GGG Seriously guy!!!

It constantly spawns the rituals and breaches in freythorn maps...then they put inon a bridge... What am I supposed to do with that? Skip it? Cause I highly doubt monsters can even spawn in such a small space ..just like that strong brox I vaaled only for it not to spawn anything because it was in a grotto map. Idk what codes they are using for placement of these mechanics but I'll say it again THEY ARE GARBAGE! Waste of time and resources.
Maybe take a break and come back after they've patched all the things you've mentioned.
I touch grass I work 50 hours a week also but this is my only source of enjoyment to chill and have fun.

I know this is Off-Topic and this is really not meant as offense, but: this sentence is really sad man...

If this is your only source of enjoyment, then your life really needs a change. I know I'm just a random internet dude, but maybe you want to take this advice to your heart. Don't make your enjoyment/chill dependend on just one source. Especially not a source like an early access game that very likely disappoints you from time to time (like now).
Last edited by AceNightfire#0980 on Feb 28, 2025, 1:51:30 AM
You don't know my life or my circumstance. Nor do I have to explain them to you or anyone else on the Internet. I bought a game the Devs are doing what they said they would and I'm upset. Games are supposed to be fun but people like you and the Developers took the fun out. I've been playing games for over 30 years. They used to be fun. Not this Garbage. And people like you who get on her and say shit like your life is sad when you have absolutely 0 clue of mine or anyone else's. Yes it is my only source of enjoyment because this month I start overtime working about 80 hours a week until the end of October to feed ungrateful people like you. Idk about you but I have a full time job that's pretty important and the past 2 months was supposed to be my relax and enjoy a little gaming. I did until endgame. Imma say it one more time and I won't be back on this thread because nothing ever gets accomplished with these forums or emails to support so what's the point? Maybe the game will be better next year when I get to play it again. Until then enjoy your broken game.
"I bought a game". Nah man. $30 was to be able to access an early development version of a game that will be free upon release. The game gets released later (minimum 6+ months from now). Whatever you did with the remaining $270 was buying cosmetics for PoE1 and PoE2(when it gets released). Did it not occur to you to check if PoE is even a game that gives you the relaxation and fun before leaning into spending 300?

You might be upset, I don't doubt your feelings. I just think you might have jumped the trigger on this one and made a bad decision for yourself and thus are more mad at yourself than GGG. It is a common thing. People lash out when they need someone to blame.

Come back when the game is in a released state. See if you enjoy it more. Then even if you end up not playing more you at least got 700h out of it? That's a lot of hours of entertainment(BTW Don't play games if you don't find the games entertaining. That would just be self griefing).


Last edited by arknath#4740 on Mar 1, 2025, 6:54:07 PM
Take er' as a sign bro and just quit. Vidya is fun and all, but in the end it's all fuckin brainrot. If you've been gaming for that long and rely on it for R&R try using Dosbox and playing some Civ 1 or the original sim city, something chill. Zero frustration, feel like a kid and breathe.

GGGs playerbase retention strategy is centred around highly addictive gambling mechanics and micro-transaction sales to keep ya satiated. Fuck that shit, should be against the law imo, as it preys upon a vulnerable population.

I uninstalled this poe2 shit and I have no idea why I'm even posting kek.
You don't know my life or my circumstance. Nor do I have to explain them to you or anyone else on the Internet.


Yes it is my only source of enjoyment because this month I start overtime working about 80 hours a week until the end of October to feed ungrateful people like you. Idk about you but I have a full time job that's pretty important and the past 2 months was supposed to be my relax and enjoy a little gaming.

I guess I know more about your life then you know about mine. I know that your 80 hour work seems to make you so unhappy, that you cling to one game and now you are here to vent you're frustration, because your life (work and PoE2) doesn't seem to satisfy you the way you expected.

You can blame your work. You can blame the game. But in the end, both things are YOUR choice. Coming here and blame the devs because you don't enjoy an EARLY ACCESS game is completely your fault. An Early Access game doesn't have the mission to be finished and fun for everyone. It's mission is to sort out bugs and problems and using that EA time to fix these things. But you entering an early access game and expecting it to be fully polished out right from the start is just naive.

You say your job is important? Well, if you think working your ass off 80 hours a week and playing with your mental health is important, be my guest and go on. But don't blame others for your unhappiness, when you are the one in charge of your decisions.

And btw.: I'm also working 40 hours a week, so I guess you don't have to feed me. But thanks for the offer anyway.

I bought a game the Devs are doing what they said they would and I'm upset. Games are supposed to be fun but people like you and the Developers took the fun out. I've been playing games for over 30 years. They used to be fun. Not this Garbage.

Then go and play these fun games? I'm serious here. I replayed many games from the past and still enjoy them. Skyrim, Gothic, Diablo 2, Terraria, Stardew Valley or even older games then this. If you know you don't have alot of time to play stuff, then at least decide for games that you know you will enjoy. Again, your choice. You gambled when you decided to go with PoE2 and I guess you lost that gamble, otherwise you wouldn't be here and vent out frustration on GGG and players like myself.

And people like you who get on her and say shit like your life is sad when you have absolutely 0 clue of mine or anyone else's. I did until endgame. Imma say it one more time and I won't be back on this thread because nothing ever gets accomplished with these forums or emails to support so what's the point? Maybe the game will be better next year when I get to play it again. Until then enjoy your broken game.

If nothings ever get accomplished here, what was your goal here to begin with? Ah, to vent out frustration. That's all. I say it a third time: Make better life decisions, then you may be happier in the end.
Last edited by AceNightfire#0980 on Mar 1, 2025, 11:13:30 PM
I didn't spend over $300 to die to this BS. Fix it or I'm gone!

So... you spend over 300 bucks on a game when you didn't know if it is worth it to spend the money on it!? Like... why? What?

Nobody forced you to join the "Early Access" instead of waiting for the free full-release and especially not to spend over 300 bucks.

I don't get the entitlement - that you demand now something from GGG, only because you spend money while it was YOUR choice in the first place.
Bruh $300 and 700hrs later? If the game isn't bringing you any joy then play something else. Come back when it releases in a more polished state. There's thousands of great games to play. Life's too short for your "only source of joy" to be making you rage in an online forum.

I think i'm like $50 deep with less than 300 hrs and i've got a pretty clear idea of the pain points of this game so far, and what i'm willing to put up with before doing literally anything else for a week and coming back fresh. It's just a game.

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