The Legacy of Phrecia is Extended - Tentative Timeline for 3.26 Expansion

Finally some good news!
Great news ! : )
New idea to create league once for almost 1 year is kinda ,,cool" <sunglasses> xDD
giving chance to le
Please no towers
You can keep Phrecia going till june, the event is great, the builds are so fun, keep it through may too, please!!!
glad i stopped spend money in ggg.
its a straight up lie stating that this event was popular and needed to be extended. just tell us u need more time its not a big deal but dont gaslight us thats a big deal
Next league, the most popular new ascendancy should be made available.
Just fix the code quickly and let us have more than 3 ascendancies to choose from.
They say June so it means August.

(note. Idols are bad just like PoE2.
I miss Chris)

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