Lol this just made me quit

The game definitely doesn't need balance, I thought my gem stacker was OP so I stopped playing him.

Literally like watching a cartoon or joke, lol

/shuts door on way out
Last bumped on Feb 12, 2025, 6:37:31 PM
To be fair most people will not be able to do this. Its multi mirror build, guy has 3k divines in it.
Last edited by Leonemeaeus#0087 on Feb 13, 2025, 2:36:46 AM
Last edited by Leonemeaeus#0087 on Feb 13, 2025, 2:33:24 AM
I truly hope the final game won't devolve into another one button zoom zoom garbage collection simulator.
This is because they essentially copy pasted POE1, making changes to scaling for a few aspects, but there has been no significant data collection or testing until now, using the masses during Early Access. I hate to say this, but even that dudes build isn't min-maxed and there are a few other builds that do the same thing.

They admit in their "state of early access" post they are aware of these issues and have stated they plan to refine and balance things further in 0.2.0.

By live launch (1.0) The game will (hopefully) better align with their proposed "vision." However, I cannot foresee a future in which they release new classes, support gems, and gear where it does not encounter more and more "end game" builds which operate in similar fashion, unfortunately, the more they add, the more can also slip through the cracks each league, leaving a constant extreme end of the performance spectrum always available to those in the know.

Let's just keep our fingers crossed that it’s not another POE1. The fact that it launched in such a poor shape (one can only assume at the behest of Tencent) I personally don't expect to receive a finely tuned and well-balanced ARPG with slow, methodical combat that requires strategic use of multiple skills and proper positioning. It just simply doesn’t align with the core game mechanics and numbers. With the removal of things like mobility skills, this even contradicts such a "vision", and leads me to believe they really aren't certain which way to progress. Not a good look.

After 5+ years in development I have to say I am not currently impressed with the state of the game. I will keep an eye on it, but I won't hold my breath.

The biggest problem, as complex as their systems are, is they simply don't seem to know how to balance mob scaling right, so rather than getting creative with monster mods the end game is just "numbers go up" and either you now need 50% move speed and 100mil DPS to oneshot everything on screen or you get one shot instead. We have the most mechanically deep Diablo-like ever (short of Lost Ark and its raids) and they are still thinking with PoE1 brain, giving us not only cancerous rare mods that feel tedious or unfair but also making them zoom zoom and fight in ways that just feel like a gear and numbers game, entirely mutually exclusive to a mechanically deep vision.
Holymolly what a broken build.
Tech guy
Average PoE1 build.
It def reminds me of a lot of poe1 garbage. I have cleared all content in poe1 but never like this and I've done most of poe2 but again if I had something like this I wouldn't bother, there's 0 challenge, you've hit max level you can wipe the game why go around collecting currency anymore, go outside and live haha!

Meanwhile I look at the warrior with the average movespeed of about 26 due to armour penalties wondering how many warrior looking bro's beat up the devs in high school to make them hate big beefy characters so much

That scaling comment is on the money too - lets add hp and damage and remove resistances, lol absolutely nothing creative since 2013

/shuts door again

this is just a test not related to post

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