Updated Open Beta Date Information

Keep the good work guys.

Most of us probably prefer that you take your time to make something really awesome than rushing it and making a bad entrance in Open Beta. I'm confident people will be wowed when it's released and that was really matters in the end.
when's the next open weekend?
Was able to try the game this weekend. Had a really fun time. :) Great game, it was all that D3 wasn't. :P Will it be worth it to buy a beta key so close to the open beta?
netza wrote:
Was able to try the game this weekend. Had a really fun time. :) Great game, it was all that D3 wasn't. :P Will it be worth it to buy a beta key so close to the open beta?

You're not "buying a beta key", you're supporting GGG in developing Path of Exile. For this, you get beta access and credits you can use to buy non-pay2win stuff in the store. At the moment, you can only buy extra stash tabs and extra char slots. But with the Open Beta, a lot more stuff will be available in the shop.
So, if you enjoy the game, get yourself a key and have fun!
A sword he brought, his foes to maim and rend,
from places dark behind forbidden doors,
But night by night he woke with frighten'd roars
from darkest dreams, too strange to comprehend.
yeah i figured as much- mid august was fairly ambitious considering the amount of work proposed in your patch schedule. Open Beta will either be a time of great rejoicing or much disappointment depending on how GGG polish the game....
Take your time and get it right is a good policy.

I hope you get the desync problem ironed out before OB.
Really enjoying your good work up to date (except the desync bs) keep it up.
Bring me my bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire.....

If i am a troll who is no troll who then is the troll? http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/53626 }:)

'I rise from the ashes of my own defeat, only to be smitten down again...'
- Some poor soul.
Rhys wrote:
Please it civil, guys.

On topic: It's hard to make estimates about when it'll all be finished. We don't mean to keep pushing it back, but there are times when we find that we need to squeeze in more awesome and that takes time, etc.

I gotta remember that one for my next team meeting progress report ;)
Congrats on another successful public stress test weekend! What surprises me the most about Path of Exile is its supportive and helpful player base. I have just recently joined and I must say, I am amazed by the amount of people who have taken this open beta delay positively. In most games, any sort of delay, for better or worse, is often taken negatively by its player base. With that said, take all time you need GGG. Until then, I'll be patiently waiting for a chance to play what looks like an amazing game!
Will it be worth it to buy a beta key so close to the open beta?

I think this question, and a lot of posters who believe the game to be "free", are missing an important truth about the game.

Most anyone who plays the game for any length at all is going to very quickly come to the conclusion that they will need more storage space. More space costs points, available through game support.

So buy the points later, or buy them now, but buy them you most assuredly will, if you play the game for any length of time.

And that is just storage. I'm sure there will be innumerable things later on that will feel semi-mandatory for effective game enjoyment. In short, you might as well buy in now.

P.S. I don't begrudge this aspect of the game. I think this business model is brilliant and I fully support it, but let's stop pretending the game is free to anyone other than the most casual of players.
Last edited by Tindraa#7630 on Jul 30, 2012, 12:13:24 PM
I could support the game.It really deserves it.As time flows by,i think it gets better and better.

But the delay of the open beta is plane as day is on purpose,to get more money,which is good at one aspectbut on the other hand,all the money they could get would be until launch,and they know it.Cosmetics will bring few $$ in the devs pocket.

Though i am not happy that they delay this again(3rd time is it?),i can understand why they will do it.

Also as i read,this game will never go off the beta phase.Mark my words that it will be beta till 2013,whether it be closed or open.You can always inject things into the game and still be in beta,and also never be satisfied enough by it,so u always delay it for later.
Kinda remind me of dragensang online which was for 2 years at least in beta test,then got that label of end game still developing like it was in beta stages again.

My point is,they can drag the dd/mm/yy and it will always be developed.

I would be surprised if they said now that open beta will come sooner than october.

This game is awesome and becomes more and more good,but the next delay will enrage me so bad that i could just be a hater of it
Bye bye desync!
Last edited by elwindakos#7380 on Jul 30, 2012, 6:10:43 PM
elwindakos wrote:
I could support the game.It really deserves it.As time flows by,i think it gets better and better.

But the delay of the open beta is plane as day is on purpose,to get more money,which is good at one aspectbut on the other hand,all the money they could get would be until launch,and they know it.Cosmetics will bring few $$ in the devs pocket.

Though i am not happy that they delay this again(3rd time is it?),i can understand why they will do it.

Also as i read,this game will never go off the beta phase.Mark my words that it will be beta till 2013,whether it be closed or open.You can always inject things into the game and still be in beta,and also never be satisfied enough by it,so u always delay it for later.
Kinda remind me of dragensang online which was for 2 years at least in beta test,then got that label of end game still developing like it was in beta stages again.

My point is,they can drag the dd/mm/yy and it will always be developed.

I would be surprised if they said now that open beta will come sooner than october.

This game is awesome and becomes more and more good,but the next delay will enrage me so bad that i could just be a hater of it

props to this guy^

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