Gg support is probably the worst ever, change my mind. They do not respond to emails

Sarno#0493 wrote:
I think it's a combination of things;

  • A lot of things are gated behind "please email us at" - even things such as some account link functionality you might expect a DIY option for on the website.
  • Their sole game's cyclical nature strongly discouraged GGG from sufficiently upscaling the number of support staff, because for maybe 8 months of the year, they'd be largely idle. So instead they seem to have pretty much scaled up as necessary for the regular, relatively quiet periods, and just accepted that any time they have a troubled launch it's going to be a disaster.
  • When you do contact them, it's rare (and I am being generous here) to get a resolution in the initial response from them. This is because not only do they have a policy of asking questions to verify your identity, but they also very often do this over multiple responses. So you wait to be asked questions, to wait again to be asked even more questions, to wait until maybe getting a solution the third go around.
  • They've never bothered to set up some kind of support site / help centre / etc. with support articles that 1) explain how to go about doing things and some of their policies, and, 2) the information they will require to investigate different types of issue. While those using e.g. Zendesk can have multiple contact forms which dynamically update to add fields (e.g. a Query Type of "account rename" might add a "new account name" field...), GGG just makes do with email-based support. While renaming accounts is obviously a weak example, you get the idea.
  • They have never bothered offering some kind of portal where you can log in and view the status of your support requests. So sometimes they have to read through duplicate messages or queries about whether a previous message was received.
  • The lack of account security options such as using e.g. Google Authenticator and some seemingly questionable internal security also contributes to more support requests going in. In the past I attended a Community Summit hosted by Blizzard in Versailles, and they said one of the best things they've ever done was adding 2FA support - there is a reason why you get a free pet in World of Warcraft just for enabling it on your account!

These things aren't additive... they're multiplicative. Customers not knowing what information to provide and staff slow-rolling identity verification prolongues each individual support request, while the lack of DIY options increases the number of support requets, and then them having an insufficient number of staff to respond to support requests just makes everything worse.

But hey... given I was kicked out of the VP program for criticising how the support department at GGG is managed, I can only assume this post will go missing and maybe even earn me a vacation.


But hey we should cut GGG some slack. Small indie company and all. They'll smooth things over after the understandably unstable Beta period.

PS when you say they're multiplicative and not additive do you mean more or increased?

More, naturally.
~ There are spectacular moments.
completely disagree i sent them an email couple of days ago they responded within 24 hours and moreover fixed my issue as well.

if you said "i didnt have a problem with their support and they provided me fast response" that would be providing feedback.

on the other hand, when you say you disagree. what are you exactly disagreeing to?

other people are having problems that you dont have. what is there for you to disagree?

thats like having a dude with no legs complaining that he cant access a building because theres no wheelchair ramp then you come along and say

i disagree! i have no problems accessing the building!
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