The Legacy of Phrecia is Extended - Tentative Timeline for 3.26 Expansion

Please consider keeping it until you have a fully operational new league. Thank you!
I can't wait until june... :(
This might sound entitled, but after making the mistake of buying PoE 2 (and to be clear, I do enjoy the game—I just expected them to treat their player base better), I won’t be supporting their efforts until I see real, meaningful changes.

You're right, is does sound entitled because it is. Also no one cares. PoE1 is still the best ARPG on the market and if they labeled Phrecia as 3.26 you'd have believed it, as it's more content than most leagues simply as it is. So what you're really doing is splitting hairs, as Settlers content would have went core regardless.

Also PoE2 despite missing 70% of it's classes, items, skills, and half it's campaign with a tossed together on a whim end-game is probably the second best ARPG on the market, and if people would stop being "entitled" and unrealistic would realize that this time next year PoE2 will probably be just as good if not better than PoE1.

Therefore, what everyone is crying and moaning about is actually an absolute golden age for PoE as a whole, it's just your impatience and deluded need to feel every aspect of each game has to be catered to only your likes that makes it seem otherwise.

"golden age for PoE" in delusion.
Looking forward to the next league, 3.26. Thanks GGG.
you said June.. but forgott the year.. 2025, 2026 or 2027 ?
I can appreciate this new event and all but this does seem like the start of the standby mode for poe1. 1 year for a new league? OOF.. Well, one can only hope that PoE 2 will improve drastically in the meanwhile so we can at least enjoy one of the 2 games. PoE 2 have the potential to be amazing while poe 1 already is amazing but super outdated.. What a not so good place to be as a PoE player imo. Hope to hear some good news soon from the team! keep it up fellas
Looks like GGG bite off more than they can chew. So, whats next? Another damage control with free skins, because EA will be year or more?
June. What a joke.
June 25 > July 24 > One year on the same league ... No more comment.
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