I do hope they do something about the XP penalty.
As a more casual player the fact that you can log on for an hour or two to just regress your character is terrible and very unfun.
Currently it is more fun to come view and comment on the forums than it is to play for me.
Posted byTofudrifter#3437on Feb 14, 2025, 8:50:11 PM
For the record, I think the xp penalty is a lazy, artificial way to extend the time it takes for people to progress. With my second point, I was pondering whether or not it is an intentional mechanic, which is designed to annoy people into quitting the game. The devs have known for a long time that most players are annoyed by it, and even spun a bunch of marketing propaganda as to why it's there. The problem is, that's not why it's there, that's just lines for fanboys to regurgitate. So, why is it there?
I think the most likely reason is to knowingly annoy people into leaving and stop sucking up bandwidth. By that point, (and I'm sure there are metrics to show when people make most of their purchases, earlier when gear starts stacking and people want to stash it) people have spent the most they are likely to spend, so are just being expenses. So, from a business perspective, "nudging" them out makes the most sense. At least imho, so it's probably not going to go anywhere.
This would happen with most people. The rest of the folks, who stay and stick it out for whatever reason, well, they get heavily invested and immersed into the PoE world, and likely greatly appreciate all the time they can waste on this "free" game. So, they get their "I'm hardcore" chubbies, appreciate GGG, and also show their appreciation in returning monetary form.
P.S. They wouldn't be able to sell the Chinese players the tokens that prevent xp loss if they got rid of it. So, I doubt it will happen, but I am against it from a gamer's perspective of one who looks for entertainment.
Lucky for you, GGG does not moderate tinfoil stuff and/or misinformation.
"Path of Exile" has been a thing since 2011. That was 7 years before "Tencent" bought GGG (for the Chinese market) thus the strawman "They keep EXP-loss in the game because of the Chinese token" is nonsense.
Furthermore, before that, the reason was already known: "Path of Exile" was meant to be the spiritual successor of "Diablo 2" because the OGs of GGG thought "Diablo 3" wasn't the one.
Now, what other game has EXP-loss on death!? Hmmm... HMMM.
On top, ppl don't quit a league because "buuhuu, EXP-loss, yadda yadda - can't reach level 100, buuhuu". Ppl quit because they are done with the league, that's it.
What anyone considers as "done" varies, but that is another topic.
You know, I don't have a problem with ppl that want the EXP loss gone for whatever reason. That's their subjective view, BUT... making up stuff all the time, misrepresenting information and other tinfoil stuff does NOT help your case.
Posted byJakkerONAIR#4902on Feb 14, 2025, 8:54:03 PM
I was first on here to call their initial '100% free to play model' BS. you binning XP penalty into monetization via 3d chess is yet another tactic to convince more ppl to join your demands of making the game have less risks, which if done enough will destroy this game.
I'm just joining the already established, large group of people who don't like the xp penalty for dying, I'm not trying, and don't need, to start a movement. It's been moving, as I'm sure you've noticed. Just like it came up frequently in PoE.
That's the thing, people have never liked it, and the devs know that. I really don't care what the devs do with it. I think it would be healthier for the game in the long run if they changed this, the trade system into in-game, quit introducing OP, exploitative builds, balanced their game to create an actual skill-based and engaging game, and added better end-game mechanics. But, they can do what they want with it. As of now, I've seen enough to know that I will probably never come back to play it, and you can have it how ever they want to make it.
I'm just sticking around here in the off-chance that they do actually do what they said they were going to do and try to open it up to a broader audience. Plus, I find you and your crew interesting to observe, and occasionally interact with. Studying psychological manipulation and the effects it has on people is kind of a hobby of mine.
Anyone with a sound mind automatically knows that removing the progress that someone has taken the time to achieve is a demoralizing act. Demoralization is an age old technique in warfare, psychological warfare included. You can check this video if you care to know more about this and other psychological warfare mechanics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2b-I0Yqisc
If you attempt to withstand the demoralization, you can try to justify or rationalize it, but your brain still knows what it is, so you will still suffer the effects. Around here, that's why some of us call you all stockholmers, because you have come to sympathize and even defend your abusers. You can pretend all you want, but that's what's happening. Pretending is even more dangerous, because it leads to cognitive dissonance, where your brain is holding two conflicting thoughts, which cannot co-exist. When this is brought to the forefront, in cases around here by mentioning the offending mechanic, people with cognitive dissonance will often lash out violently. This has been observed to happen often. Frustration will happen, too, because people go against your rationale, instead of reinforcing it.
It's also resulted in cult-like behavior. I could go on, but I'll stop here. And, I'll just stop interacting with you, like I did with the jakker guy. You all can't conceive that others are right and that you've been played, and will continue to try to reinforce your delusions.
Demoralizing mechanics have no place in a medium that is supposed to be there for entertainment. IMHO
Posted byGeoFruck#1167on Feb 14, 2025, 9:19:11 PM
I was first on here to call their initial '100% free to play model' BS. you binning XP penalty into monetization via 3d chess is yet another tactic to convince more ppl to join your demands of making the game have less risks, which if done enough will destroy this game.
I'm just joining the already established, large group of people who don't like the xp penalty for dying, I'm not trying, and don't need, to start a movement. It's been moving, as I'm sure you've noticed. Just like it came up frequently in PoE.
That's the thing, people have never liked it, and the devs know that. I really don't care what the devs do with it. I think it would be healthier for the game in the long run if they changed this, the trade system into in-game, quit introducing OP, exploitative builds, balanced their game to create an actual skill-based and engaging game, and added better end-game mechanics. But, they can do what they want with it. As of now, I've seen enough to know that I will probably never come back to play it, and you can have it how ever they want to make it.
I'm just sticking around here in the off-chance that they do actually do what they said they were going to do and try to open it up to a broader audience. Plus, I find you and your crew interesting to observe, and occasionally interact with. Studying psychological manipulation and the effects it has on people is kind of a hobby of mine.
Anyone with a sound mind automatically knows that removing the progress that someone has taken the time to achieve is a demoralizing act. Demoralization is an age old technique in warfare, psychological warfare included. You can check this video if you care to know more about this and other psychological warfare mechanics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2b-I0Yqisc
If you attempt to withstand the demoralization, you can try to justify or rationalize it, but your brain still knows what it is, so you will still suffer the effects. Around here, that's why some of us call you all stockholmers, because you have come to sympathize and even defend your abusers. You can pretend all you want, but that's what's happening. Pretending is even more dangerous, because it leads to cognitive dissonance, where your brain is holding two conflicting thoughts, which cannot co-exist. When this is brought to the forefront, in cases around here by mentioning the offending mechanic, people with cognitive dissonance will often lash out violently. This has been observed to happen often. Frustration will happen, too, because people go against your rationale, instead of reinforcing it.
It's also resulted in cult-like behavior. I could go on, but I'll stop here. And, I'll just stop interacting with you, like I did with the jakker guy. You all can't conceive that others are right and that you've been played, and will continue to try to reinforce your delusions.
Demoralizing mechanics have no place in a medium that is supposed to be there for entertainment. IMHO
its been 'moving' since 2013, and the only demoralizing outcome of this is if everything will be made 'stress free'. again this game won't ever be specifically tailored to you, not like you listening to any of this anyway. cheers
Posted byAintCare#6513on Feb 14, 2025, 9:53:25 PMOn Probation
like some ppl said previsouly, its not the exp penaly itself, its together with the amount of time you need to farm those 10% when you reach 90++ .. its ridiculous. If they want to keep the time it takes to level exp on those leves remove the xp loss!
if not, let us level faster! i dont get why it has to be "impossible" to reach 100 on a char in poe2, its just to please the fanboys that think they're superior beings.
Also, the thing is.. NO ONE will stop playing because they remove the xp loss or let leveling be faster on levle90+.
BUT ALOT OF PLAYERS WILL STOP playing because of this stupid "mechanic".
Trust me.
+1 wow! you really spoke my thoughts as well there. Thank you
Posted bydantemaximov#5390on Feb 14, 2025, 10:15:31 PM
XP penalty is a shiity outdated concept. It adds nothing to this game.
Instead it forces everyone to play stupid oneshot builds and forces everyone else to drop this game entirely.
Outdated? You're the problem with modern triple a games.
I mean, yeah, it is. It follows the philosophy of punishing someone for doing bad instead of rewarding them for doing good.
Take D3 for instance. There was a shrine you could collect when playing that would give you a small exp boost for a set amount of exp to be collected in the future. You could stack those boosts up. Dying would remove all the stacks.
Now D3 had many flaws, but that was a genuinely good approach to this issue. Reward the player for surviving instead of punishing the player for death.
Same could be done here. Upon successfully clearing a map you gain a small exp boost for the next map. It could be really simple.
He is correct, we aren't forced to do exp loss on death just because it was in D2 25 years ago. Which btw. wasn't even in D2, because there you could recoup 75% of the exp lost if you reached your corpse - i.e., you could avoid the majority of the punishment through active gameplay and doing good.
Last edited by Slart1bartfast#0332 on Feb 14, 2025, 10:29:48 PM
Posted bySlart1bartfast#0332on Feb 14, 2025, 10:22:57 PM
like some ppl said previsouly, its not the exp penaly itself, its together with the amount of time you need to farm those 10% when you reach 90++ .. its ridiculous. If they want to keep the time it takes to level exp on those leves remove the xp loss!
if not, let us level faster! i dont get why it has to be "impossible" to reach 100 on a char in poe2, its just to please the fanboys that think they're superior beings.
Also, the thing is.. NO ONE will stop playing because they remove the xp loss or let leveling be faster on levle90+.
BUT ALOT OF PLAYERS WILL STOP playing because of this stupid "mechanic".
Trust me.
This 100%. Uninstalled the game for 2 main reasons:
1: leveling up after lvl90 is a slog from death penalty combined with slow XP gain.
2: Item drops are trash. Basically just farmed for divs that almost never drop just to find out I can't afford anything good on an inflated market.
After hitting lvl 92, it just felt like I wasn't progressing at all.
I was first on here to call their initial '100% free to play model' BS. you binning XP penalty into monetization via 3d chess is yet another tactic to convince more ppl to join your demands of making the game have less risks, which if done enough will destroy this game.
You know that you can press the escape button and just log out to character screen when you are about to die, right? Removing all the risk there is.
Are you for removing this option? Because if not, your appeal to integrity of the game is moot.
Posted bySlart1bartfast#0332on Feb 14, 2025, 10:27:39 PM
XP penalty is a shiity outdated concept. It adds nothing to this game.
Instead it forces everyone to play stupid oneshot builds and forces everyone else to drop this game entirely.
Outdated? You're the problem with modern triple a games.
I mean, yeah, it is. It follows the philosophy of punishing someone for doing bad instead of rewarding them for doing good.
its not about rewards/punishment. you are not learning, you are playing a game. if there would be nothing to risk the game would be pointless/boring.
to the 'make levelling faster' argument- poe1 did that, its worse than removing XP penalty because when you don't die much its way too fast to level now, which removed the grind form the game together with XP penalty (because you hardly feel it, if ever)
Posted byAintCare#6513on Feb 14, 2025, 10:30:03 PMOn Probation
I was first on here to call their initial '100% free to play model' BS. you binning XP penalty into monetization via 3d chess is yet another tactic to convince more ppl to join your demands of making the game have less risks, which if done enough will destroy this game.
You know that you can press the escape button and just log out to character screen when you are about to die, right? Removing all the risk there is.
Are you for removing this option? Because if not, your appeal to integrity of the game is moot.
Posted byAintCare#6513on Feb 14, 2025, 10:32:15 PMOn Probation