[Onslaught 0.11.0d] Trapmaster Shadow – Trap for Fun
" No. Daggers can have the same prefix/suffix mods as wands. Afaik the mod pool of daggers is a bit larger so you improve your chances on a good weapon when CRAFTING when you use a wand. Unless your base crit is very low, the implicit crit mod of daggers is just as good (if not better) than the implicit spell damage mod of wands. I wouldn't switch the dagger i'm using on my EK witch for a wand: EDIT: some quick math To compare a wand with 20% spell damage and a dagger with 80% crit chance implicit mods (everything else be the same) lets assume a fire spell with 100 base damage and 5% crit chance. I will take the build of the OP that gives an additional 130% crit chance and 60% crit damage. Wand: 100 base damage x (1+0,2) x (1+(0,05 basecrit + 0,05x1,3)) x (1,5 basecritdam + 0,6) = 280,98 Dagger: 100 base damage x 1 x (1+(0,05 basecrit + 0,06x(1,3+0,8) x (1,5 basecritdam + 0,6) = 253,05 Now a crit will trigger additional burning damage which is 4/3 of fire damage over time. Wand: 100 x 1,2 x 2,1 x 4/3 x 11,5% (# times this happens) = 38,64 Dagger: 100 x 1 x 2,1 x 4/3 x 20,5% = 57,7 Total Damage: Wand 319,62 Dagger 310,75 That's a 2,3% advantage of wand over dagger in the given example. That's pretty small and not enough to discard daggers right away when looking for a weapon. As a rule of thumb i would say if the base crit of the spell is less than 5%, wands have clear advantage over daggers. If the base crit is over 5% then daggers are the better choice. Last edited by Bada_Bing#4191 on Jun 14, 2013, 10:13:18 AM
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What i was trying to make was an average comparison. It's quite obvious that an overpowered dagger can overcome an average wand...
With wand you have the implicit mod which gives you more spell dmg and they're more likely to roll high %incresed spell/ele/fire damge compared to daggers. That's all I'm not in HC where my stash is full of nice gear, i've just started on onslaught and writing a build for onslaught. so it's obvious to suggest, in order of importance: wand, sceptre, staff/dagger |
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I was about to shelf my trap shadow until I read the post from Bada_Bing. I recently lost my first trap shadow on docks in Onslaught :\, however, I should have been more careful.
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Maybe i'm not so good to explain myself..
I've NEVER stated that daggers must be discarded for this build, i'm jut telling that if you're starting this build in onslaught without any gears and want to craft ur weapon, go on wands, if you have to choose from quest rewards, choose a wand or a sceptre. Actually i like daggers and hate wands (lost one of my char 'cause need to run away, but the wand kept on shooting at mobs without letme run away) @Kyr205: Can you post your build, the pro and cons you've found? lvl reached? reason of Death? you passive skill tree? Any suggestion?? |
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" Sorry i completly misunderstood. I thought it was whether the implicit crit on a dagger or the implicit spell damage on a wand is the better choice. You are right when it comes to crafting. Because of the bigger mod pool of a dagger the chances are better to get the desired mods if you use a wand when alching a white. |
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No no i never meant the implicit mod, infact the max implicit you took from a n high level wand (Prophecy Wand) is 16-20% increased spell dmg, which is not that high..the helps come from the other mods..
Glad we understand the misunderstanding!! If you have any other suggest i'm pretty openmindend and ready to change/adjust the build when needed! |
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Had a though regarding my trap shadow - might it be worth trying the zombies linked to added fire/burning damage/elemental proliferation idea, since will be taking load of fire/burning damage nodes? Maybe as well as the skellie totem. Could detour up to minion instability (and maybe a minion node or two).
And if we are going up there - might as well carry on to whispers of doom, although that might be too much investment, would have to sacrifice quite a bit elsewhere. But being able to fast flamabillity and temp chains might be worth it. Or could try and get the extra curse via gear. |
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" Zombies are not affected by your passiv tree (unless the node says "...to minions"). Skill gems linked to your raise zombie gem will work with the implicit value of your zombie but will not be increased by your tree's fire/burning nodes. |
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I'd prefer to use minions just early to mid game, untill your game style fits the trap concept and you don't need them to distract mobs (try use conversion traps)
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Hi everybody! i was very busy IRL so i've played a very few..infact i've hit act3 merciless only few hours ago (lvl 69 atm)
What i've learn during this long journey are not happy news.. POE is not (still) intended for trap build, unless you want to play the common fire/bear trap build, but the guide is not intended to be a copycat, i really want to do something different... Unfortunatelly Trap support gem is intended not for trappers (yeah, not joking) but only to ancestra bond users.. I've tried to figured out a nice way to use it, the problem is: why link a spell to a trap if i can cast it? So in my opinion the only spell that worths be linked to it are the novas (ice/shock novas), spell that force tha caster to be in the center of a Group of monster, and using a trap will keep the caster safe My second thought was: "why not turn the ice nova trap into a perma freeze?" so i took 4-5 crit chance nodes and just tested this combination: Trap + Ice Nova + Increased Crit Chance + Elemental Proliferation, a total failure.. the ice nova do a very few dmg, so even if it crit the freeze duration is very very short. also u have only 3 traps to use untill the recharge time.. a totally waste of passive and mana.. What i've just tried was the freeze mine gem..well..linked it with ele proliferation will make it a real perma freeze gem, no cooldown time, it's very good, unfortunatelly, being a mine means you'll set it at ur feet.. so a bit risky, but Worth a try.. Have u guys any suggestion? Your experience in those days? I'll take a more time to teste the freeze mine before upgrade the build,, see ya |
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