Whisperer Freny Charges not working?

For the Phrecia if you take the Ascendency and get four to minimum Frenzy charges, plus one max and then get the other three nodes that give plus 1 to max, along with the bonus plus one to max (at the bottom of the Duelist starting area) shouldn't you have a total of nine? Five minimum plus four additional to max?
Last bumped on Feb 26, 2025, 9:58:53 PM
3 is standard. 3 min means u have got them all. if u have +1 u have 3 min and u have 1 to gain from something max.
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
I'm not sure that's correct.

The ascendancy gives you four to minimum, plus one max
Passives give you another 1 to minimum and 3 to max

So standing in my hideout I have 5 floating around me. That's correct.
When I use manaforged and frenzy, I should have a total of nine - four from the max options on Ascendancy/Passives on top of the five minimum?
Polrayne#0481 wrote:
Five minimum plus four additional to max?

5 minimum is 5 minimum, and has no effect on the maximum.
The only interaction between min and max charges is that if min > max, max takes precedence.

You have +4 to max charges from Ascendancy + tree passives. This combines with the base max value of 3, to give you 7 Maximum Frenzy Charges.

You have +5 min charges from Ascendancy + tree passive. You will never have fewer than 5 charges, unless you have fewer than 5 max charges.

You have 5 min and 7 max charges. You can gain up to 2 additional charges above your minimum.
Working as intended
Ahh gotcha - I knew that the max was three as a baseline, but assumed that was being increased with each passive allocated on the tree. Thank you!

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