Updated Open Beta Date Information
thats a great idea :)
you cant get the pvp out without working on the combat polishing tho , so thats the better path to follow :) Good luck chris ! and gratz for your game and work JA : CandyboxStudio creative director |
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" Now that you mentioned traps, specifically the support one. Buff plz. I confirmed that I am still in HC league. Then I died.
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it's a little bit sad but necessary...
Keep up to polish the combat feel and responsivness of players characters. it's, indeed, the most important part of an ARPG. everything else is secondary if this part isn't strictly rightly done. keep the good work, you're undoubtly on the good trail! ... nothing
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" not a problem, Chris. As much i hate to say it, the game has a tendency to have spike lag. It does not boils down good at all. There is still a minimum requirement before it goes OBT. Here is what i would like to see Urgent improvement over patch 0.9.11:- 1) Direct Trade Interface: - Just a simple one will do. - A trading window that show both sides - plus a trade-lock after you agreed. (Trading Shop can be implement later date) 2) Friend lists, have it organized into: - Groups, eg Guild. - Groups, with customised naming. - able to turn off/on the notification when your friend comes online/offine. (note: the notifications like friends coming online/offline, OR a member leaving/entering the area or party is causing a spike in the latency. Any of those is enough to kill you when you are in a fight. Mind me, those situations we are not in-control, especially friends coming online/offline.) Here is what i would like to see important improvement base on the game so far (currently its at 0.9.11):- 1) Skill Gems animation - Care have to be taken to balance the skill animation. some skills animation have a tendency to cause lag and even dc when combine with your teammate's. Party of 2-4 seems ok, but when its 5 or 6, its FPS can be single digit. (eg Firestorm, Raised Skeletons, heaps of Posion Cloud, Lightning Strike/Fireball/Ice Spear with multiple projectile, Fire Traps). I may be wrong here as it could be just the game doing the calcualtions. <some skills that doesnt cause lag are: freezepluse, raised zombie.> Perm. Retired from this unforgiving land of the Exiles.
Self-impost EXILED. |
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Hm, too bad :(
Everbody here insists, that releasing the game in an unfinished state ist a bad idea, but PoE will ALWAYS be unfinished. It is designed to be unfinished. Which is great! I don't really care about features or combat control or lag spikes or missing pvp or trading system. There is only one thing I care about at this point, and that is character persistency. Having a wipe when the open beta starts takes most of my motivation to play away, and even when I play, I sometimes feel like I wasted time, since after the wipe, the level progression is designed to last for years. I do understand that a lot of the planned features are needed to appeal to the crowd at the start of an open beta, but all I care about is the moment where I can start playing after the wipe. All those features can be implemented afterwards, since there will always be features added anyway. And it's the same for most people I try to recommend this to. When they hear that there is an Open Beta wipe, they are not even interested in starting to play now. But then again, most of these people, and myself, only have their semester break until the end of september. So even when the Open Beta can't start in August, I would really appreciate the needed wipe around that time. I do think that many interested hardcore gamers would be more drawn to the game by a final wipe and the followed character persistency, than by an open beta start and all the available features. But I can only suggest that, it's not my money and life's work that's on the line here ;) |
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I predict this but still its EXTREME dissapointment.
Pro hint: take this 700k from prepurchases and make game faster. overall: /fail and (i make topic on this before): DONT GIVE ETA'S THAT YOU CANNOT KEEP. Its completely unproffesional ans its happens in PoE every "two weeks". Last edited by Kabraxis#1526 on Jul 25, 2012, 6:58:57 AM
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I agree with you, Kabraxis. Chris and the GGGang should harden up and stop being nice to us by providing ETAs, projections and intentions. 'When it's ready, bitches, now stfu' should be their standard response.
I'm half-joking. Half. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. |
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I would like better not have an ETA that have an ETA pulled from ass that is given only to let the hype flow.
And i dont care how nice they are. Im a customer and im dissapointed. Its simple as that. For me there is nor difference when Blizzard gives me crap and GGG gives me crap. Crap is crap. Also this bodes poorly for post-release patching because its clear like sun that GGG have poor organization (its not first delay etc.. they are common. For me its poor planing and organization). This will happen also after launch. BTW. I really eager to see his massive imorovements to combat that causse the delay. Will you rewrite engine GGG so i can cast a buff without stopping my char? Because that will make combat 300% more fluid and satysfiing. If YES... I will love you again. Last edited by Kabraxis#1526 on Jul 25, 2012, 7:20:33 AM
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" you seem to be lacking knowledge of the definition of estimate I suggest you be a little more considerate before you throw around accusations like that |
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What accusations lol?
Im not a blind fanboy its all. and im dissapointed by delay that happens 2 weeks before ETA for OB after i test this game for year or something and after i give GGG my money (im happy now that i dont throw more). I dont care that you are offended by this but this is how i feel. Deal with it. Fail is fail. Last edited by Kabraxis#1526 on Jul 25, 2012, 7:24:26 AM
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