GGG does nothing about Scammers

92ranger#4205 wrote:
As a console player that in PoE1 has (the only auction house they are likely to implement) the trade board, that it is also far far from perfect. Used in conjunction with the website an experienced player can pretty much protect themselves. That being said everyone makes mistakes, today in PoE1 event I nuked my main skill gem at the old ascendancy divine font (that had 2 uses due to a dark shrine buff) and instead of level 18 gem being upgraded with +9% quality and +15 million experience (what I intend to do) I end up with a useless alternate gem and had to buy a brand new level 1 gem of my main skill.

Agreed, but I think they've already given themselves the "option" to do better in POE2.

Now in POE2 we can at least list our items for sale directly from our stash tabs, in the game. We don't have to post code on the forums to sell our items anymore.

That in theory gives them the opportunity to implement a WOW mail-type system, where they would keep the current website for searching trades, but would add an option to the website to buy the item directly. The purchase would then be completed automatically, even if you are offline, and currency would be withdrawn from your currency tab, and the item would be mailed to you in your inbox.

I believe this is their plan, but they are hoping players will "accept" the current trade system. We just need to keep badgering them and complaining about it.

On PS4 the stash tabs work exactly the same, the difference is that when you post the item instead of going to some internet website it goes into the "Trade Board" which is an actual AH style setup where you can directly purchase items for currency and you receive the item instantly and the seller receives the currency.

The PS4 Trade Board is so far superior to this current website nonsense where you have to leave the game it is laughable. There is no possibility of price-fixing or bait-and-switch scams in the Trade Board system. The only reason to keep the current system is to SUPPORT the scammers.

It actually does both on PS PoEq, trade board and website. And, unless you are in china, you can instant buyout an item, you make an offer and the other player has to accept it before you get it.
Just the trade board is awful (unlike PS we had just the TB for years on XBox and it took ages paging through (in some cases) 100s of pages to find your item and needed some very long text strings in search to find relevant items. The website you can look for exactly what you want and find lots of just those items, then whisper them and get them. With both systems (which we have now on both consoles) if the player doesn’t reply to the whisper you at least know the aren’t afk and can find the exact perfect match far more easily on the TB and offer there as well (so that when the player who ignore your whisper is back in town/hideout they can just accept the offer.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
GGG has made it obvious that they support scammers, the RMT community, and exploiters. It generates money for them.

In the long term it'll just destroy the reputation they built up over the last decade, but oh well...
nthink that is utterly untrue, they do however do nothing about them which is nearly but not quite as bad.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Buyouts on the website will never, and correctly so, happen. The trading bots operate off the website and this would just make them way worse. Imagine listing an item by mistake as 19ex instead of 19 div and a bit instantly (milliseconds) buys it before you can correct the mistake.

This has to be the most stupid take ever. If you are not double checking the price you put in, maybe just stay out of trade. If you don't know the right price, you check it before. If you make a mistake after all this, you eat it and continue.

I don't understand this hand-holding "but if you make mistake...".
Buyouts on the website will never, and correctly so, happen. The trading bots operate off the website and this would just make them way worse. Imagine listing an item by mistake as 19ex instead of 19 div and a bit instantly (milliseconds) buys it before you can correct the mistake.

This has to be the most stupid take ever. If you are not double checking the price you put in, maybe just stay out of trade. If you don't know the right price, you check it before. If you make a mistake after all this, you eat it and continue.

I don't understand this hand-holding "but if you make mistake...".

Don’t remember the PC setup (not played for over 7.5 years and only briefly then on PC), but on console its controller only and rather easy to misclick (and no ‘are you sure’ confirmation) and set an incorrect price.

Edit: this is one of the reasons i just don’t understand why the devs literally disable keyboard and mouse and the toggle option from the game when they port it to consoles. Both literally have native support for them and sure the percent of players with them maybe be small but we’d love the option to use them, and it’s less work for the console team as well to just leave them in game.
(I’m assuming they develop the game on PC rigs, with support for a multitude of drivers whereas both supported consoles only need a tiny set of drivers as they’re all the same)
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Feb 23, 2025, 6:40:20 AM
They already scammed us by saying they wouldn't make an original Poe League, until they spent the money on POE-2. Isn't that a scam? They only support people who act like them.
Meanwhile be wary when you trade and don't buy un-id stuff.
Tech guy
What more can GGG do?

They force you to hover over literally each individual item you're receiving in a trade.

How to not get scammed in PoE 2:
1) Learn how to read
2) Hover over the item(s)
3) Read the item(s) name(s) and mods
4) If it's not what you were buying, cancel the trade, if it's what you were buying, accept the trade

PS: As much as a joke this might look like, there are some people who might even scam you by selling you the same item base but with slight different mods.

Let's say, they announce a multi-divine body armor on trade
Then at the moment of the sale, they'll actually trade a much less valuable item with, let's say, one key mod missing, or with some mod tiers being lower, so instead of giving you the multi-divine body armor you wanted, they'll sell you a, let's say, 30ex armor.

You want to be extra safe? Read every single mod and check every single mod roll before accepting any trades
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 23, 2025, 11:05:47 AM

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