Unique Item List - 300 of 419

ignarsoll wrote:
bilun wrote:
http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/User:Chriskang/Sandbox/SotV seems to have a few uniques filled in not yet on the list.

God Atziri's Acuity looks amazing. Also, Dat 600 DPS unique Axe....

Thanks, I didn't knew that those were on the wiki.

For easy viewing;

If that gloves got strenght and not intelligence :(
Will work nice whit iron will + life
Atziri fragments should all have the same chance to drop and be bound on account. Uniques from atziri should probably be bind on account as well...
#1 spirit shield - #1 ES/all res diamond ring - 6T1 ES/WED/tri-res rustic sash mirror service

IGN ddddddddddddddddddddime
AndiiSalgado wrote:
ignarsoll wrote:
bilun wrote:
http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/User:Chriskang/Sandbox/SotV seems to have a few uniques filled in not yet on the list.

God Atziri's Acuity looks amazing. Also, Dat 600 DPS unique Axe....

Thanks, I didn't knew that those were on the wiki.

For easy viewing;

If that gloves got strenght and not intelligence :(
Will work nice whit iron will + life

int fits nicely seeing as crit gems (that you will probably use) require int.

that frees up passives/equip for other stats.
All of those Uniques are obscenely op, to the point that I believe them to be fake...

Defeats the purpose of nerfing Vaal Pact, if they release a Unique that gives Vaal Pact for the only build that usually even GETS Vaal Pact, ie. Crit.

Also, the fact that it gives you "Mana Pact", makes it extremely broken. Some builds with high aps cannot sustain their Mana Cost and are required to either use BM Support, thus limiting their Links, or to use a Surgeon's Sanctified Mana Flask (works really well.)

This Unique becomes BiS for not only a build whose Leeching capabilities were deemed to op and nerfed, and effectively reversing the nerf, as well as buffing them with the inclusion of the Mana Leech. Let alone the lack of a downside on the Unique, and the +Int, which frees up Passives.. >_<

High Eva and ES is amazing for ANY build, as is +1 to Gems, and 50% Reduced Mana Cost. IR, Acro, CI, EB, anything..

A 600 dps 2h Axe, which is near enough to Mirror-tier Axes from a while back, with effectively Puncture on Hit. Who knows what kind of dps that adds...

If they aren't fake, they're overpowered. Either they'll be as rare, if not rarer, than Kaoms, or become Legacy ASAP. Regardless, they'd be the most expensive items in the game for sure.

But I still say fake. <_<
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Mar 11, 2014, 4:12:50 PM
Sheriff_K wrote:
All of those Uniques are obscenely op, to the point that I believe them to be fake...

Defeats the purpose of nerfing Vaal Pact, if they release a Unique that gives Vaal Pact for the only build that usually even GETS Vaal Pact, ie. Crit.

High Eva and ES is amazing for ANY build, as is +1 to Gems, and 50% Reduced Mana Cost. IR, Acro, CI, EB, anything..

A 600 dps 2h Axe, which is near enough to Mirror-tier Axes from a while back, with effectively Puncture on Hit. Who knows what kind of dps that adds...

If they aren't fake, they're overpowered. Either they'll be as rare, if not rarer, than Kaoms, or become Legacy ASAP. Regardless, they'd be the most expensive items in the game for sure.

But I still say fake. <_<

they are the atziri only drop.

with the droprate of the fragments and the difficulty of the fight itself even after you manage to fight her, i don't think they will be swarming the place.

+i don't think you can chance them
shroudb wrote:
they are the atziri only drop.

with the droprate of the fragments and the difficulty of the fight itself even after you manage to fight her, i don't think they will be swarming the place.

+i don't think you can chance them

The difficulty or rarity of obtaining them doesn't matter. Look at Legacy Kaom's.

Besides, in Softcore, Atziri won't really be that difficult and soon enough she'll be reduced to farm status.

Regardless, this kind of BiS, no downside, obvious "end-game" type Unique is cancerous to the game, and GGG has said that they don't intend to release these kind of Uniques, because they want the best Rares to be better. So if these are real, then GGG is really going to lose a ton of support from their loyal fan-base for this stunt..

I know of many jaded individuals who will find this the final drop in the bucket, GGG having reneged on too much for them to even consider further supporting them.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Mar 11, 2014, 4:09:32 PM
I would think their idea here is - you defeated the hardest encounter in the game (and I guess we can all agree that this one needs a really good build and great gear). So it'll give you the last possible upgrade for your gear to feeel rewarding. Kinda like a quest in Baldurs Gate 2 - if you make it you get the best item in the entire game, BUT you have already beaten the by far hardest fight (harder than the end fight) so it doesn't really matter, since your game would have been a walk in the park even without that piece of equipment.

Here is of course another problem - PvP... Either GGG comes with a very high bracket which would allow relatively high lvl PvP matches, but would be to low to use those uniques, or if they ban them entirely for PvP...
Proud 5th duelist in the Jul 1 2012 Ladder Race and in the Nov 3 2012 Solo Turbo Race :D
And even prouder 4th Templar in the Nov 10 Four-hour Party Hardcore Race :P
Current OB success:
top 20 Ranger in 105 Minute Turbo Solo (S4E9)
Last edited by Sony_Black#0112 on Mar 11, 2014, 4:16:52 PM
Sony_Black wrote:
I would think their idea here is - you defeated the hardest encounter in the game (and I guess we can all agree that this one needs a really good build and great gear). So it'll give you the last possible upgrade for your gear to feeel rewarding. Kinda like a quest in Baldurs Gate 2 - if you make it you get the best item in the entire game, BUT you have already beaten the by far hardest fight (harder than the end fight) so it doesn't really matter, since your game would have been a walk in the park even without that piece of equipment.

Here is of course another problem - PvP... Either GGG comes with a very high bracket which would allow relatively high lvl PvP matches, but would be to low to use those uniques, or if they ban them entirely for PvP...

This. People are too hung up on "balance" in the PvP sense of the wordL which is to say all about fairness and how strong one player is compared to another.

Balance in an ARPG is more about progression speed and homogenization of build variety.

If an item affects progression speed so much that it gives an unreasonable advantage in progression rate to those who manage to get it, you have a major balance problem for races and the starts of 4 month leagues. The problem isn't really that the guys who have it are stronger in the long run as it destroys the balance of leader boards and race exp gained by giving the guy who was lucky enough to get the drop an overwhelming advantage.

Likewise if an item/build is so good pretty much everyone is using it(killing build variety). This can apply to both late game builds(the reason dual spork got nerfed) or overly efficient leveling tools(See recent Spectral throw nerf)- though the latter also has a lot to do with progression speed imbalance.

Some other guy having bigger numbers then you in a league with a mature, more or less stagnant economy(think standard or maybe the last few weeks of 4 month leagues) really isn't the kind of "balance issue" that is really a problem in ARPGs.

The Atziri items don't really affect progression speed(by the time you can get them you're bordering on optimal anyway). Honestly don't really homogonize build variety either-they are VERY general in their effects, meaning a great variety of builds will find them appealing. Morever they aren't really build enablers- they are just higher number versions of tools that already exist elsewhere. They also are gated by what is likely the hardest fight in the game, meaning by the time you can get them you're just running victory laps anyway.

Talisman softcore IGN:disappointment
I only believe these items exist when I see them Linked in a forum post.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
The level 75 uniques don't drop from atziri.

She drops level 72 items so it's impossible to drop those. There seems to be more content that no one has reached yet(those uber atziri fragments perhaps).

This means those uniques are ridiculously rare and hard to get.
Last edited by kasub#2910 on Mar 11, 2014, 4:32:34 PM

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