How I Got to Level 100

Congratulations, Good Thread, Fun mapping with you periodically

See all my reddit posts (even the shadowbanned ones)
All I'm going to say is congratulations on the rediculous amount of grinding.
what did you spend your last skill point on? Health?
hi spend it on 10% ele damage
"Path of nurfs" - LVL 100 + LVL 100 + LVL 100 ENDGAME REAVER
"1.3.0 Path of nurfs 3. expansion"
Shops: 1031762,774343,883462,371756,1091096,1099789,1260674
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Great job, and great read. I've followed you on twitch for a while and got to see you ding 100 on piety, and then 6L your friend's Lionseye. That was really cool, especially when your friend yelled and woke up his house. Also nice of you to gather all that currency to make it happen. From watching your groups a lot on twitch, you seem like a really genuine person and grateful for the group that helped you along the way.

I also followed your thread for your ranger and your progress along the way helped a ton in my build. I hope you get some type of acknowledgement even if the HC elitists scoff at you.

Enjoy your break. See you in hardcore soon!
Congrats on lvl 100. and I also very liked your thoughts about about changes to the mapping system
Yo. +1 for the Win! Don't be a stranger brosky. =)
Timezone: PST (California)
quite a bit of the nice drops we found that were converted to currency were (when i was running with hvr) due toe the fact that i was running 100/440 IQ/IR in the party. However that fuckers koams had nothing to do with me lol
IGN Discharge_me
hey HvR

maybe its time to farm 100+ regret orb

and go glass cannon!!! you dont have to worry about death anymore do you.
"Overall and got within 120mil before Kerkrom died (I mean Etup pk'd him) so I was never able to truly surpass him as I intended to."

technically, even if you passed him in experience you, in actuality, never passed him because you died many times and would have never made it to his level in the time it took him to get there. the leagues are mutually exclusive for a reason and shouldn't be compared.

thanks for the post, there was some interesting insight into mapping.


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