Warriors are miserable maggots.

Honestly, I could go on forever about the problems, but to sum it up: I don't think other insane builds (like SPARK or autobomber) should be nerfed, but Warrior in its current state is just absolute garbage.

The issue with these builds is that the endgame is designed around them. This leaves no room for actual engaging combat for anything else. As long as these builds exist the game will revolve around them. This is evident from the entirety of PoE1's history. GGG balances more around the game-breaking high end builds and only nerfs about 0.01% of things. This leaves no room for actually well designed and engaging endgame game-play. GGG ignored melee for practically a decade in PoE1 since "only about 10% of players played it". Poor balance and power creep is deeply rooted in PoE unfortunately.

Many games throw a lot of potential out the window with poor balance designs. Fingers crossed GGG finally realizes balance matters...
Last edited by LVSviral#3689 on Feb 11, 2025, 10:19:18 PM
As a level 95 rolling slam titan with 5400 hp, max resists, 75% armour 75% block; maces feel clunky. I do love fighting bosses but mapping is just miserable with the current speed of the game.

Playing co-op makes you hate warrior even more once you see that other classes clear the entire screen before you even get up in the air during a sunder or rolling slam.

I've seen some 'good' builds but they are miserable to play because they defeat the point of being a heavy slam melee character

If the game does not slow down by 100% in end-game then warrior will be a class that I do not pick again. If the end game remains the current speed towards release then warrior needs a rework and speed increase.

I do hope the game decreases in speed though, any technical combat or skill is out the window past level 80 in this game.

Wayfinder was a cool ARPG that did co-op and classes well, and also lost ark did co-op combat fantastically. I understand it's early access and I am excited to see where the game goes

But the vision that was told in the trailers is not what the game panned out to be
LVSviral#3689 wrote:
GGG ignored melee for practically a decade in PoE1 since "only about 10% of players played it".

Well, gee, no fucking wonder no one played it BECAUSE THEY NEVER FUCKING PROPER BUFFED IT! When "path of least resistance" mind sets just push everyone into screen nuking casters and pathfinders it's no god damned wonder, ffs GGG come on guys, do better already :(

The biggest problem I feel really has to do with their concept of mob power growth. I swear it is exponential, like a level 82 mob gets a vastly higher power boost from 81 compared to 81 from 80 (which means any extra damage and similar mods fucking rocket mob damage by lightyears), no damn wonder people stack ES and spam spark and shit. PoE2 has SOOOOOO much mechanical potential and they piss on it with bullshit 80% move speed temporal bubble mobs and other anti-melee aura and chase attack mods instead that do nothing meaningful against ranged.

Seriously, I've had a rare mob do <200 damage to my 70% armor 78/76/78/56 warrior and in the SAME map, another of the SAME base mob type DO 2500+ FUCKING DAMAGE WITH THE SAME ATTACK. Shit is bugged to hell or they have no clue how to math.
Last edited by CPTBRUMBL3Z#3146 on Feb 11, 2025, 11:37:31 PM
also lost ark did co-op combat fantastically.

If only Lost Ark wasn't a glorified Asian mobile game, it was pure steaming rhino diarrhea outside of raids and its combat system. PoE2 is the closest I've seen of any isometric ARPG to make slow, weighty combat feel as good as my Destroyer and spec Scrapper did (and I loved my crit/swift artillerist, too) and it is built with poE1 "nmburs go up lul" mindset rather than going balls to the wall with the mechanical, weighty, and speed capped combat.
Last edited by CPTBRUMBL3Z#3146 on Feb 11, 2025, 11:36:27 PM
From experimentation the most tanky build I achieved with a warrior was a turtle charm warbringer with 83% block running +3% shield, +5% anvil amulet and +10% block boots (they add to your base block). Very hard to achieve without the boots and sacrificing move speed boots was just too slow for my own sanity not to mention anvil amulet applying a slow as well.

Why do tank items and armor need to slow you down? I can't imagine warriors would be overpowered if they just let them be fast...

Last edited by fkhaller#7074 on Feb 12, 2025, 12:22:20 AM
also lost ark did co-op combat fantastically.

If only Lost Ark wasn't a glorified Asian mobile game, it was pure steaming rhino diarrhea outside of raids and its combat system. PoE2 is the closest I've seen of any isometric ARPG to make slow, weighty combat feel as good as my Destroyer and spec Scrapper did (and I loved my crit/swift artillerist, too) and it is built with poE1 "nmburs go up lul" mindset rather than going balls to the wall with the mechanical, weighty, and speed capped combat.

I agree, lost arks downfall was the paywalls and daily/weekly limits on everything.

However there is no denying their combat, animations, and co-op raids were incredible. Also the visibility of knowing what attack a boss is doing is very clear. I miss it but I know better to ever install it again, does not mean path of exile cannot learn from the positives lost ark had

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