Best Path of Exile Melee Player(cArn_): The Problem With Melee & How to Fix It

DEvil27#6183 wrote:

In my opinion, the biggest melee problem is a lack of defense mechanics. And it is not about armour. They could buff armour, sure, but it still won't be very effective against hits with one-shot potential. We need something to replace Fortify. Be it a spirit gem, a support gem or a keystone, we need a viable option for general dmg reduction for STR Melee. In the current state, you can reach same DPS with better defenses with other archetypes, so there is no objective reason to play melee.

I said this before, but how about Guard mechanic. Its already in the game on the unique flask.
Shield should have it as baseline stat instead of being an evasion that can trigger thorn. So you get damage, shield reduce that damage by stat.
Active block could guard all damage (I don't recall of ever triggering stagger, and did not put points on it unless its unavoidable on the path, so that needs to balance if they think this would be "op")

Or [Deflection] (increased chance, but STILL get 10% of damage) should be more base stuff than a special node. Maybe Deflection should be a special node that turns block to its current state?

For non-shield use warrior there's Berzerk. But instead of lifesteal it could give you [Guard] (extra hp) with overhealing.
Yeah... shieldbros could use it too, but don't think we would have enough rage. I mean not impossible, but getting rage by hit + rage cap nodes can be out of reach...
Worse balance option is to make it a titans point.
DEvil27#6183 wrote:
I agree with a lot of things, specially about how clunky it currently is and the trade-off on skill tree comparing to "Witch area".

That said, I disagree with some points. Specially when it is about speed or anything specifically related to maces/slams, and not melee in general. It is important to keep in mind that most of melee content is not released yet. While it is good to give feedback for GGG, so they can tune Sword and Axe's related content better, it doesn't make much sense to complain about how slow a mace/slam build is while suggesting that it is about melee in general. Maces/Slams are supposed to have slow gameplay.

I can feel that and somewhat agree with it but if you're gonna have someone with a slow game play you can't add other penalitys - the skill should do OUTRAGEOUS damage if they're the slowest in the game not the LEAST damage.

The most damage along with a .15 attack time on my other character seems ridiculous compared to say a 2.x sunder or a .6 stampede both doing maybe a 20th of the damage and clearing 1/4 of the screen vs WHOLE screen and some off it.

Dunno about OUTRAGEOUS damage (that's sort of a glass cannon thing) but certainly OUTRAGEOUS defenses and OUTRAGEOUS sustain.

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