PoE2 is too EASY

I started playing PoE2 expecting a challenge and boy was I disappointed.

10% xp loss? LAME. Make it 100%. My Sparker never dies.
Crying about being one-shot? 1,500 Divs can easily solve that problem.
Quit whining, quit your job, pick yourself up by your bootstraps and play 16 hours a day and you too one day will become as good as Elon Musk.
Also, what is it with pressing one button to obliterate entire screens?
That's one button too many.

Trial of SUCKhemas should only be accessed AFTER Level 95 and should be much longer with at least triple the debuffs, no relics and only 1 Honour. If you fail to complete any of the trials, your character should lose ALL ascendancy points and 5 Levels.
Make the stakes worth my time.

Just cause some losers can't GIT GUD doesn't mean that we elites have to suffer.

Shame on you for pandering to the plebs, GGG.

P.S. The racing event SUCKS because there is more than one prize. Stop giving away 2nd and 3rd participation trophy prizes. 2nd Place is 1st LOSER and should get nothing.
Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 2:17:54 PM
LEVERS. levers everywhere. at least 20 levers in 1 map. at least 30 minutes to clean 1 map! less drops per map !
oh more hide and seek gameplay with mobs! forced 100% mobs cleared to finish a map! more spots for mobs to hide in!
Puente#5374 wrote:
LEVERS. levers everywhere. at least 20 levers in 1 map. at least 30 minutes to clean 1 map! less drops per map !

Those are great ideas but not hardcore enough. Maps should take a minimum of 45 minutes to clear and items should only drop if you have +500 mf. 1 Lever per 10 steps is the bare minimum I will tolerate.
Last edited by Sperno#6959 on Feb 24, 2025, 8:44:12 AM
Puente#5374 wrote:
oh more hide and seek gameplay with mobs! forced 100% mobs cleared to finish a map! more spots for mobs to hide in!

Absolutely! Also, I only wish that there were more trees in the way. I can sometimes see the enemies and that makes clearing maps too easy.
POE2 is both too difficult and too easy. For example, If you play POE2 SSF, it's way too difficult. Way, way too difficult. But the problem is even worse than that: on Standard POE2 (trading enabled), the difficulty curve is inverted.

What I mean by that is that it's very difficult for a fresh player to get started and progress to maps. All of the content in acts 1-3 is overtuned. A game should start off relatively easy and get harder as it goes, peaking with the final boss of the campaign.

How many players have quit the game because they got stuck on Viper Napuatzi? I'd bet that number is easily in the tens of thousands. That's just unacceptable.

But then as you said, if you do make it past acts 1-3, Cruel is easier. And then there's a bit of a spike getting into maps, but once you get to tier 10 maps you are rolling. At some point, as you said, POE2 gets too easy and becomes a farming simulator.

This is, as far as I'm concerned, incompetent and inept development from the highest levels of GGG's dev team. The difficulty curve should be re-verted so that 99% of players can fairly easily progress through the campaign, and then the real game/difficulty begins when you start maps. Unless they fix this, the game isn't going to be healthy IMO.
Last edited by 92ranger#4205 on Feb 24, 2025, 8:45:18 AM
92ranger#4205 wrote:

This is, as far as I'm concerned, incompetent and inept development from the highest levels of GGG's dev team. The difficulty curve should be re-verted so that 99% of players can fairly easily progress through the campaign, and then the real game/difficulty begins when you start maps. Unless they fix this, the game isn't going to be healthy IMO.

You made some great points, all of which will be ignored by GGG.
92ranger#4205 wrote:
POE2 is both too difficult and too easy. For example, If you play POE2 SSF, it's way too difficult. Way, way too difficult. But the problem is even worse than that: on Standard POE2 (trading enabled), the difficulty curve is inverted.

Campaign is SSF-doable very easily (I got to T5 maps 100% SSF on my first character)

Mapping is SSF-doable very easily. The only differences between SSF and trade league is:

1) How much time you have to grind the same low-level content to progress to the next step.
Trade league is 50-100h to reach T15 maps
SSF probably more like 100-500h to clear T15 maps comfortably

2) What builds you can begin with and what builds you can do after that.
Trade league you have more viable league starters, once you farm currency, you can play basically any build you want, just trade for the required items
SSF you have less league starter builds and once you start mapping, your next characters are constrained by which good weapons you find
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 24, 2025, 9:59:18 AM
Pff, your ideas are weak. I want instant-death as soon as an enemy detects the players. That means you have to kill all enemies off-screen.
And make it hardcore account wide. If you die one your character, you can't play the game anymore.

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