[Onslaught 0.11.0d] Trapmaster Shadow – Trap for Fun
1 Introduction 1.1 Why choosing the Shadow 2 Build Basis and Tactics 2.1 Pros & Cons 3 Skills 3.1 Suggested links on gears 4 Passive Tree 4.1 Bandits Rewards 5 Gears 6 Walkthrough 7 Known Issues FAQ " Absolutely not! I started this build as my first build in Onslaught: no currency, no gears, no skill and still performing pretty well! 1 Introduction
This is my first build, and the first I’m using in Onslaught (a very challenge for me), firstly because I’ve started with nothing at all. I just wanted to give Onslaught a try and, meanwhile, to experimenting something new, and here we are with a trap based build! Actually you can have 2 approach: the first and the less liberal “only traps approach” where you never deal dmg by yourself, but using only traps (fire traps, bear traps, conversion trap Traps, Remote Mines, Freeze mines…you can also throw in a totem and minions); the second comes with a wide field of view, adding 1-2 additional skill gem as support for traps (aoe skill basically, bear trap is one of the best single target attack you can desire). Both approaches land on Fire Trap as first AOE skill and Bear Trap as the single target skill.
1.1 Why choosing a Shadow Cool the name, cool the char, that’s why I pick him up. But you can consider also an important factor of the build: it’s almost dexterity based and Shadow is the one who can grab very useful dexterity nodes early one (compared with Templar and Witch, which are the characters’ tree we’ll touch during the tree growing), and only with leveled gems you can go on easily, especially early on in the game, where the dmg output is given by you skill level rather than passives or gears. 2 Build Basis and Tactics
The build is focused on setting on fire everything your eyesight lands on with our beloved Fire Traps wich will inflict dmg from the exploding when triggered, from the ignited ground where mobs walks/stands on and from the dot that comes from the igniting chance. Coupling Fire Trap with freeze mine will highly increase both your survival and the dmg you deal to mobs which are frozen on a ignited ground. So fire/burn dmg nodes will be the ele nodes we'll take here and there, along with all the hp/fitness nodes needed for surviving. Huge hp/unique/bosses monsters will be taken down by Bear Trap that supported with Added Fire Damage which will increment the phys damage, dealing a lot of dmg. To increment the surviving chances minions and totem can be summoned in order to taunt enemies leaving you from the battlefield, but if you want to be a trapmaster it's not what you want to do, you just want to make the instance a deadly trap, relying only on traps. Conversion Trap is a badass gem, as soon as you get you want to level it as fast as possible, with this trap you'll any idea of using minions' gem: just throw a couple of them, what mobs Killing each other (maybe you can fast the process throwing a fire trap in the middle of the fight), kill the converted mobs with bear trap/freeze mine.
Curses can be used as well, I’d suggest Temporal Chain or Flammability for large groups (Temporal Chain will increment the time the monsters will suffer from the burning ground and the chances to avoid their attacks), Temporal Chain or Enfeeble for Bosses and Unique monsters. Auras will be used too, Purity for ele resistance, Clarity for mana regeneration and/or Discipline coupled with body and soul for increased survivability or with Eldircht Battery for increasing the mana pool (still have to decide which suits best the build purpose). Coupling this build with Phase Run (if it will ever come back to the game) will increased the fun factor exponentially: activate phase run, run fast between large mobs groups, so fast that they can’t see you, and throwing your traps while passing among them. No need to say more. 2.1 Pros and Cons + “Try to Reflect This” mode, dealing damage with traps keep you safe from reflecting mobs + Tank-oriented build, you can survive even the hardest hit of your enemy thanks to all the hp nodes taken + Using traps, totems and minions will keep you safe, because you won’t enter in a face2face - Annoying, and maybe sometime dangerous, cooldown for traps - Lots of mana requested, you will run out of mana very fast, especially early on in the gem when not with smart gears on - The traps’ cooldown will reduce the number of skills you’ll equip: you will have about 2- 3 Fire Traps and 1-2 Bear Traps skill gem allocated at the same time 3 Skills
Fire Traps is your first second and maybe third skill you’ll use early on in the game, untill you'll grab other trap gems. Bear Trap linked with Added Fire Damage is a such a nuke I can’t think about any other support gems for it.
Early in the game just put on 2-3 fire traps, 1-2 bear traps and a minion gem, and spam those tree. Later you will add the other traps you put your hand on, a Conversion Trap and a Freeze Mine are very helpfull and funny to use Spell Totem + Summon Skeletons is OP distracting-EverCastingSkeletons skill, but i'll suggest to switch to conversion trap Curse are up to satisfy the player needs And Auras are for increasing the mana regeneration because is a very mana-drying buil (Clarity); Discipline for a burst of ES (that can be converted in mana) 3.1 Suggested Links on Gears Chest: Fire Trap – Increased Burning Damage – Concentrated Effect – Fire Penetration - Chance to Ignit – (if I’ll ever catch a 6l I’ll think about it – but probably Increased Crit Chance/multiplier or a second Fire Trap) Helm: Bear Trap + Added Fire Damage + Bear Trap + Freeze Mine Weapon: Conversion Trap + Increased Duration + Increased Area of Effect Shield: Temporal Chain/Flammability/Enfeeble (Pick up 2 at your choice) + Reduced Mana Gloves: Clarity – Purity – Discipline – Reduced Mana Boots: Spell Totem + Summon Skeletons + Minion Life/Damage + Minion Speed or better Trap + Attack gem + 2 support gem (i still have to figure out) 4 Passive Tree
27 points used, apporx. lvl 25:
Here the path is forced, just follow it taking the most hp is possible, so when you reach the Assassination node just go down for the Fitness one, than go up to take the 3hp nodes and the second Fitness node 48 points used, approx. lvl 40 In the Witch tree we found a couple of interesting nodes to increase the fire dmg and nodes to increament the AOE radius (we'll take the second ones later) 60 points used, approx. lvl 50: We're approaching the Templar tree, but here we'll focus in hp nodes, you should be in Merciless right now (We'll come back later to the Witch tree to take the Immolation notable and all the fire/burning dmg related nodes). So go up to take the Divine Toughness notable, the Pyromaniac natable and reach the third Fitness node (Weight Lifting) of the build. If needed you can sacrifice a 6%hp node for the Agility node 85 points taken, approx. lvl 70: Here The build can be considered completed and we are a lvl 70, a pretty easy lvl to reach. It's useless to consider build with more than 100 points taken, when interested in a concrete output from the build... After lvl 70 is up to you. Let's say you're pretty free to choose the path that suits you most: - increasing crit chance can be one and there are 2 45% and a 60% increased crit chance node which are 2-3 nodes away from our Path - going down from the Shadow tree and catch the other 3 passive for traps - Increased survaival and going in the Marauder tree for increased hp and ele resistance - you can spend a couple of nodes on mana (mana regen, increased maximum mana, reduced mana cost) to help with your mana pool - or if your gear are overpowered you can increase the output damage taking all the fire/spell increasing damage nodes you want 4.1 Bandits Reward Normal: help Oak for +40 to max hp Cruel: kill all for +1 passive node or help Oak for 18% increased phys dmg of Bear trap Merciless: kill all for +1 passive node (not a charge based build) 5 Gears
As we’ll take the Body and Soul notable, and the related nodes, our defense will be based on Armor/Energy Shield, Evasion is useless for the build. What you’ll be focused on is (in order of priority):
Chest/Gloves/Helm: +Hp, %Increased Armor/ES, %Increased Ele/Chaos Resistance, %Increased fire/spell damage Boots: +Hp, % increased Movement Speed, %Increased Ele/Chaos Resistance Rings/Necklace: +Ele resistance +Increased fire/spell damage +Mana Regeneration + Hp Belt: +Hp + anything else will help the build (+ armor /Es, increased spell/fire damage, resistances) Weapon: +1 for the linked skill (depends on what will you link), %Increased Spell Damage, %Increased Fire Damage, %Increased Ele damage, Shield: %Increased Spell Damage, %Increased Fire/Ele damage, %Increased Ele/Chaos Resistances, +Hp 6 Walkthrough
Start picking up your first Fire Trap and secondly Bear Trap, if you can get a second fire trap early (I created my first shadow, killed hillock, saved the Fire Trap reward in the stash, deleted the char and created the second one, and found the third at twilight strand with this second char) will make your way through act1 fast and easy. Choose Clarity from Brutus (I picked up Summon Skeletons, damn me..) and a support at your choice from Merveil. Act 2 is very easy with mana flasks suited to your level. I can’t even remember which skills I picked up as a reward, firstly because they’re not useful for the build. If you can obtain somehow an added fire damage to link a bear trap with, you can 1shot everything (except vaal) During all normal difficulty there is no need to worry about armour/es and ele resistance from gears (well it’s always better not to have them at 0%) just wear gears which are an improvement of your previous one, especially in the amount of +hp given Cruel: still playing in normal 7 Known Issue
Mana..there isn’t never enough mana for us, so that sometimes I’m really thinking to go all the way in the Marauder tree, taking the +hp and %life regeneration nodes and then go for Blood Magic..
Anyway a nice paua and the clarity gem should do their job to keep your mana up and running. Not a proper issue, but i still have to understand the true potential of freeze mine..so maybe the passive skill tree and the linking gem on gears may vary Last edited by Effe86#2062 on Jun 13, 2013, 7:04:27 AM
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Build is still developing! every update will be noticed!
Post your critics, comments and everything you're thinking about this build! I've just changed a bit the skill section, made it more trap oriented!! Actually looking for help to best link Trap! Last edited by Effe86#2062 on Jun 13, 2013, 4:20:02 AM
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I just started a similar build on anarchy (Hats off for going onslaught with your first char. I play onslaught with a sporker that i'm already familiar with from HC).
Support gems: Was thinking of using chance to ignite with FT as the burning effects from the ground and from being ignited from the explosion do stack. Don't know how much STR you got on gear, but iron will is a nice support (after added fire) for bear trap with high enough STR. Tree: Isn't Blast Radius and Amplify kinda mandatory for a trap build? Found trap lying speed passiv not really helpful. Specced out of it. Gear: I will try to get a 5L Searing touch. Not sure if this is viable for onslaught as you are loosing the shield defense. Why is evasion useless for this build? Actually i'm going eva with my build. The reason is that while you take more damage against mobs, you will do better against bosses. Especially on onslaught you will get one hit against certain bosses no matter how high your life/armor (watch Kripp getting one shotted by Kole). Eva on the other hand gives you a chance to completly avoid that hit. I'd rather improve my chances for worst case scenarios and live with higher potion consumption on regular mob fights. It would be nice if someone with a high level trapster could comment on how to best solve the mana issues: Eldritch Battery? Or take Mana Geyser and/or Deep Thoughts? |
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Thank you for your comment Bada_Bing!
Actually I totally forgot about Chance to Ignite gem, and yes it suits very well fire trap as support! i'm adding it to the build guide! Iron grip is not bad but i'll try it later on the build! ABout the amplify and blast radius, yes they are pretty usefull, but i suggest to grab them only after you've completed the tree as suggested, life circle in Templar's tree is one of the thing to catch as soon as possible, we're in onslaught and hp is the thing that will keep us alive Evasion is useless because is not buffed, armor is increased by 44% and Es for 34%, so i guess it's more usefull to focus on armor/es gear I totally missed the mana gayser node..it seems pretty usefull for the build..maybe i'll give it a try! Trap nodes actually are not so good, the only notable one is +1 to the max number of trap you can lay on the ground so i won't suggest to take the second circle of trap nodes..but i still keep the first 3 nodes up |
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" I almost think that you will get better results from getting radius early - since, it will add more overall AE then your trap based passive will give. I suggest something along these lines: CI, Fire trap, Dual GMP Fireball totems. You'd use Carcass jack for even more radius. You'd run a 3 L ice spear to trigger the power charges. Mess with the best, die like the rest. Last edited by Edzilla#0339 on Jun 13, 2013, 8:03:11 AM
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Don't like this build very much..But i'll try to take some radius nodes earlier! Thank for sharing your pov Edzilla
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I've just started building one too - again just in Anarchy though.
I was going to favour a high risk, high damage, low life based approach based on mobility, and a few skeleton meat shields. Was also toying with trying searing bond, but that would preclude the skellie totem. Evasion based build, especially with acrobatics would seem to suit the theme of the build, but heading down that way would be going the wrong way for accessing all the witch/templar nodes so I'm not sure yet. Might try and use dagger(s) so I can use whirling blades for mobility too. I want to pick up movement speed nodes if possible - most people see them as a waste, but I like the mobility, plus it makes levelling a lot less of a chore. Can always spec out of them once you get better gear anyway. Only just got started with him, odd thing though, had very odd luck recently. My other Anarchy character has got to level 31 (I like playing a few chars at once) without a single alchemy. With my Shadow I found 3 in mud flats! Not a huge deal, but I like trying to craft/gamble my own gear (yes I know I am better off keeping them and trading) All the other character seems to find is glassblower baubles - found more on that character in a few days than in months on standard across loads of characters. That's rng for you I suppose! |
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Hi Carlovski, thanks for your reply!!
Hopefully a trap based build should focus on Eva and mobility, but it's not the case in wraeclast.. Just take in consideration this: Nullification gives an increment of 10% to eva and energy shield; Body and Soul gives a 20% to armor and 16% to ES, that's a substantial difference between the 2 path.. An Eva based build is weak against rare/unique monsters whose accuracy is higher than other mobs, and without any dmg reduction from armor, you can get 1shot wit ease in maps (or even from scums like Kole) Acrobatics will half botharmor and es..i'm quite suspicious about this keystone........ That's why i opted for armor/es. Daggers Will highly reduce all tour damage output, unless it's a very over powered dagger with increased spell/ele/fire dmg. Even if you gran a nice dagger, it won't match the benefit from a wand (or even sceptre and staff, such as searing touch) |
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Would a dagger be that much of a drop though? Are the possible spell damage values that much less? Would have the increased crit chance to compensate.
I think I will just go with what I can find though - if I find a much better wand than dagger, I'll use it! |
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Wand have an implicit mood that is x% increased spell dmg that daggers lack. Moreover wands are more likely to nave a second and a third mood such as x% increased spell/elemental or fire dmg
It's not a crit based build, so the crit chance and crit multiplier won't match the output of dmg from a wand Last edited by Effe86#2062 on Jun 14, 2013, 7:40:57 AM
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