Uniques are bad

Some of the oddball uniques in this game harken back to Diablo I. I like it, and i like how niche they are. I wonder sometimes how many of these items have secret uses that the devs know of but nobody has figured out yet
Some of the oddball uniques in this game harken back to Diablo I. I like it, and i like how niche they are. I wonder sometimes how many of these items have secret uses that the devs know of but nobody has figured out yet

I'm pretty sure it's the otherway around, people figure secret stuff that the dev didn't even knew XD.
Thaynime#8492 wrote:
Some of the oddball uniques in this game harken back to Diablo I. I like it, and i like how niche they are. I wonder sometimes how many of these items have secret uses that the devs know of but nobody has figured out yet

I'm pretty sure it's the otherway around, people figure secret stuff that the dev didn't even knew XD.

Maybe a mix of both. I love how peculiar they all are, and how they offer some reward you can't even fathom the use of, while taking some else important away. Gets one dreaming...
I'm fine with the current uniques pool staying in the game. But please, add a lot more that are powerful and cover the advanced/expert item levels.
I remember that also Diablo 2 vanilla was missing nightmare and hell uniques but then LoD added a lot of them.

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