Announcing the First Path of Exile 2 Race Event

That means that soon the you can start to work on the real game again?
PoE 2 Races in the middle of a PoE 1 Event doesnt sound like a good idea.
Oh yeah !
IGN: TeslaChronos / Face_Tankit
Will we be allowed to make multiple characters?
Will those characters be able to share a stash?
So it's literally only for first place in each class? Dang. I mean, it's not like I was getting one even if it was top 10, but these things are going to be uber-elite.
poe2 skip pls
Bold strategy making your 2 games and player bases compete with each other. I guess this is a test to see where loyalties lie so you can determine where to put your resources. I'll be in MHWi anyway but will enjoy the youtube content

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