Watch GGG Live on March 27th PDT - Everything You Need to Know about 0.2.0

booking off april 4th lmao
Worst date possible, why just not give the Last Epoch players 1 week to play the new league.

Sad but ill go with Last epoch then and wait for 3.26 after that.
if one death per map will still be a thing in the endgame, I'd rather play the last epoch indefinitely
Exile rise up!
okay i was really looking forward to this but ggg choosing to launch at the same time as last epoch is a jerk move. I like to play all arpg's and when you force us to choose im going to choose them instead. if staff are looking at this you can see how much money i spend on ggg and im saying youre being jerks about this. you can tell Chris has no say in this matter at all trying to kill the healthy comp
half a year for one new class and weapon? and some people thought the EA will only last a few months lmao.
okay i was really looking forward to this but ggg choosing to launch at the same time as last epoch is a jerk move. I like to play all arpg's and when you force us to choose im going to choose them instead. if staff are looking at this you can see how much money i spend on ggg and im saying youre being jerks about this. you can tell Chris has no say in this matter at all trying to kill the healthy comp

What do you suggest they do? Delay the update so that it isnt anywhere near another game's update they have nothing to do with so that the fans of POE get pissed at GGG for being late and slow? Or should they release the update faster ridden with bugs so that the fans of POE get pissed off at GGG for doing a bad job?

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