Path of Exile 2 Monster Art


Isometric aRPGs are about becoming powerful. Deal with it. Go play Elden Ring if you dont like it.

If you want instant screen clear combat play PoE1. I've had my fill, and eventually you will too. PoE2 is for the Elden Ring players to start playing, and for us old players that want a more meaningful play-style, not a 1 button (or no button) build play-style where you can't see anything that's going on.

On topic however,

The art looks amazing! Great work Felipe Eckhardt, and YeeFoong Pang. A lot of this art looks completely unhinged (in a good way).

Props to the engine people as well for letting this art work reasonably well even on my old PC.
I need a 3d printer, some 3d printed Poe 2 bosses would be so badass on a shelf
Unpainted PoE miniatures when?

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