Unique Item List - 300 of 419

To add on a bit more to what pneuma said:

Even though you probably cannot benefit from the lightning resistance reduction from the Conductivity curse, you CAN benefit from the additional shock chance the curse provides. At level 20 that's an extra 14% chance to shock, and add in 20% quality and you've got another 20% increased shock duration along with anything else you might have. So in total, if I got it all right...

20% chance to shock from the SB cluster
10% chance to shock from the bow itself
10% chance to shock from a quality ALD gem
14% chance to shock from the Conductivity curse
5% chance to shock if you take the notable near the Shadow starting area

Makes a total of about 54%-59% chance to shock (Shadow notable probably being the one most might not take). That's not even touching Shock Nova or Arc, but in general those ones above are all very tasty choices if you're going to be using Lightning Arrow, or even Split Arrow, which will probably be the more popular choices.
Tanakeah wrote:
To add on a bit more to what pneuma said:

Even though you probably cannot benefit from the lightning resistance reduction from the Conductivity curse, you CAN benefit from the additional shock chance the curse provides. At level 20 that's an extra 14% chance to shock, and add in 20% quality and you've got another 20% increased shock duration along with anything else you might have. So in total, if I got it all right...

20% chance to shock from the SB cluster
10% chance to shock from the bow itself
10% chance to shock from a quality ALD gem
14% chance to shock from the Conductivity curse
5% chance to shock if you take the notable near the Shadow starting area

Makes a total of about 54%-59% chance to shock (Shadow notable probably being the one most might not take). That's not even touching Shock Nova or Arc, but in general those ones above are all very tasty choices if you're going to be using Lightning Arrow, or even Split Arrow, which will probably be the more popular choices.
Lightning arrow would suck with it IMO. Low physical base damage, penaltyto non-physical damage. Only converts phys damage. If you wanted to maximize AoE shocking you'd probably go LMP/GMP+Chain or LMP/GMP+Pierce (using Proj weakness). Result is a wide range shotgun of shock stacks.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
Autocthon wrote:
Lightning arrow would suck with it IMO. Low physical base damage, penaltyto non-physical damage. Only converts phys damage. If you wanted to maximize AoE shocking you'd probably go LMP/GMP+Chain or LMP/GMP+Pierce (using Proj weakness). Result is a wide range shotgun of shock stacks.

Doubt it would suck at all given the fact that while LA works with a high physical damage bow, it also works well with tri-elemental bows that also have very little in the way of physical damage. Lightning Arrow also has shock duration quality, which is often overlooked because to get those shocks to stack you need them to last long enough to do so, otherwise the stacks drop. Plus, as you sort of hinted at, LA would be the best for AOE shocking and stacking with those combos because of how often it would trigger its AOE effect. the physical damage conversion 'loss' would hardly be noticeable when you're getting double and triple shock stacks on entire groups, not to mention it's all Chaos Damage with the bow.

Has the possibility of working wonders against groups of shielded targets even with Chaos Resist.
Last edited by Tanakeah#5640 on Aug 21, 2013, 11:21:32 AM
Is it my browser or Voltaxic Rift has a problem with its sockets?

No longer a forum dweller, please use PM for contact purposes.
I see it too. I'm using Firefox.
Yeah, methinks the sockets are a bit off on the bow picture. :P
They seem fine. I'm on chrome.
Tanakeah wrote:
Autocthon wrote:
Lightning arrow would suck with it IMO. Low physical base damage, penaltyto non-physical damage. Only converts phys damage. If you wanted to maximize AoE shocking you'd probably go LMP/GMP+Chain or LMP/GMP+Pierce (using Proj weakness). Result is a wide range shotgun of shock stacks.

Doubt it would suck at all given the fact that while LA works with a high physical damage bow, it also works well with tri-elemental bows that also have very little in the way of physical damage. Lightning Arrow also has shock duration quality, which is often overlooked because to get those shocks to stack you need them to last long enough to do so, otherwise the stacks drop. Plus, as you sort of hinted at, LA would be the best for AOE shocking and stacking with those combos because of how often it would trigger its AOE effect. the physical damage conversion 'loss' would hardly be noticeable when you're getting double and triple shock stacks on entire groups, not to mention it's all Chaos Damage with the bow.

Has the possibility of working wonders against groups of shielded targets even with Chaos Resist.
It isn't a physical damage conversion loss. You're taking a 30% penalty to all damage with it. On a bow that has less than idea damage. If you intend to stack further damage reduction effects it's only going to get lower, and you'll need to get elemental damage bonuses to offset it (elemental damage nodes on the tree tend to be lower than phys, especially for bows).
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
The sockets are off on FF (v22.0), Chrome (v29.0) and IE (v10.0) for me.
Nvm I they're off. Seems they made the bow small like a ticket bow but using the positioning of sockets like a big (lioneyes) bow

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