Performance Issue since day 1 / please READ / HELP GGG

jollyjewbagel#4794 wrote:
I'm running Path of Exile 2 on High with the following specs:
CPU - Intel I7-7700
GPU: Nvidia RTX 2070
Storage: Samsung SSD 960 Evo

PoE 2 for me runs smooth at around 85-100 fps during gameplay,Trials, Endgame Maps (i jsut started the endgame) etc and I never have issues with it.

My only problem is whenever I visit an Encampment like the Ardura Caravan or the Zigurrat encampment.

That's when everything drops to 25 FPS , ONLY when I'm in an encampment.
I'm not sure why, maybe because everybody loads their stashes, maybe too many people at the same time at the same place, no idea.

I have literally this exact same setup (laptop) and i have horrible FPS any time there is action on the screen, did you do anything to fix/counter the fps issues?

If it's laptop CPU's and laptop GPU's, they're a lot weaker than the desktop versions. That's probably the only reason.

A laptop 2070 is likely going to struggle on a lot of newer games.

PoE 2 needs quite a bit of optimization, it could get better though, given some time.

I'm assuming your Laptop 7700 is a HQ, and that's about 20% less powerful than the desktop 7700, and something like 27% less powerful compared to the 7700k desktop version.
Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Feb 18, 2025, 12:47:58 AM
I'm still in love with the game but performance is killing me.
Averaging like 20-25fps.
Some maps are better then others but from the top of my head, Savannah, Fortress are un playable in a way that I cant finish them without dying once due to freezes.

I tried everything to get it better I just cant.

I lowered my windows resolution so I can play Widowed Full screen.
I have black edges on my screen but I'm ok with that.
I even went as low as Bilinear/ 1920X1200 Upscale 67% 1280x800.
Game looks terrible and blurred and still I cant get more then 17fps on most maps.

Please answer me, is there any way to improve this and can you tell me what is the problem on my system? Friend told me its cause my gpu has only 6GB VRAM. Is that the problem?

GPU:Radeon RX5600
CPU Ryzen 5 3400G
Storage: Western Digital SSD 1TB

Is my proc or gpu the problem?


Try resetting gfx options to default, renderer to FSR and no upscaling.
No other changes and see how that goes for you.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)

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