The Legacy of Phrecia is Extended - Tentative Timeline for 3.26 Expansion

Thank you, great news
Bruh just release the private league mod sooner than later the idols completely ruin phrecia.
Waiting patiently for 3.26. Good luck!
Started playing in Ultimatum and got serious in Archnemesis.

PoE IGN: Ash_SoK
PoE2 IGN: EmilCioran_
Steam friend code: 413758162
Hello I'm a Chinese player, so far the web bazaar can't check the price of the newly added idols, the game experience is especially painful, please ask when can we update this part of the content for the Chinese area, we especially need it, thank you!
Thanks for extending the event. One month was just not going to be enough.
Had been hoping May for 326, but Phrecia has been a good event and being able to pick and choose pieces of it will be better.

Please do a balance pass of the idols before the April private league promo. You know the egregious one that needs a fix.

Also while private leagues are getting looked into, can we get "Gem XP is Ruthless" aka 84% less gem XP as an opt-in private league option; it will make attack builds objectively better than spell builds while levelling without adjusting the endgame balance, which would be a great meta shift.
Le Toucan Will Return
1 year of city building simulator.

You mean JUNE of the year 2025, not the JUNE of the year 2026?

At this point I feel it needs to be asked.
~ Seph
druid and huntress please, pretty much the only thing i care about at this point

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