.
BrotherLaz wrote:
Fun fact: the original flavour quote for Rat's Nest was
Not much changed after Jack "The Rat" drank the wrong elixir:
He still lived in a bad 'hood.

Sadly this was vetoed at some point along the pipeline. q_q

Hey BrotherLaz, just like to say hi and and looking foward to seeing some of your ideas/items and also a big thanks for Median, had so much fun playing that :)
Mark_GGG 2012
If you put on your full plate mail, and I throw hundreds of toothpicks at you, you'll basically not feel it.

If someone catapults a whole tree at you, don't expect the Armour to prevent as much of the damage.
Is it known what the base resists of zombies is per level?

That plays a big part in whether giving up a lot of minion damage is worth it for the new mace (and I guess the passive support).
Just for level 20 Zombies, assuming it hasn't changed since this post.

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