Ascension feels frustrating

I fell off, shortly after first ascendency. The first points took me a while, but finally i managed it. And i found the honour-system to be quite frustrating. I then started on the second type (cant remember what its called, I just call "bulllshit" in my head), and holy smokes... that was no fun at all. Difficult modifiers that makes the run imposible, and a few manageable ones (at least in my experience). And i dont know if its the intent or not, but i never get the manageable ones. I got the feeling that i was tasked to do a marathon and I got to pick between constant dysentry, tuberculosis or muscular atrophy. They all suck to have, and it felt like which ever you chose the run was doomed. So i gave up and descided that I would just keep doing the other ascendency challenge instead. As i now, compared to the other one, was starting to accept the honour-system. So i did one run, got to the end with alot of keys and got plenty of "meh" loot that I wanted to sell. Without thinking I portaled to town to sell my stuff like usually do when the inventory is full. But of course i could not get back now. These experiences so close together over a short amount of time killed my enjoyment. I started some new characters in an atempt to get it back, but it didnt help. The thought of having to butt my head against "the master" and the honour-system with these new characters was constantly in the back of my head.

I realise that this is somewhat of the point of ARPGs, and that I as pleb-noob complaining about a hard mechanic in the game will just result in a "git gud" from the community. And I respect that, and realise that i am out of my element and need to "git gud". But locking what I assume is a core element of the game (ascendency) behind these damn near impossible challenges, just killed my enjoyment. I guess that I can just continue the story, get stonger and eventually beat these challenges, but the thought of grinding these bullshit mechanics multiple times makes it hard to get back in. If the ascendency-tree is not that important, then maybe state that somewhere, so i dont feel like im missing out on a key part of the game (I dont think this is the case thou). And if im meant to do these challenges, then maybe find a way to make it a bit more enjoyable. Its ok that it is supposed to be hard, but does it need to be so punishing? It feels really bad.

And on the subject of teleporting out of the reward area in the first type of ascendency-dungeon, there should be a warning that I cant get back in. I realise that this was a mechanic back in POE1 and most people probably know that you should not teleport out of there, but how was I to know? This experience was probably the worst of them all. After getting through a dungeon with mechanics I didnt like and finally reached the end, I was stopped from progressing because I teleported out. Why? And why not warn me that it would happen, at least once? By this ponit my cup of frustration-juice was brimming, and this last drop caused it all to flow over. It all felt really bad and I cant see what purpose it serves that the games is this way.

I dont mean to thrash or bad mouth this game at all. Up until this point in the game i was really enjoing myself. But if GGG is interested in mapping out where and why players drop out of the game, I want to contribute with my own thoughts and experiences on the matter, as a player that was fallen off. I hope someone at GGG sees this and considers my feedback. I may be the only one who feels this way about the ascendency and just need to "git gud", but I dont think so. I really want to get back into the game, but the dreaded trials keep me from jumping back in. At least for now.

Best regards
A pleb-noob.
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2025, 5:57:18 PM
Git gud!

Just joking. Great feedback, well written. That's how it should be. Constructive and calm.

That said, I think part of this issue is, that the two ascendency trials differ way to much from the core gameplay. 98% of the time, you go on maps and slay enemies and suddenly you have to do these "mini games" (trials) with mechanics that require you to change your playstyle if you want to overcome it and as soon as you have finished the trials, the gameplay returns to its core gameplay. I think the trials should exist, but the ascendency should not be gated behind them. Nothing crucial should be in there, except great loot potential and maybe some uniques you can only get dropped here from chests.

That's what I've suggested in this thread here:

Last edited by AceNightfire#0980 on Feb 11, 2025, 9:20:37 AM
i completed 3 sanctums and 1 ultimatum. will never ever do it again - will just buy carry.
30 ex something something, must watch out for rmters tho
Reply to:
Git gud!

Just joking. Great feedback, well written. That's how it should be. Constructive and calm.

That said, I think part of this issue is, that the two ascendency trials differ way to much from the core gameplay. 98% of the time, you go on maps and slay enemies and suddenly you have to do these "mini games" (trials) with mechanics that require you to change your playstyle if you want to overcome it and as soon as you have finished the trials, the gameplay returns to its core gameplay. I think the trials should exist, but the ascendency should not be gated behind them. Nothing crucial should be in there, except great loot potential and maybe some uniques you can only get dropped here from chests.

That's what I've suggested in this thread here:


Now that I read it, I realise that I feel excactly the same. That would be a better soulution, I think.
Last edited by PonnienRonny#4974 on Feb 11, 2025, 9:38:48 AM
My biggest issue with Sehkama Ascendancy is the extra health bar that unaffected by any defense mechanic and does not start topped off, worse the recovery of which is dependent on pure luck.

AKA Honour.

Remove that and I don't think anyone would complain.
This is the general feeling of the game flow for most people. It's going great, very fun to play, right until ascendancy(s) where the game comes to a screeching halt.

I realize they want it to be a difficult thing to do, but it shouldnt be done in this way. Really the whole approach to difficulty that they have in the game is somewhat flawed.

The way mapping and trial punishments work, discourages anything but META. Build diversity is for the wealthy.

The entire idea of making the game harder in trials and waystone mapping seems to revolve around stripping or penetrating your defenses. Which, yeah makes it harder, for some builds. Does it make it more fun though? No.
Last edited by BattLeSCVs#6386 on Feb 11, 2025, 12:19:36 PM
Agree. I waved the white flag yesterday. I love the game, but this put me over the edge yesterday as I realized it was simply not fun.
It's too long also. I finished 2 trials at act2 and 3. Tried at cruel but I saw another trial after one boss. I gave up and I didn't try. I prefer not to get last 4 ascension points.
Tried at cruel but I saw another trial after one boss. I gave up and I didn't try. I prefer not to get last 4 ascension points.

You won't get 3rd pair of points by acomplishing that, btw -)
To get them you have to do 3 floors of trials or 10 in Chaos temple ))
Same feeling here.
Im around lvl 73 minion witch, failed like 4 times my third sanctum trial.
I use lvl 62-65 Djin stone, i have 75% honour resis and like 6k max honour.

I loose between 0 to 100 honor on the first and second floor ;i can just roll dodge and my minions clean, but im pretty sure its super hard as melee.
But then, third floor is more painful, still fine, but i always hit a point where i have to take a bricking affliction, like having -500% mouv speed, 0 armour 0 energy shield and then it's impossible.

Created a new character, and after hitting level 2 i realised i could never ascend with him so i just stopped playing completly.

I feel like these 2 shitty trials are like slot machines but you loose 30 min to 1 hour everytime you "play". These two leagues (sanctum and ultimatum) are the one i hated the most, i did not engage in this RNG thing cause i prefer my skills to matter rather my just pure luck.

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