Not trolling or baiting, speaking the truth.
To realize you act in jealousy you need to realize that the reason you chose to post in this particular thread in that particular tone only happens because that condition is fulfilled, by telling people that they may realize it's right by self-reflection. Being told truth by others speeds up the process instead of people having to think it from the ground up each time, which is why the western world moved out of the dark ages and previous ages.
It is what it is, and that's all that it is.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all. Last edited by Crackmonster#7709 on Jun 1, 2013, 9:42:33 AM
Posted byCrackmonster#7709on Jun 1, 2013, 9:41:31 AM
no point in posting here angry henry erases everything that goes in direction pathetic nolifer even if he knows it is true
keep up the good work henry playerbase isnt dieing fast enough so we piss of the forum users
great tactic
what to expect from a staff member who supports multiboxing even when 99% of the playerbase considers it as cheating way to go
ohh forgot something...
gz havoc you are the best i envy you so much i hope one day i can spend so much time for a videogame and ppl will consider me an internet day Join the fun.
SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53 Last edited by ventiman#1405 on Jun 1, 2013, 10:07:28 AM
Posted byventiman#1405on Jun 1, 2013, 10:00:53 AM
[mod edit: post removed, off topic/baiting]
Last edited by Henry_GGG on Jun 1, 2013, 11:57:38 AM
Posted byJOJOGGJOJO#4789on Jun 1, 2013, 10:29:42 AM
Shagsbeard wrote:
kasub wrote:
Shagsbeard wrote:
What amazes me about this story is that he took a year off college because he didn't know what he wanted to do, and yet he could remain so focused on a stupid game to put in the number of hours needed to do this. Get some help. Someone can help you turn this degree of focus into something productive rather than a complete waste of effort.
Physics was my major too. I did a 5 year program in four years (BS + teaching cred). Mainly because I didn't blow the time spent playing computer games. I played a lot of bridge, but that was the game back then.
In my defense, computer games weren't nearly as sophisticated as they are today. Most were essentially text adventures... some with pictures. MUDs hadn't even come out yet.
He enjoys playing PoE. Are you really going to negatively judge him for enjoying PoE on the PoE forums?..
What he does with his life is none of anyone's business. This isn't a discussion about hvr's career choice, it's about the way he hit level 100.
I thought it was about spending 15 hours a day for months doing something which produced no tangible reward. Sorry... I must have misread his post. If he didn't want us to "judge him" he shouldn't post his life story on the internet.
Enjoying the game and the experience can be reward enough. I have lot of good memories playing games I wouldn't change for a pile of cash. Why do things you don't enjoy if you don't need to?
Posted byKnobb#6089on Jun 1, 2013, 3:29:29 PM
tuccos wrote:
at the end of the video your saying something like
>>> "Fucking n00bs are even to stupid to get to level 90" and so insult the most of us.
some of us are going to work to earn money and to pay bills, they dont life from social transfers and they cant play 24/7.
Your insult at the end of the video proves what type of person you are. Your definating yourself over a computer game for 6 year olds.
How can you insult 99% of the players and think your so great after doing nothing but playing a computer game ?
This is a game, you reached level 100 because you did nothing for your society, you didnt do anything good for your country either. you just sit in a room drinking coke , eating pizza doing nothing but playing a game for weeks.
How can you dare to insult so many people by reaching a specific level in a computer game just because they arent willing to spend all their lifetime for a childish game like you did ?
Sorry man, i had lots of respect for your L100 achievement but the one sentence at the end killed the illusion that someone nice and cool did it.
after you called all other players "stupid n00bs" you ruined your work for me. your not more than an lifeless over addicted person that gets his only success in life by playing a computer game instead of careing about a family, having a job or meet with real life friends let alone having a girlfriend....
i am extremly dissapointed, your not the type of hero your are a loser that is lookinjg for respect via a computer game for kids.
anyway grats for reaching level 100......... if we were all like you we were back in stoneage in 1 year.
dude from what I remember of the video that wasn't HvR who said that, it was one of his friends in mumble. Hes saying 'stupid noobs' to people who are trying to trash talk HvR for playing on softcore, telling him hes crap at the game when they haven't even progressed a character far enough to have the first clue what playing maps is like at high level, what dying once costs you in xp when you're a lvl93 character, they're people who get to about 65 in hc and die, not realising thats the same as getting about 2% xp in the late 90s.
HvR is a chilled dude, hes not trash talking people because he got to lvl100 and the guys in his ts arnt trash talking lower level players, they are reacting to comments being made in HvRs chat, on these forums and through in game messages at the time Im pretty sure.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Posted bySnorkle_uk#0761on Jun 1, 2013, 6:09:29 PM
AintCare wrote:
this guy died at lvl 30... even my first char made it further... this is as much of an achievement as a Chinese sweatshop award for employee of the month
man i understand the saying "haters are gonan hate" so well when i read your posts.
to havoc congratz to lvl 100 hope you will be there in onslaught.
Last edited by agbudar#4976 on Jun 1, 2013, 6:46:54 PM
Posted byagbudar#4976on Jun 1, 2013, 6:46:29 PM
agbudar wrote:
AintCare wrote:
this guy died at lvl 30... even my first char made it further... this is as much of an achievement as a Chinese sweatshop award for employee of the month
man i understand the saying "haters are gonan hate" so well when i read your posts.
to havoc congratz to lvl 100 hope you will be there in onslaught.
Posted byJOJOGGJOJO#4789on Jun 1, 2013, 9:08:38 PM
don't worry hvr ima bump!
Posted byJOJOGGJOJO#4789on Jun 2, 2013, 10:37:50 AM
agbudar wrote:
AintCare wrote:
this guy died at lvl 30... even my first char made it further... this is as much of an achievement as a Chinese sweatshop award for employee of the month
man i understand the saying "haters are gonan hate" so well when i read your posts.
to havoc congratz to lvl 100 hope you will be there in onslaught.
Can't find the originaly quoted post, but, no truer words have been spoken on this thread.
Really sad response, though. Haters gona hate, on having an immense amount of playtime and dying 40 times. Yes, I am so very jealous.
Mess with the best, die like the rest. Last edited by Edzilla#0339 on Jun 2, 2013, 10:41:17 AM
Posted byEdzilla#0339on Jun 2, 2013, 10:40:39 AM
Henry_GGG wrote:
Various posts removed for breaking the rules.
Please keep the thread on topic and don't resort to name calling/baiting/trolling.
Your post will be removed and if you keep doing it, we'll put you on probation.
My previous post had nothing to do with either of the three listed. Not sure why my post was edited. I was merely stating my opinion and my reaction to this thread - since when is that breaking CoC?
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Posted byEdzilla#0339on Jun 2, 2013, 10:42:38 AM