one live = poe2 gets less hours, cant opt out.

to make it short

does 1 live make poe2 more fun:
kind of

does the frustration combined with limited/no crafting options
make me wanna play more:

no and i want to add,
depending on the hurdle it makes me not wanna revisit classes,
quit my session.

when in poe 1 i wouldve just burned more portals and ran another map.

so why don't we make it like poe 1 and make it an optional thing
players can opt in / specc into

like any other challenge mode

i really think it doesn't add that much to the experience to warrant
the trade off of maybe having graphical issues and lags, connection problems,
instance bugging etc. or maybe beeing a bad player

for 5 trys on whatever.

especially when death is sometimes just 1 rare mob and a bad decision away
from ending a map that

a . has endgame boss you was looking for far too long

b . one of your maps you somewhat spend an hour/more for to set up.
like good layout buffing it, spending currency.

point is
i am used to the frustrating parts
and still find myself logging out and stopping for the day.

then maybe overcome the hurdle, heading to the next goal
and stopping again, instead of pushing on.
looking back maybe thats why i compared to poe1 played last epoch hardly at all.

the d3 like clearing system, that doesn't even give you a boss.
doesn't really help it.

it does the opposite, like not only is your map gone
you gonna have to clear it again.
which can be enough to make me feel like wasting my time

and logging out

have fun exiles

Last edited by fastdone1t#6823 on Feb 15, 2025, 11:18:52 AM
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 2:52:59 PM
take a break, no reason to push yourself like that
PoE1 > PoE2 due to the penalties
mikeab79#3627 wrote:
PoE1 > PoE2 due to the penalties

PoE1 > PoE2 due to pretty much everything currently.
mikeab79#3627 wrote:
PoE1 > PoE2 due to the penalties

PoE1 isn't a game.
Climet#7103 wrote:
mikeab79#3627 wrote:
PoE1 > PoE2 due to the penalties

PoE1 isn't a game.

And 2 is?

Climet#7103 wrote:
mikeab79#3627 wrote:
PoE1 > PoE2 due to the penalties

PoE1 isn't a game.

And 2 is?


Yes, PoE1 is beyond repairable at how terrible it is. Remarkable how bad PoE1 is, after experiencing a glimmer of PoE2.

About time, GGG abandons it.

It's literally a mummy with bandages all over it, added throughout years. Fundamentally, it's literally an ugly corpse. They thought of abandoning the game back in 2016.
Last edited by Climet#7103 on Feb 15, 2025, 1:42:18 PM
im fine ^^

but i was just thinking back to d3 days and was like.

i dont think ive would have stuck to the game
so how do newer players feel that dont have the context.

its okay to make hard games, but not for the sake of just beeing hard.

and in fact i dont mind the xp loss in poe 1

also not in poe2, im way to unhappy with the other points to think about xp ^^
Last edited by fastdone1t#6823 on Feb 15, 2025, 11:13:29 AM
lol thats my point i do, are good games those that make me take a timeout ?

lol thats my point i do, are good games those that make me take a timeout ?

You make sense, you are saying that having incredibly difficult but mandatory content like what 1 portal system forces is the core of the problem and makes you play less because you are always exhausted as you are forced to always actively engage with the game, and scared of death. Death which is generally unpredictable.

I don't think thats the issue, the Endgame feels very dull, and almost pointless, there is barely any point in playing Endgame, other than finding citadels, killing Arbiter, or finding splinters to respective Breaches or Delirium, or finding Audience of The Kind fragment through Rituals. These are pretty tedious and boring. The devs pretty much threw it out together in the last few months. But, this is the Endgame, this isn't really the case in the campaign, or even Trial of Chaos or Trial of Sekhema's, farming this is actually pretty fun.

Either way, point is, take a break if you find it to be exhausting, thats what I said before. I am continuing to play, because the game simply feels very fun to me. I would've quit long ago if this were Path of Exile 1(and actually do quit after this many hours), amazing is that, I still like playing PoE2 even when there is almost zero content, and Endgame state is so stale, and balancing is wack.
Last edited by Climet#7103 on Feb 15, 2025, 11:35:33 AM

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