You have been detected cheating message.

As everyone is saying, I only run a loot filter and ultra wide screen. If my account gets banned so be it. This game is just not good using 1/3 of my screen and is so much better on the UW. Only started getting this message after the last patch. I could understand if it was a PvP and you had an advantage but hell the devs can look at my death ratio....there is no increased benefit to using an UW, I still die a good amount lol.

I opened a support ticket hopefully the devs. Make this exception.
Also jumping in to say this is some BS the the UW github fix would all of a sudden cause us to get flagged. I've played for years and spent an absurd amount of money on this game. What sucks is that they I want to say they had proper UW support at first and decided it is somehow unfair for us to get to use our whole screen since we can see further off screen I guess. Complete and utter BS I had logged in after a 2 week hiatus to the message.
Ultrawide fix also. Sorry, Rose... you did a great job fixing their game.
Quitting this game until they fix ultrawide proper.
I had the ultrawide installed at one point. Deleted it awhile back and I am still getting the issue unless that file is also located somewhere outside the regular install folder. Really mad about this.
No ultrawide = not another dime from me, buhbye!
got one for reshade (non-script version) as well. no advantage whatsoever, actually playing with 5 less fps because I use a lot of effects and prefer how it looks. might actually be a dealbreaker for me if I can't enjoy the game like this. flagging people for ultrawide fix is crazy too
have the same message today

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