Rebalance of ailments protection on dex players

+1, they need to take ailment protection out of the right side because it's so much easier to get than on armor characters.

This too, but strengh char don't have any problem with ignite cause free max res nodes and lot of life, same with freeze. But dex tree have so small life nodes, so..
Offfit#6199 wrote:
+1, they need to take ailment protection out of the right side because it's so much easier to get than on armor characters.

This too, but strengh char don't have any problem with ignite cause free max res nodes and lot of life, same with freeze. But dex tree have so small life nodes, so..

Strength characters dont get free max res nodes. you have to get skill points for them. The only ignite that is scary is enslaver. You can also get a flask with remove ignite and press it. You can also run a unique ring and get the corruption cannot be ignited.

You clearly are unable to learn anything, you are just here to be negative. As you try to frame me as a stupid Fck, while not understanding solutions to your problem.

This conversation has become a waste of time honestly.
Offfit#6199 wrote:
+1, they need to take ailment protection out of the right side because it's so much easier to get than on armor characters.

This too, but strengh char don't have any problem with ignite cause free max res nodes and lot of life, same with freeze. But dex tree have so small life nodes, so..

Strength characters dont get free max res nodes. you have to get skill points for them. The only ignite that is scary is enslaver. You can also get a flask with remove ignite and press it. You can also run a unique ring and get the corruption cannot be ignited.

You clearly are unable to learn anything, you are just here to be negative. As you try to frame me as a stupid Fck, while not understanding solutions to your problem.

This conversation has become a waste of time honestly.

"Free".. Just stay sane as always exile)
Yes enslaver cause danger only on str chars, but not on bow char with low hp 3-4k, ignite all damage on maps, legion etc doing lot of damage with other dots. Flask sustain really bad and not always can be used, and using flasks for ailment is useless crap. Unique ring, ofc i can get it, but u are mad to understand what i talked about useless weak ailment defs from pantheon etc, which badly combine and useless in comparasion.

I play bow, i dont need useless unique rings or search waste many divs on corrupt on good rings...

Dude, just still sane...

"This conversation has become a waste of time honestly."- dude, i had pointless argument with you at start with u, because I was talking about one thing and you are like madman about something else.
Offfit#6199 wrote:
+1, they need to take ailment protection out of the right side because it's so much easier to get than on armor characters.

This too, but strengh char don't have any problem with ignite cause free max res nodes and lot of life, same with freeze. But dex tree have so small life nodes, so..

Strength characters dont get free max res nodes. you have to get skill points for them. The only ignite that is scary is enslaver. You can also get a flask with remove ignite and press it. You can also run a unique ring and get the corruption cannot be ignited.

You clearly are unable to learn anything, you are just here to be negative. As you try to frame me as a stupid Fck, while not understanding solutions to your problem.

This conversation has become a waste of time honestly.

By the way, I’m not ashamed of you, you can write more nonsense
One of my usual Go-to are Shaper Boots. If you're feeling spicy, beast-split Shaper Boots.
Not hard to get 100% Avoidance after that.

STR chars don't have as much problem with Ignite because they have Regen. Dex chars have to be constantly hitting or Ignite will eat them. Why I often use the minor Ignite Pantheon early on.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
You can't be mad at the game if you decide to build a glass cannon. You can use immortal flesh if you need some regen. There are solutions to these problems. of course if you have 3k life everything is going to kill you.

Have you ever tried pf and pressing a life flask?

Or do you just play glass cannon and complain on forums that they're glass?

You get suppression. The single handed strongest basic defensive layer in the entire game.

Should right side get 82 max res, suppression, and 500 hp/s regen all in a small area?

You can't be mad at the game if you decide to build a glass cannon. You can use immortal flesh if you need some regen. There are solutions to these problems. of course if you have 3k life everything is going to kill you.

Have you ever tried pf and pressing a life flask?

Or do you just play glass cannon and complain on forums that they're glass?

You get suppression. The single handed strongest basic defensive layer in the entire game.

Should right side get 82 max res, suppression, and 500 hp/s regen all in a small area?

Dear st-d f

i speak about bad some ailment protection, which deserve buff, stop complain about other aspect what i play. I haven't problem with that
Last edited by Offfit#6199 on Feb 25, 2025, 3:53:22 AM

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