Unique Item List - 300 of 419
Ball lightning and lmp is a big no no. Just dont.
As for the staff. I know the benefits of penetration. Vs bosses it makes a HUGE deal. And i know that. Sadly.. vs white mobs it does not matter. One cannot 'more than one shot'. That leaves us with +1 staff with very low spell bonus. Not something really worth talk8ng about. Use i can see for that is weapon swap setup for bosses with storm call. But while my ranger with infractrem/la and chinsol/puncture swap works seamlessly as the difference is very noticeable i do not expect it t9 be the slcase here. Btw i have 4200 mana without discipline using pledge. Heck even clarity is not really needed. One just needs to scale flat mana and he is set. Still - i expected East to be much weaker in practice and.. it was good feeling to not be wrong. |
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" I use LMP with Ball Lighting since one single projectile is not enough to handle an army of mobs coming at me in different directions. I know I suffer some dps loss, but I cover more ground this way. I am still killing stuff almost instantly using LMP. Either way, your expectation of Agnerod East was not there to begin with when you already had Pledge of Hands in mind. Agnerod East would have to be out of this world to out perform Pledge as it is. Pledge is really OP, but not broken OP. Edit: Honestly, Agnerod East has its uses, it requires more effort to see better result. You just cannot simply slap it onto you and call it a day. You can do that with Pledge because that is how damn good it is. That is my only defense with Agnerod East. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game. - raics, 06.08.2016 Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Nov 18, 2014, 10:02:07 AM
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I have a very successful ball lightning build and issue you have i solve with AOE (112%total). It scales heralds as well so it is an excellent synergy right there. Lmp is nice with curse on hit. Nut 8f it works for you - hey, who am i to judge.
I had hoped that this lightning pen would make a bigger 'real' impact. It doesnt. It is usefull vs single tough mobs. Vs hordes of weaklings it does nothing and rare staff with +gems, 100spell damage and 90 spell crit is simply better Lightning pen concept is good. But the value simply too low to make it worth necessary sacrifices in raw damage. Also - multiplier needs a 'base' to multiply. This staff does not really create one. Sadly. Anyway, will go with my swap scenario and have fun. |
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Final chapter of Agnerod East Staff
I collected these 3: (lucky divine made my day) Verdict Mana unreserved: Rare (290), East (340) and Pledge (640) is a VERY CONSIDERABLE factor during gameplay. I do not use Discipline with my EB (so i can ignore aura passives and spend these elsewhere). With Pledge it is manageable, with East BARELY, with Rare.. well.. no. This is a so-so staff and if i had more money id have gotten one with 40% mana regen on it. Pledge:East - 1:0 Clear Speed Pledge is a 6link with a VERY powerful gem as the 6th. It does not augment heralds (these are not spell damage). It has no +gems. East has low lightning damage (augments Herald of Thunder) and +1 lightning. Empower is of little use without +all. Penetration in practice makes unnoticeable effect (although i still mostly one shot rares - spark shotgun is TERRIFYING..) Rare gives me lvl25/6 Spark.. and some generic stats. If not counting AA issues due to low mana unreserved left the clear speed is comparable with Pledge Pledge:East - 2:0 Links used: Core: Spark + Lightning Pen + AddedLightning Pledge: Faster Proj + Faster Casting East: Spell Echo + Faster Casting Rare: Spell Echo + Empower In general Pledge of Hands is probably the best bang for buck caster staff available. It has hidden 'one free aura' affix due to interaction with EB that cannot be undervaluated. East as a 'lightning caster staff' is very underwhelming. What killed it is the 'shock no longer stacks' change.. btw all staves bought and linked with self found currency. so this is applicable to most players that are not interested in eco sim. traders/rmters can use mirrored +2/+1 staff and laugh at this post. This applies to Spark (that i like very much gameplay wise), but is total reversed when using Arc that benefits in 2 ways from levels - making Rare staff so much more interesting. Last edited by sidtherat#1310 on Nov 23, 2014, 3:45:33 PM
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http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMAAuMEBwelCPQNfBBYEQ8VUBZvFy8abBzcHwIfxySqJLAnqSj6K3gsnC2LL28yNDbFNuk6WDrhQYdFnUmyTeNTUlXGVytXyV8qakNtGXC7dFV2EX5Zfq9_xoCkghCCx4PbhtGNGZMnmuCdrqZXpwismLQMtz64k7zqvYLAVMHF2CTYvdkT2V_a3d2M34rfsOAS42rk7OkC6rrr5Ovu7BjyRfno-tL-Cv6P_rM= Finally got around to making the build based on the staff, and I got to say, it gave a very nice buff to Herald of Thunder's lightning bolt strike (looks like the damage penetrates 20% lightning resistance is global, and heart of thunder makes it 22%). When a mob is under the curse of Conductivity, that lightning bolt can possibly one shot mobs. Though, this character is only lvl 69, and still has a more room to improve. Thanks to Arc, I can have Herald of Thunder proc the lightning bolt all day. Hell, arc is very powerful thanks to being over 50% lit pen. If I some how 5L the chest piece, or find a better one, I will add either my 16/15 added lit damage to have more chance of causing shock, or spell echo to cast it even faster. So far, I am having a blast with it. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016 |
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penetration is global
but using a staff for that 20% penetration on a Herald is.. a stretch. Also i admire your LMP with ball lightning. it is TERRIBLY inefficient. but hey - if you like it.. but dont expect it to cut it in lvl70+ maps. |
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" Herald of Thunder getting the global bonus is nice, but it is not my main focus of the build. As for LMP on ball lightning, it is mostly to cover more ground. Besides, spell echo helps to some extent make LMP not that bad. Truth is, Arc is my main skill in most situation because of curse on hit. Literally melts everything so far, and it kills two bird with one stone by applying the curse onto the mobs, and helps proc Herald of Thunder. As for lvl 70+ maps, I do not bother to rare them anymore since RNG in this game poop on phonics, so I just blue them the whole way. Either way, on a 1-2 exalt budget build, if I can do well in maps to a good extent, this build is a success. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016 |
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do you have any kind of gameplay recorded? im genuinely interested in what you consider 'ok' clear speed and how does this setup works. ive tried stuff like that and.. it.. had room for improvement
btw spell build with dual curse + herald + coh.. i thought it didnt exist |
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" The only videos I recorded was my Frenzybreaker build which happens to be my best char, but I have not recorded a video for over a year. Got tired of using twitch because I just did not care anymore. If you want to know what I consider ok clear speed, you can finish the map under 20 minutes at worst. I remember my first build and revolved around using Arc, and at that time Arc was meh, and my knowledge of game was very lacking, so I essentially fell into the noobtrap. Pretty much, I could not even Merc Piety, and even finish a lvl 66 map. It was back in early Open Beta, so I learned a lot since then. Now I finally have the chance to revive the build with better options this time around. Edit: Our expectation is different. I am not trying to aim that high for all of my builds. If a build happens to surpass my expecation, I am a happy camper. If the build meets my expectation, I am a happy camper. If the build fails to meet my expectation, scrap it. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game. - raics, 06.08.2016 Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Nov 23, 2014, 4:49:18 PM
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i see..
for recording i use XSplit - just if you wanted to record something in the future under 20 minutes is.. well.. quite relaxed pace. anyway. if you are happy with that build/setup - it is your build and there is nothing wrong with that. however id (if forced) build East staff around single target (curse resistant bosses) and use it as a swap weapon with heavy hitting stuff (storm call, tendrils - never with BL castrated with LMP..). for a 'general purpose' use this staff fails short: bonus damage is.. meh (vs white mobs that penetration changes 1shot into 1shot so nobody cares) and the lost survivability of not using a shield is noticeable |
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