Once again GGG catering to Minion players nit picks and ignoring melee/lower left

So they just made it so Baron now stacks with Puppeteer strength to zombies. (100% now instead of redundant mod on Baron which they would 100% have used ANYWAYS even if it hadn't been changed).

Meanwhile Behemoth still has a mandatory sacrifice its first born child and sign its soul to the devil node. Just to gain a ramp up (fall off at boss phases) 50% move speed and 100% increased damage. Then access to a bunch of nodes that can at best be described as normal ascendancy power that most get without having to take a node that fucks them.

You can't make this stuff up. Its been happening for so many years now (literally 3.25 being the sole outlier) I can't count how many last minute "ghazzy complained on Youtube" adjustments GGG has made, while giving melee "Glacial Hammer 6% buffs". I can't help but wonder half jokingly if someone at GGG subconsciously hates Marauder because some Maori bullied them in school.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2025, 11:10:15 AM
Question mark
Mash the clean
Question mark

vipereque on discord revealed Baron str to zombros has been made to stack with the same mod on puppeteer. just made me want to vent frustration because of how much negative feedback they've gotten on Behemoth with no changes.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
My reason for question mark is not really about the item or whatever you ahve to say about summoners, but more about your reasoning and how you arrived at

"ignoring melee"

1) You take a look at behemoth, a single ascendancy
2) Melee problems that aren't existing anymore "everything but 3.25"

I mean its a huge question mark. You are coming to a conclusion about NOW but... you want to ignore now... and only acknowledge ... a single ascendancy and problems melee had in the past.

Just very weird.

I dont understand the goal of the post either.
Mash the clean
I feel like this is problems with Behemoth and not really... anything other than that.

Which is justified but to connect it with anything else is a stretch/conspiracy kind of thinking.

Its just the stupid downside of the first node. On a single ascendancy.

Hopefully its fixed and if not ... eh? Just dont play that one.

Behemoth doesnt define the entire bottom left of the tree or marauder.
Mash the clean
My reason for question mark is not really about the item or whatever you ahve to say about summoners, but more about your reasoning and how you arrived at

"ignoring melee"

1) You take a look at behemoth, a single ascendancy
2) Melee problems that aren't existing anymore "everything but 3.25"

I mean its a huge question mark. You are coming to a conclusion about NOW but... you want to ignore now... and only acknowledge ... a single ascendancy and problems melee had in the past.

Just very weird.

I dont understand the goal of the post either.

The goal of the post is venting frustration in feedback. Consider that the last taste most bottom left enjoyers have in their mouth is poe2 warrior not 3.25 cause that was like 7-8 months ago.

Then the same philosophy of downsides has been given to 2/3 of the bottom left tree builds with no good ways of "fixing" the downside. If you look at the behemoth (obvious) there is no fixing, you just simply are restricted and left to "deal with" the restrictions.

Antiquarian 50% less dex. makes stuff like blood rage and armour/evasion bases very hard to use. So you need supreme ostentation realistically. the no intelligence makes the "fix" for it to be supreme ostentation as well. then what was the point of the 150 strength anyways. Luckily the small nodes are insane and its probably better to take both small nodes in antiqarian than dealing with stats.

At least ancestral commander is good its just not that interesting. Its just plain shenanagins. Which frankly im happy with. I just much prefer the rage ascendancies.

The frustration is made worse by the fact that GGG decided to make a balance pass on the ascendancies and buffed something that wasnt an issue in the first place, maybe the harby stuff was needed i dont know cause i dont care about witch or templar or shadow or ranger so idk whats going on with the rest of them. Then decided to keep the downside to behemoth with no change.

The ignoring melee sentiment, if you dont play melee may not make sense. You may forget the league that there was no melee gems added and no melee balance. The community was very vocal about it. Chris wilson replied saying sorry we spent our time making changes for the other 90% of the people.

Basically saying go find a pineapple and do your thing.

It gets really old.
I feel like this is problems with Behemoth and not really... anything other than that.

Which is justified but to connect it with anything else is a stretch/conspiracy kind of thinking.

Its just the stupid downside of the first node. On a single ascendancy.

Hopefully its fixed and if not ... eh? Just dont play that one.

Behemoth doesnt define the entire bottom left of the tree or marauder.

The focus on the behemoth is how cool the rest of the ascendancy sounds. Literally every awesome node on there is negated by the fact of no spells.

Rage nodes (nice) no berserk

Low life unarmed node (nice) no petrified blood

Armour stacking nodes (nice) no auras

I feel like this is problems with Behemoth and not really... anything other than that.

Which is justified but to connect it with anything else is a stretch/conspiracy kind of thinking.

Its just the stupid downside of the first node. On a single ascendancy.

Hopefully its fixed and if not ... eh? Just dont play that one.

Behemoth doesnt define the entire bottom left of the tree or marauder.

The focus on the behemoth is how cool the rest of the ascendancy sounds. Literally every awesome node on there is negated by the fact of no spells.

Rage nodes (nice) no berserk

Low life unarmed node (nice) no petrified blood

Armour stacking nodes (nice) no auras

i made the joke with my friend that ggg gave 3000 options and diferent ideas you could use with this ascedancy but cut off all the tools you need to make use of the options
Last edited by suriuken#0100 on Feb 18, 2025, 6:45:00 PM
My reason for question mark is not really about the item or whatever you ahve to say about summoners, but more about your reasoning and how you arrived at

"ignoring melee"

1) You take a look at behemoth, a single ascendancy
2) Melee problems that aren't existing anymore "everything but 3.25"

I mean its a huge question mark. You are coming to a conclusion about NOW but... you want to ignore now... and only acknowledge ... a single ascendancy and problems melee had in the past.

Just very weird.

I dont understand the goal of the post either.

Well I don't understand your disagreement so I guess that makes two of us.

I will say that Lonnie does a great job of contextualizing why I am venting.

You see this is a consistent pattern with GGG. Many have talked about it since early days. Its encompassed in the "GGG hates melee" memes.

When something has been reoccurring for the entire history of the game its not conspiratorial to point out an unmistakable pattern. If you don't care enough to look or just disagree that there's any pattern thats ofc up to you.

Me? I remember Warrior in POE getting massive inexplicable downsides while spells get to move and cast at the same time.

I remember how melee T-gems got like 70-80% less variations than spells and ranged skills. I made a post about it pointing out the bias. Its still like this to this day (after they said they were going to add many more).

I remember "spell league" when they buffed base damage of spells ("Hand casting" revamp) at a time when melee was woefully under powered already, proxy nerfing melee.

(note they had to jack Melee damage effect up to 400-600% in some cases to eventually compensate for this in 3.25 when Mark took over and actually figured this shit out)

I remember the Bow league when they gave already superior ranged types 3 free ballistas Mirage Archer and damage buffs. Proxy nerfing melee.

Then there was "melee league" where they nerfed melee almost acorss the board and gave cyclone an insane buff to distract everyone from the fact that they gutted most of the

I remember when they buffed slams to be OP (like spells) but then required us to piano warcries and animation cancel to achieve that busted power (unlike spells)

And then nerfed slams and warcries because apparently getting spell like damage at the cost of carpal tunnel wasn't a strong enough downside.

If you don't think GGG has at least a blind spot or some sort of odd bias, or disconnection from reality with respect to "lower left" melee over the history of the game as well as POE2 well everyone's entitled to have an opinion.

Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Feb 18, 2025, 7:40:04 PM
My disagreement is "ignoring melee" in your title. We just got the best revamp and update to everything during settlers. There is no ignoring melee happening recently.

I dont know when that glacial 6% thing happened, but it wasnt settlers thats for sure. The gem got 400% in settlers.

I feel like we just need to focus on what actually is the problem NOW and leave the rest of this stuff out. Because none of this extra stuff you have problems with even exist anymore.

Behemoth rampager node:

"your spells are disabled"

No auras, No curses, no fast movement, no defend skills is a major problem for any player in POE.

And a nonstarter for aspirational goals/content.

This needs to change if you want people to play this ascendancy.
Mash the clean

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