The Legacy of Phrecia, not for HC ? 🤨

It seems to you and some here. Did I write anything about Blind, that it is a problem ??

Blind was cited as an example of changing all Asscendacy throwing defense and changing to attack only. In accordance with the topic.

And you clung to Blind like a drunkard to a fence. Besides, some people have some kind of ego problem. If you do not understand the question, do not answer and keep your knowledge of PoE to yourself...

And I'm not replying to everyone either, because I don't want to reply to nonsense, especially if someone replies off-topic, or brags about what a big attack they had.

This really isnt worth a reply but here goes. Your first post, complaining about the ascendancies not being useful for hc. Then you post 1 ascendancy node from 1 ascendancy and complain about it.

People give you suggestions on how to solve this problem and then you pick out all the sc players and respond to them by saying : do you even play hc?

Now that you have been called out for ignoring solutions to your problem, you respond like that wasnt your problem to begin with.

If you want to be taken serious in any analysis you have, you need to be specific.

You still havent addressed the defensive capabilities of ancestral commander that someone else suggested.

When you were called out for not even playing hc yourself you responded saying you have several accounts. When you yourself was calling someone else out for not playing hc.

You seem more like a bot than a person. unless you were born in the 2000s or something.
Proximity Cloak of Flame plus real Cloak of flame for 40% phys as fire or 90% of near phys as fire,

Just a small note here, iirc those mods are not additive, but multiplicative. You don't get 90%. You get a LOT less.

The damage of the mob is modified first, getting cut in half, and then you take the physical half and convert on your damage taken.

To illustrate the difference, if they were additive, the math is straightforward.
Example 100 phys dmg hit, 90% converted to fire, meaning 10 physical damage done to you. 90% phys dmg reduction.

By combining the mods, you instead get this:
100 phys dmg on the mob, split 50/50. So you take a 50 phys damage hit.
50 phys dmg through cloak of flame, 40% taken as fire (20 dmg) meaning you take 30 phys dmg hit. That's three times as much as if they were additive. It ends up as 70% phys dmg reduction. You only got 20% from CoF instead of the 40%.

Basically, cloak of flame (or any conversion on you) becomes 50% less effective, because you've already converted 50% of the mob's damage.
Sure, you're still reducing the hit, but it's not by nearly as much.

Yeah they are worded differently and clearly function completely differently so I can't tell you why I chose to throw 90% out there wasn't good at math even when i wasn't old. In any case anyone should expect that they wont be summed into a single number one effects the monster's outgoing dmg type and literally causes it to be composed of less phys for other shifts to operate on. Good points.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Feb 18, 2025, 4:56:33 PM
This really isnt worth but shortly, Ancestral Commander can be taken by Shadow ?
🌞 Designer of SimpleFilter see My Item Filters 🌞
🌞 I treat PoE as an art 🌞
Last edited by koszmarnica#7777 on Feb 18, 2025, 5:02:17 PM
This really isnt worth but shortly, Can Ancestral Commander be taken by Shadow ?

Your first post said all 19 ascendancies will be replaced. Said where is the defense? Then you posted on singular shadow node.

The ascendancy you posted about blind prophet has lightless and formless. Both defensive nodes. Just because they dont let you get 10-15k es doesnt mean thats no defense.

You also get curse limit = to power charges and you dont even need anathema. Have you ever used enfeeble + temp chains before? its pretty nice. you can easily not even spec into power charges and have a lot of defensive power from 3 curses while still having an offensive curse.

not to mention that pre edit the OP's post had a line that was something like "guess no one should play HC" or words to that effect. Tbf maybe that was someone else and old brain is conflating them.

Edit: oh wait, its the fucking thread title lol.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Feb 18, 2025, 5:08:49 PM
Dude dreamcore has a nice vid on Bloodmag... er Bogwitch (he totally stole my Ancetral commander ideas BTW...*) Life stacking Bogwitch seems extremely HC viable as well.

* thats a meme anyone should see the generic tank goodness it has, well except maybe the OP couldn't see past blurry rage vision
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Dude dreamcore has a nice vid on Bloodmag... er Bogwitch (he totally stole my Ancetral commander ideas BTW...*) Life stacking Bogwitch seems extremely HC viable as well.

* thats a meme anyone should see the generic tank goodness it has, well except maybe the OP couldn't see past blurry rage vision

Bog Witch looks awesome, you're looking at 20k life easily with mid-level gear. If the league lasts long enough I want to play some Exsanguinate, maybe Soulrend if the numbers are there.
I can't see past ele tornadoes lately and that max life as phys node is essentially multiplied by your number of tornadoes and then multiplied by their duration, then Rathpith scaling off the same life you're getting flat from.

there's a reason why archmage stuff don't work with orbs and they then put an orb tag on the nado's

Its funny how cautious they are with the Gruthkul's no spells stuff but they're completely okay with 20,000 life Bog Witch scaling life and flat and increased and crit with no real downside.

If Bog witch was a marauder ascendancy it would have a mandatory first node that says "you can only deal damage with unsupported skills" or some shit.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
I can't see past ele tornadoes lately and that max life as phys node is essentially multiplied by your number of tornadoes and then multiplied by their duration, then Rathpith scaling off the same life you're getting flat from.

there's a reason why archmage stuff don't work with orbs and they then put an orb tag on the nado's

Its funny how cautious they are with the Gruthkul's no spells stuff but they're completely okay with 20,000 life Bog Witch scaling life and flat and increased and crit with no real downside.

If Bog witch was a marauder ascendancy it would have a mandatory first node that says "you can only deal damage with unsupported skills" or some shit.

Thats because they sell mtx for skills witches use . Not marauder skills.
I mean the game isn't designed for HC play, it's designed for SC. It's nice to have HC as a side event or something to do on occasion, but the game should never be designed around HC at all. It would only kill the player base to do so.

Them focusing on making the ascendancies fun and not geared towards a side game mode is definitely the right decision. SC will always be the main draw and what the large majority play.

Not to mention there is no actual HC since you can just logout. HC in PoE is just SC+ anyways, so I don't see the issue.

Enjoy the event though and if you skip it cause you can't play HC I feel bad for you missing out on a good event. Have fun though!

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