Community Split

I've been following feedback closely since Dec 6. And I'd say that POE2 players split evenly into these 2 distinct groups with 2 distinct "philosоphies":

"Campaign is tedious"
"Campaign is the best thing in the game"

If GGG wants to keep both, they need to make/hire 2 different balancing teams to work on 2 different game modes (super slow / super fast). Otherwise they will lose 50% of initial/potential playerbase for every future league or big update.
Last edited by Azimuthus#1135 on Feb 27, 2025, 12:44:14 PM
After 3 months and a lot of content creators and people I've been talking to there are 2 crowds of people and the community seems to be split down the middle.

The first one is either new to exilelikes/PoE or PoE1 vets who basically want PoE2 to be PoE1.5 or very close to the original PoE1 4.0 with all the QoL of PoE2, but the pacing of PoE1

The second one is everyone who enjoyed PoE2s campaign a lot more than the current endgame and would love to have the endgame be more of the campaign pace rather than a zoomfest similar to PoE1

Those 2 groups can't really be united into one game so I hope/beg GGG to modernize PoE1 and announce PoE1 4.0 or PoE2 ruthless with the original vision for the game

It's not that black and white.

I played POE1 during Closed Beta, did some early races, and did some leagues in POE1. Probably put a few hundred hours into it, but am hardly a "veteran".

I also much prefer PoE2, and enjoy both the campaing and the endgame. Currently challenging myself to reach 92 on my Warrior in SSF.

There is no community split, there is just a bunch of squealing pigbabies that spend more time on the forum than in game.

Endgame is good. Running maps is a satisfying gameplay loop. It just needs a lot of finetuning and more content.

Basically there should be room for "zoomy map blasters" to have fun, make great profit, etc... There should also be room for tankier, slower builds to also have fun, make decent profit, etc...

Found your problem.[/quote]

If you're saying that in a "trade" league that being economically viable [I.E. being sufficiently profitable to be an economic participant] isn't a consideration for the design layer of the game then I'd say you're possibly have a problem in understanding yourself ....

It's possible that I misunderstand your feedback though -- care to elaborate??[/quote]

If your main concern is profit then you are definitely pushed towards a zoomy build. If you want slow and tanky there is nothing stopping you from playing a Quin69 build on SSFHC. You can also play a super slow build and sit in your hideout all day and make 10x the profit of map blasters if you know what to do. Anything done to boost loot for lower levels seems to exponentially increase the top tier loot explosions.[/quote]

The problem is that it's an action, loot dropping fighting game. Sitting in hideout and trading all day shouldn't even be a consideration. People play games to actually play games, we don't get home from work and think " i really want to sit in a hideout for the next 2 hours and play a stock market simulator"

I cant even believe this is considered in a video game. All build should be able to progress by playing and nothing but playing.
_rt_#4636 wrote:
This would all have been solved if GGG accepted this is a videogame and they just added a strict-SSF/offline mode with room for each individual to slightly customize their difficulty.

Strict-SSF/offline = your character CANNOT be transferred to trade league, and when a league ends, it'll be separated from them too.

The people asking PoE 2 endgame to be more like the campaign mostly don't care about the economy. They just want an engaging game to play and have fun.

There's absolutely no way a slow build can compete with a zoom-zoom build when it comes to "profit". It's a simple matter: you kill more stuff faster, you get more drops faster...

What does it matter if build XYZ outcompetes yours?

Especially if you are into SSF?

Reality is relative. Your build is a great build in your own bubble.

After YEARS of playing Diablo II one day I found a Stormshield. The fact I didn't have that shield all those years did not hinder or make my gameplay any less valuable.

While it is all relative I think it is also very good that we are ALL sharing the same game. Same rules.

Whining about an offline mode also is delusional, this is a MTX game hello?
DeF46#3887 wrote:
After 3 months and a lot of content creators and people I've been talking to there are 2 crowds of people and the community seems to be split down the middle.

The first one is either new to exilelikes/PoE or PoE1 vets who basically want PoE2 to be PoE1.5 or very close to the original PoE1 4.0 with all the QoL of PoE2, but the pacing of PoE1

The second one is everyone who enjoyed PoE2s campaign a lot more than the current endgame and would love to have the endgame be more of the campaign pace rather than a zoomfest similar to PoE1

Those 2 groups can't really be united into one game so I hope/beg GGG to modernize PoE1 and announce PoE1 4.0 or PoE2 ruthless with the original vision for the game

It's not that black and white.

I played POE1 during Closed Beta, did some early races, and did some leagues in POE1. Probably put a few hundred hours into it, but am hardly a "veteran".

I also much prefer PoE2, and enjoy both the campaing and the endgame. Currently challenging myself to reach 92 on my Warrior in SSF.

There is no community split, there is just a bunch of squealing pigbabies that spend more time on the forum than in game.

Endgame is good. Running maps is a satisfying gameplay loop. It just needs a lot of finetuning and more content.
you just proved the split
Last edited by outlander19900#0213 on Feb 27, 2025, 1:45:19 PM
DeF46#3887 wrote:
After 3 months and a lot of content creators and people I've been talking to there are 2 crowds of people and the community seems to be split down the middle.

The first one is either new to exilelikes/PoE or PoE1 vets who basically want PoE2 to be PoE1.5 or very close to the original PoE1 4.0 with all the QoL of PoE2, but the pacing of PoE1

The second one is everyone who enjoyed PoE2s campaign a lot more than the current endgame and would love to have the endgame be more of the campaign pace rather than a zoomfest similar to PoE1

Those 2 groups can't really be united into one game so I hope/beg GGG to modernize PoE1 and announce PoE1 4.0 or PoE2 ruthless with the original vision for the game

It's not that black and white.

I played POE1 during Closed Beta, did some early races, and did some leagues in POE1. Probably put a few hundred hours into it, but am hardly a "veteran".

I also much prefer PoE2, and enjoy both the campaing and the endgame. Currently challenging myself to reach 92 on my Warrior in SSF.

There is no community split, there is just a bunch of squealing pigbabies that spend more time on the forum than in game.

Endgame is good. Running maps is a satisfying gameplay loop. It just needs a lot of finetuning and more content.

You just proved the split lmao
I dont want a SSF with special rules, the same way I don't want a HC mode with different game balance.

The whole point of SSF is to enjoy the journey. Knowing there are nutty builds enabled by trade that you could, in theory, achieve in SSF gives you really long term goals. That's why SSF is so good. If you made it easier in SSF to put together meta build gear, then you'll get bored the same as in trade.

Can we just appreciate for a moment just how COOL and how AWESOME it is that we have a SSF mode in the first place? That we dont have to deal with trade those that dont want to!

You just proved the split lmao

Then you can't read. I enjoyed POE1 and I also prefer POE2, meaning I dont care if POE2 is like POE1.

I also said I like both Campaign and Endgame.

We can blabber all day GGG probably only minimally consults these forums, and they already know the game they are building, which evidently is a lot like POE1 for good or for worse.

Yet even if it is a lot like POE1 in terms of endgame, they made stellar improvements to the campaign, general visuals, animations, boss fights etc.

So they have effectively already shown they have succeeded in making POE more accessible.

Some want to go further and want them to create a different ARPG altogether, good luck with that. They have changed very little about their design philosophy in the past ten years afaik.
DeF46#3887 wrote:

You just proved the split lmao

Then you can't read. I enjoyed POE1 and I also prefer POE2, meaning I dont care if POE2 is like POE1.

I also said I like both Campaign and Endgame.

We can blabber all day GGG probably only minimally consults these forums, and they already know the game they are building, which evidently is a lot like POE1 for good or for worse.

Yet even if it is a lot like POE1 in terms of endgame, they made stellar improvements to the campaign, general visuals, animations, boss fights etc.

So they have effectively already shown they have succeeded in making POE more accessible.

Some want to go further and want them to create a different ARPG altogether, good luck with that. They have changed very little about their design philosophy in the past ten years afaik.
i never played poe1 so not comparing to that atall and have 0 experience or bias for or against the devs.

I dont care if its an improvement to poe1 or not, isnt this game supposed to be different.

Calling people babies for not enjoying the same things as you is wild lol. Just because you are conditioned to view certain things as normal and acceptable doesn't mean everyone else is.

Newer player are better at spotting the shit purely because they have no bias and have not been conditioned.

There are 2 sides and the oposing side to you are valid and not discredited as babies lol.

Last edited by LeFlesh#9979 on Feb 27, 2025, 2:03:33 PM

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