3 months in, 12 classes 4 workable builds using 2 skills.

OK having just under 800 hours played I think I have come to the conclusion GGG have imported everything hated about POE 1 and amplified it.

1) Trails but worse
2) XP loss that is even more punishing with exponential XP falloff.
3) One shots, homing on death ONE shots, map is "on fire", on death explosions.
4) diabolical trade system
5) Loads of classes and subclasses with ONLY 4 genuinely workable endgame builds use 2 classes.

6) Scams, bots, price fixing, and streamer RNG on steroids.
7) 3rd party currency trading with sponsored ads on all the major sites.
8) No feedback or updates from GGG other than vague "yeah we are doing stuff". No balance patches, no promised marketplace, no buffs to utter garbage classes. Oh we are getting a few support gems...don't care. Fix the game when?

9) Convoluted af weapon swap garbage with skill tree options. Yay more convolution is just what POE 2 needs because POE 1 isn't a convoluted bloated mess.

10) An ascendency that allows you to have a slightly larger inventory? Ooof
11) Dumb defense mechanics, armour that still doesn't work, no ability to melee.

12) No crafting, rng nightmare with massive weighting on garbage stats. Tier 1-5 guarantee high tier garbage, I know I identified 10's of thousands of tiered and none tiered rares, all crap. Currency is useless without hyper rare omens that cost a days farming to buy one for one stat on one item.

13) 100% sure all the new POE 2 streamers work for GGG. They advertise 3 mirror builds with "for only 8 divines... seen these gross practices in mobile games to attract players with the promise of loot explosions. What happened to the GOAT streamers? They offered critics and got shoved to the bottom of the YT pile even though subscribed.

14) one portal.
15) Worst of all - run the campaign 100 times in the hope your planned build will work....It won't. 30 hours wasted. It was a nightmare to level bloodmage to 85 ish I had to remove the ascendency.

16) One shot the boss or get one shot. Warp or Clear the map from off screen or spend 20 minutes a map. Ooof

17) No life node?

On and on....

Most can be fixed by fiddling a few numbers and equations. Cannot be hard to make all classes viable, the 3 class meta crap was depressing on POE. Adding and altering equations is by far the easiest thing to do and can be done by a minimum wage intern. You don't need veteran programmers from POE to do basic math using matlab.

Stormwaver, Gemling and Invoker make up 80% of builds. Spark and stat stacking represent the entire meta. All builds revolve around earning or lets be honest BUYING mirrors off 3rd parties. 100% sure GGG are getting kickbacks from these
currency sellers at this point as they are literally destroying their game. The thing is the builds that work are no fun or fiddley af, need more keys on my KB.

Dark souls of arpgs my arse, POE 1 2.0 with added scams, currency selling, no crafting with diabolical drop rates without massive currency investments. Currency near impossible to farm without scamming, buying with $$$....

Having dealt with GGG for over a decade, I have lost all confidence anything will change. I hope I am wrong but I am not expecting different results after 12 years of false promises.

1. Trials are better. Lab in poe1 is not challenging and not interesting. It's just map and boss with 3 attacks.

2. Don't die?

3. On death effects can be avoided if you walk away, or not stay still. Somehow HC players have no issues.

4. Agree

5. Said metaslave. Try to look outside of meta bubble.

6. Bots being banned. Price fixing because free market. Scams also getting banned. Streamer RNG is conspiracy bullshit.

7. Idk what you talk about, when you have ingame currency exchange. And official trade for trading items. Nothing else is needed.

8. People working, work takes time, ever heard of this concept?

9. You don't need to swap manually, set skill to one of weapons, it will swap automatically. Weapon sets are good, allowing you to have effectively 24 more points. Aside, what stop you from not using weapon set points?

10. People like it. Even for 4 ascendancy points 50% increase effect ascendancy is insane. If it was 2 points, that would be just OP broken.

11. Armor work, just not as good, and you don't need much armor anyway. Hardest phys hits come from Xesht that hit for 4k something damage. Stacking 5k+ Life is not hard, 5k+ ES even easier. All mobs in maps that do hard phys hits are slow and easy to avoid. Most boss attacks can be avoided too.

Evasion is OP. ES is too strong compare to Life.

12. "I know I identified 10's of thousands of tiered and none tiered rares, all crap." - just lie.

One inventory on average is ~8 items. This mean you identified 1250 inventories of gear at very least, but since you said "10's of thousands" i guess its 20k, 30k or even more if its even true (it's not). So lets say 5000 inventories of gear, and from this many items literally 0 were good? Sure lol

13. This just insanity. There are some bait builds from trash youtubers, but mostly it's fine/legit.

14. Good.

15. Bloodmage likely will change. 100 times to run campaign to make working build is another insanity from OP.

16. Yet another babyrage.

17. Ok and? I can get 5k life on Chronomancer, i can get 8k life on Titan, i can get over 10k life on gemling. Seems enough to survive anything.

Pretty well said.

So many design.. decisions made that it's honestly baffling how it feels like none of the necessary lessons were learned from the development of the first game.

And now the game kinda stagnates with no major updates and ailing economy, with only a promise on the horizon and knowing how fickle playerbases can be that's a very big gamble to rely on so can only hope GGG can pull it off in the long run.
For those doubting "tens of thousands" of identified rares.

Using only breach mods on the maps with quantity items x3-5 so 100% quant ish more or less. +-200 rarity on maps and 197% rarity on character and some 36% more rare monster delirious, 400 wisdom scrolls in the inventory with "pick up, ID then drop". Using minimum loot filter. Each rare mob can drop up to 10 rares, with average of 3 breaches per map you can cover the entire map tile in rare items. You are looking at 30-50 rare monsters on an open map tile depending on how many breaches.

Easily 10's of thousands. You can realistically get 200 rare items a map as an average with half these modifiers. X 100 maps......I did way more than 100 maps.

I did not transport all these rare items to my hideout as that would be idiotic beyond reason.

fouquet#0993 wrote:
It is weird that Jonathan reacted to strongly to people complaining about the early nerfs to some skills and not any other complaint. I think he WAAAAAY over corrected and decided only infrequent huge patches to avoid complaints and this has had a negative cascade effect on the development during this EA.

The obvious play to me would have been to simply be more liberal about handing out character resets and just going ham on changes, nerfs and experimental updates to get maximum data and feedback.

This slow large update approach is wasting valuable testing hours which could improve the game and has soured more people to PoE2 than any nerfs could.

It is mismanagement of priorities on an epic scale and I really hope the studio does some internal soul searching and changes tact.

I really like the PoE1 event and I hope that more 'experimental' updates and events come in the future.

Spot on with everything you said
The biggest problem they are having is treating this as a released game and not early access. EA is the time to throw around ideas and test things; not waiting 4-6 months for "leagues". They need to start doing a lot more and much more frequently.
Last edited by Karishin#7986 on Feb 27, 2025, 12:02:53 PM
Almost everything here is exactly how they have steered POE1. And i fully agree, GGG (Tencent) is making profits on the RMT. I think it was part of their design decision long ago.

Theres literally no reason for the lack of *good* items dropping, other then the fact they have tuned the game for RMT.

What humors me also, is how people these days boast these fucking ridiculous hours, (even i have that digusting clock way up there) and fucking next to no one human i have ever talked to has found a mirror. I mean wtf... theres rng and decent rates, and there rng tuned for RMT. Gee, i wonder what one is at work here.

Just an eg: from poe1. Used to be me and my buddy would farm doctor cards in burial grounds way back. Every 10 or so runs, we would get a doctor card. Not bad, as it still took , what 8? more? I dont recall at the moment, but... Recently i started farming Sepulcher for some Doctor cards.. 300+ sepulcher maps later... not one fucking card...

But i did notice, they added in more Div Cards, such as the Nurse, so you can get a single doctor card that way ...

Much like the shards for fucking everything in the game, the loot has been diluted, nerfed, and lowered rates over and over... Yea, not made for avergae humans to enjoy ever, thats for sure.

Honestly, i have never seen a game franchise that is so unrewarding to play. It didnt used to be the way, but then... Tencent, greed, i dont know, i dont care. GGG is nothing but a clown that once had good faith, that Tencent used to leverage profits. Thats all.
GGG - Why you no?
Last edited by JoannaDark#6252 on Feb 27, 2025, 12:05:53 PM
trash balance = trash game
fouquet#0993 wrote:
It is weird that Jonathan reacted to strongly to people complaining about the early nerfs to some skills and not any other complaint. I think he WAAAAAY over corrected and decided only infrequent huge patches to avoid complaints and this has had a negative cascade effect on the development during this EA.

The ONLY reason why they do this is to sell more supporter packs.
Dont be fooled by some marketing speech

1. Trials are better. Lab in poe1 is not challenging and not interesting. It's just map and boss with 3 attacks.

2. Don't die?

3. On death effects can be avoided if you walk away, or not stay still. Somehow HC players have no issues.

I agree with PaintMaster. I'm 620 hours in and loving PoE 2, it's infinitely better than PoE 1.

I'm playing HC SSF, have 6 characters in maps (one of each class), never died outside of normal campaign and I can do T15 maps. I only play my own builds. There is an extreme degree of flexibility in what you can do.

It's so interesting to me that death seems to be a softcore only issue. If you build defences and think about what suffixes are on your maps there's no issue.

PoE 2 is a complex game, there should be content that requires mastery over the game in it's entire complexity -- Some people get to that content because #1 their softcore and can focus entirely on damage with no real consequences for death and #2 trade.
Ideally there should be a point in the game where gear only gets you so far. Being able to skip game mechanics by having absurd damage is hopefully not intended and hopefully will get fixed.

I also enjoy both trials, especially sekhemas, and agree that it's way better than PoE 1. And I think that it's great that ascending is difficult, makes it feel much more rewarding to achieve :)

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