Crazy difficult sustaining maps and doing the content you enjoy in Phrecia

Like the title says. Need help or GGG needs to up the droprate. Not sustaining even though Idols take up my entire map inventory.

And also the idols feel like Im forced to play content I really dont like to enhance the content I do enjoy. Shame with the new cool ascendancies.
Last bumped on Feb 23, 2025, 4:12:41 PM
The idols really should have replaced scarabs and not the atlas passive tree. Explicit modifer is what everything is balanced around. So GL getting reasonable drops without it, much less sustaining maps. Since we don't have the +1 nodes all over the place.
Yes, I agree with you 100%. I feel GGG had a really fun event going but they screwed it up totally with the idols. Then they have the audacity to let us play with the ascendancies later with the atlas tree but in private leagues we pay for.
By collecting the necessary idols, you can deepen the mechanics more than any atlas. If they will be on top of atlas, I don’t even want to guess.
If they are disposable, then what is the difference from scarabs?

The only problem that really exists now is maps sustaining. It seems to me that it’s enough to just tweak the numbers on all the idols.
While I believe it might get better later with a lot more investment, for now the idol systems feels absolutely horrible. Right now, I have a lot of ways to boost some parts of some mechanics, but no synergy or control over what.

And even if the end result is nice, if the way to get there is bad it’s a bad system in my opinion.
I agree with you Dusky. I wont even make it to that point where it feels good if it is even possible. The odds of hitting a good idol without annoying modifiers is next to zero. You simply cannot adjust your experience with this system early to mid. This is extremely annoying since the event is only 1 month.

Sadly feel like I will quit in a couple of days but looked forward to this for a whole lot longer.
I don't like it either. but the only reason you feel this way is because the atlas passive tree has us spoiled.

It is/was probably one of the greatest inventions/innovations in arpg gameplay in recent times.
I don't like it either. but the only reason you feel this way is because the atlas passive tree has us spoiled.

It is/was probably one of the greatest inventions/innovations in arpg gameplay in recent times.

Pretty much this. Gave the player too much control over the map generation, somewhat anyway.

I do like this idol system a lot more than POE2 tablets.

The atlas tree is very easy to use and maybe boring after a while. Same thing every season.

For instance I never ran Einhar. This event I'm running him a lot just because it tags along on a few idols.
0 problem getting maps in phrecia....

Seems like we get a thread like this every single league. People just dont know how to pick things up
Mash the clean
I think the idols kinda suck. They were in the garbage bin cause they weren't up to par and they should go back there. It's just a mess to fiddle with, and idols have such widespread stats instead of being more focused like the unique ones.

Some game systems just suck to do now because you can't get the specific nodes on the atlas, such as revealed blueprints or lucky blight chests etc etc. They might exist on some idols but cba trading for 25 idols, it's not that fun to trade.. basically making the game feel like you just took away the atlas without adding shit.

I realize this "league" was just to shut people up for a bit so they can work on poe 2, but they may aswell not have bothered, or if they were going to do something, make something fun out of it, since it's not a "real" league anyway. Like adding some lootgoblin shit that spurts out divines or w/e, just fun stuf. This is litteraly just settlers for a third time, without an atlas. It's just so lackluster..

i hope i never see those idols again, they were not fun at all.

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