Patch 0.11.2 Progress

it'd be cool as shit if the new feature was being able to look at your friends gear and such like "view profile" in D3. can see progression, stats, and items. that would be pretty sweet.
IGN - GetMeRichBitch
gg es/wander and alt art shop thread/2080954
My elder astral mirror thread /2127930
add me if im not online and wtb something
It's obviously a guild/clan system.

Hornet85 wrote:
dfscott wrote:
blazedance wrote:
Auction ruined D3 completely, i don't want to loose this game. Current trade system is perfect, can be improved a bit, like links in chat e.t.c. But please NO AUCTION

RMAH is what ruined it. I would love a WOW-style AH. Actually, I don't even want an AH -- just a place to post items for sale and search for items being sold so you don't need to find someone selling what you want, haggle and/or wait for a bid to go through, coordinate a time to meet, find them in game, and then finally get your item. I want to spend my time in-game playing, not shopping.

I'm not sure if auction can be implemented since the system doesn't dictate which orbs are more valuable (unless we're talking about quantity of the same orb the seller is asking?) Maybe GGG can come up with some interesting idea

A simple direct trade would certainly be possible. I guess will see.

I do agree though that RMAH is what ruin D3. In PoE, people are already doing auction manually in forum so auction is already there, just not automated

This basically.

I don't want an actual auction house that makes bidding/trading automated. Simply because that's not what GGG wants. Arguments have been had. I don't remember them, all I remember is that I agree with GGG's vision.

Anyway, I'm fine with a listing. Me going "Hey, I've got this for sale. I'm on from 5-9PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Message me then and we can work out a deal. I expect at least 1 exalted for it." Along with my username on it.

Or something like that, except other people can write offers on the listing. Like "I offer 2 exalteds." along with their name to follow up on the trade when the guy gets online.

Like that.

This listing obviously being filterable for base items, uniques, rares, item levels, etc. We would link the item just like in Chat.

I actually have a suggestion for this.

It's so simple that I would imagine it could be coded very quickly. It would be a temporary thing if it doesn't go along with GGG's future trading plans, but I think it'd be worth it.
Will this area be changed?

forum trading thing you guys talked about ages ago?
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
I know this isn't exactly on topic since it's already been stated that the trading system wont be effected in this patch. but I had to put in my 2cents about this since the AH is why I quit D3 after over a decade of playing the diablo games avidly ...

I hate the idea of an AH in it's true form.
I saw a post mention something about the notice boards for trading. That wouldn't be to bad as long as it was just a post style WTB/WTS/WTT, in the same style as using the forums here. An auction house that makes everything available to everyone at anytime will screw the economy over so bad.

The fact that ppl have to work to get their items, wether it be trading or grinding, is what keeps the economy stable. Having over 9000 of the best items available to anyone with the currency to pick up at will just means that everyone will be uber geared at all times. And the flippers will have a field day. and the flippers are the ones who rly screw the rest of us over.

I also feel the need to bring up the point that this isn't an mmo. The whole point of an ARPG (which is what this is) is to gear up your char(s) through grinding content. Weather that be to obtain currency or the gear itself an AH makes all that a mute point. You can take nothing and flip it into BiS using an AH. Once your char is geared to the teeth there's nothing else to do with it and the game is over for said char. In an mmo there's a million other constructive things to do outside of gearing your char.

Now a little more on topic ->

I rly hope the evasion/accuracy changes make avoidance builds viable.
I have ALWAYS enjoyed playing a "nahnahnahnah naah naah you can't hit me" char. It's so much fun. I know that manualy dodging dmg is all part of it and that's part of the fun. But the things you CAN'T avoid manualy ... well us eva players need more of a buffer, in any form that doesn't gimp us, for it to work in the current state of the game mechanics.

I've taken a number of chars through the end of cruel on OS as avoidance based builds and it's a blast up to that point. But the moment you step into merc it's a disaster. I don't mind playing passively. But having to try to pull 1 white mob away from a group of 3 just to survive, or dancing around a boss for 15 mins cause you KNOW your going to get 1 shot is just not fun.

Edit: I should mention that I'm more specifically targetting my avoidance comments around melee builds. But even as ranged there are things you can't get away from like flicker and extremely fast leapslams.
Last edited by Juggla1580#1799 on Jul 10, 2013, 12:29:48 PM
Anyone know if there will be any way to add "Extra Gore" and my "Exalted Weapon Effect" both at the same time?
Supernaut6 wrote:

Dude trade chat is AWESOME. I used to hate it but it's a great way to get great deals.

If I want to chat, I close computer and go outside ;) In game, I want to spend my time playing not trading.

Juggla1580 wrote:
And the flippers will have a field day. and the flippers are the ones who rly screw the rest of us over.

And you think, that there are not flippers/merchants here? There are players, who just trade and it's pain, when I sold cheaply good items to them because I literally have no time to haggle. I just dropped 240 ES duo res circlet. And I almost sold it to vendor, because those few orbs I can earn on it it's not worth my time to publish it on forum...

AH is just a bartering platform, and we have external sites with almost such functionality for PoE. What killed D3 is not AH but poor itemization which forced people to use AH in first place.

Anticipation slowly dissipates...
Last edited by tmaciak#3784 on Jul 10, 2013, 12:34:43 PM
tmaciak wrote:
Supernaut6 wrote:

Dude trade chat is AWESOME. I used to hate it but it's a great way to get great deals.

If I want to chat, I close computer and go outside ;) In game, I want to spend my time playing not trading.

Then play the game while your on. Check trade chat and throw up the occasional wtb comment while you play. If you sit around trade all day not playing then your doing it wrong.
kentgrav wrote:
Anyone know if there will be any way to add "Extra Gore" and my "Exalted Weapon Effect" both at the same time?

The video description on youtube for the extra gore effect states it stacks with other weapon effects, so you shouldn't have a problem.

But can it be applied to a shield so it works for minions when the player takes Necromantic Aegis? That's what I really want to know GGG.

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