Unique Item List - 300 of 419

Bravo, yet another under 60 req lv unique which every1 will just vendor for few alch shards, thats what this game needs, more dumpster pls, also make all monsters appear like devourers cuz desync is not a big deal. I wonder if GGG realise someday that we kinda lack diversity at high tier gear instead of gear we will just vendor, but why i even wonder, ggg never played poe tho.
This new staff is more interesting the longer i think about it. I like this kind of balance.

If someone needs a boring unique just change yellow to orange for this item
sidtherat wrote:
This new staff is more interesting the longer i think about it. I like this kind of balance.

If someone needs a boring unique just change yellow to orange for this item

There is no real point in caster staff unless it is +3 gems. That is why this unique is worse than wand/scepter + shield combo. Interesting doesn't always mean good.
Heh. Lighting rod. If only rolls could be better...

Anticipation slowly dissipates...
tippick wrote:

I was expecting +2 to lightning gems. But even then I wouldn't be interested in using it...
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Oct 23, 2014, 7:49:12 AM
iamstryker wrote:
tippick wrote:

I was expecting +2 to lightning gems. But even then I wouldn't be interested in using it...

If you paired this with Three Dragons, would the 100% increased Shock Duration apply with the Lightning can Freeze? I could see some interesting Cold builds using this staff, three dragons, with the new Lightning skill.
Jaxom wrote:
If you paired this with Three Dragons, would the 100% increased Shock Duration apply with the Lightning can Freeze?

Nope, three dragons just shifts which damage type counts for which ailment, nothing more.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

raics wrote:
Jaxom wrote:
If you paired this with Three Dragons, would the 100% increased Shock Duration apply with the Lightning can Freeze?

Nope, three dragons just shifts which damage type counts for which ailment, nothing more.

Thanks for the answer. Worth a shot. Would be nice to rain freezing lighting haha.
new staff look so bad, 100% shock duration but we cant shock stacn anymore :s
That staff is pretty good... Mind you pledge of hands is just better.

Resist pierce is just too strong.

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