BIG POLL about mechanics enjoyment level!


This poll is to try to assess how much players enjoy the different mechanics in POE1 !

This is not about how much you find it USEFUL or REWARDING (even though it will probably influence how much you enjoy it) but more about how much you have fun when you run it! Just think at how much you got dopamine shot when you meet that mechanic!

1 - Almost never enjoy running it : This mechanics makes your gaming experience less fun and you don't want to meet that mechanic. You block it if you don't need its rewards.
3 - Indifferent in running it : You have no strong opinion about how you feel about running that mechanic
5 - Almost always enjoy running it : Regardless of the rewards, you enjoy this game mechanics and have fun running it, getting better at it and using it to get rewards.

This might give us an insight of what mechanics are generally enjoyed and which ones should be changed by GGG, like Metamorph who was recently replaced by Ultimatum, after realizing that very few players enjoyed running Metamorph.

I chose to put only significant mechanics that can take a bit of time and investment, with at least multiple maps and bosses, and not small map mechanics such as Strongboxes or Rogue exiles.

Results in 10 days, published here and on the pathofexile subreddit!
Last bumped on Mar 19, 2025, 2:08:55 PM
I'm wondering what the crowd favorite is going to be.
Big sad.
I have completed the poll :)
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
Poll completed :)
lol that poll aint too big to be honest
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Poll completed.
~ There are spectacular moments.
The company has the actual numbers on stuff like this so this poll is meaningless
Mash the clean
The company has the actual numbers on stuff like this so this poll is meaningless

i've actually thought of doing a poll like this before.

one reason why i didnt do it was because its exactly like what you mentioned. GGG has the numbers.

another reason is, this is poe forums, the amount of responses we get is not going to be sufficient enough to get a proper picture. even if it was posted on the subreddit, many people just play the game without engaging in either. so the data is not really too reliable

the last reason is, i dont want to put too much effort helping ggg collect data. thats their job not ours. and even with their data, are they actually going to do anything about it? and most importantly to me, is would they change certain aspects of the game to what i would prefer?

such polls only serve as a little amusement.

i've actually filled it up regardless.
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