my farmers in kingmarsh keep stop working when i put them at work


i have a strange bug like the title said, for 2 days in a row i can't put farmers to farm food in kingmarsh and i can't understand why.

when i put them they work 2 sec and despawn from the farming plot instantly. i have like 35 h of gold in kingsmarsh and my farm is lvl 11.

because of this bug i just can't have food and the farmers dont work when i work in real life . for 2 days until now i was not able to put farmers on farming plot for work. this bug is only on the farming , the other job work well, i never experienced something like this .

maybe its simple but i can't figure it out , can you help me plz?

Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 6:50:23 AM
ok i find why and its very stupid from me sorry ,

the window of workers choosable have not idle worker only taken , so i was taking workers who was already working in farm or other job xD.

its work now , you can close this or can i ?

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