1-portal grew on me, now i really want it to stay!


If you get this emotional over this game then you should ask why you play it still.

Reevaluate, because if something has not changed, when asked for, for years then you should know it probably won’t change

Getting “pissed off” for this many years isn’t the games fault at that point

No, if they design something bad and refuse to remove it, and you get punished due to bad design, that's what we call bullshit.

If it's me who dies, that's fine. But that's not what i'm bitching about specifically, which makes losing a whole map really fucking suck.

I think you need to reevaluate your assumptions.
Pisses me off to no end because you STILL die to invisible shit.

GGG has had 13 years to fix their on death stuff, every single league, every 3 months for over a decade all they did was make new on death shit, and re-introduce stuff they swore they would axe. No matter how careful you are, some things just don't render, and in lower defense builds where you would typically be able to dodge -- you just die suddenly with no warning, no telegraph, nothing -- with that in mind i've not been able to truly test the 1 portal system, because when I die to invisible explosions I'm just angry, that wipes HOURS of smile off my face, I have to logout and walk away for upwards of a day from a single unwarranted death..

After 13 years we know GGG cannot design on death effects. For the last 5 years people have been saying "POE 2 WILL FIX IT" -- POE 2 made everything it was supposed to "fix" significantly worse.

And that's just from invisible on death effects...

There's two very important things everyone here needs to read about GGG.

1) GGG doesn't learn from past mistakes.

no matter what, they will keep doing the same mistakes because they don't care what we think. They will never back off, or back down. Archnemesis is still in the game after they removed it, then re-introduced it, then removed it, and renamed it so people wouldn't notice..

2) GGG doesn't care what you think/like.

GGG is concerned with themselves and themselves only. They couldn't care less about the consumer, or 90% of the stuff in POE 2 wouldn't have ever seen the light of day. This is why they sold to TenCent -- so they no longer have to care about us, they get paid from China, they don't care if we quit, if anything i'm sure they want the vast majority of old players out, because with us come expectations that GGG must meet.

For years and years we've complained about the same exact things, and for years and years they've typically made those mistakes over and over, and worse and worse.

Remember "Manifestos"? They would write a huge post about how "Hey we know you don't like what were doing, but we're right, and you're wrong, deal with it" -- It's an incredibly hostile stance to take with their own consumers, and while we enjoy the game we are doing it IN SPITE of their decisions, not because of their decisions.

Yea I dont know why you play this game if you think this way. Seems like you are extremely unhappy to the point that you should just disengage.
Mash the clean

I am not diagreing with any of your points, I just have a question because I hear that A LOT.

Which games have even a "death log" besides the classic "Roleplay Games" (mostly turn-based)?

league of legends has a full game replay ? since when btw, start of the game ?

warcraft 3 dota also had some full replay capabilities.

maybe in 10 years we get at least a list of the debuff affecting us
_rt_#4636 wrote:
You wrote a lot of text to keep repeatedly mistaking "punishment" for "difficulty".

Difficulty is a measure of how much preparation/practice something requires to be pulled off or overcome.

HC is EXACTLY as difficult as softcore because both are exactly the same game.
The difference is the punishment for death which, in turn, narrows down player options to tackle the mode (which I can see being mistaken for "difficulty")

Precisely the point I am disagreeing with. You think and try to say that "punishment" is isolated from difficulty. I see them as synonymous and intertwined. Without punishment, there exists no challenge. No matter what. If there exist NO CONSEQUENCE to failure....then there is nothing to overcome.

Punishment takes many forms, but it is always inextricably tied to difficulty and "colors' the difficulty in certain ways. And the more severe the punishment, the more "difficult" the game becomes. Always, 100% of the time.

Just like how you decided to describe HC: restricts your choices in overcoming obstacles. THAT is the essence of difficulty. Nuzlocke challenge in pokemon, same thing. Beating someone in chess using fewer pieces. Beating a game in under x time. These are all punishments on the player which are intertwined with the difficulty of the game being played.

Think about something like a sidescroller. The gameplay itself might be absurdly easy "press a single button at the right time". But coupled with a punishment like "no lives" or "restart from the beginning on death", and it becomes an incredibly difficult game to win.

HC is NOT the same difficulty as SC. The punishment for death makes it like playing with 1 hand tied behind your back, as you said "restricted choices". That alone makes it more challenging. Why do you even think its a celebratory achievement to reach level 90 or above in HC? In SC, that is NOTHING. Yet in HC, it is a CHALLENGE that players overcome.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Feb 11, 2025, 5:35:37 PM
I really hate the idea of 1-portal being an "option" via atlas passives or other means.

I think its crucial to what makes PoE 2 the game that it is. Even adding a single additional portal completely removes the, what I like to call, "One portal effect" that has PoE 2 endgame in its clutches.

Here's how I might describe what I'm talking about using familiar mechanics: imagine you have a boss fight like Sirus. He creates his black whirlpools of death. BUT....you can either spec into a passive point to remove them, or by default the black whirlpools don't exist and you can ADD them for additional rewards. This would completely and irreparably damage the core of the Sirus fight for the GAME. Doesn't really even matter if SOME like it or not.

This is how I feel about making something so important as 1-portal an opt-in choice. It fundamentally changes how the game operates from a base state, and that's NOT what we want. PoE 2, despite the overlap, is NOT PoE 1. Having only a single portal is a major part of that new identity.

I get your point, but the comparison doesn't really work.

Having more portals does not change the direct difficulty of the content you are doing, the Sirus change would.

While I am for the "1 death per map", this system has a major flaw.
We can basically prevent all deaths with enough knowledge, investment, awareness, and skill, BUT... bugs exist and always will exist.
If you die to an unintended bug - you still die and you get punished for something that's not your fault.

Personally, I can deal with that and go "shit happens", but a lot of ppl can't.
A "solution" in PoE1 was - you got more portals and it's unlikely to die to a bug again in that single map. That's missing with PoE2.

I somewhat have to side with the other person. And while your argument can be summed up that some deaths will be outside of your control or 'unfair' it still doesn't mean we should be given more chances. Given the fact they solved the network problem to the point that i never die due to lag on my crap connection is a testament that the unfair amount of rips are magnitudes lower here than in poe1. hell de-sync never stopped me from playing HC before, its just more exciting and 1-portal has its at a perfect balance without going full HC

Edit- while i'm all for options, the more portals should be offered in separate mode of the game completely, like 'Normal mode' and use current sate of the game fro 'Ruthless' and reduce the loot to the levels of day 1 :P
Last edited by AintCare#6513 on Feb 11, 2025, 6:15:42 PM
The debate surrounding this topic can continue indefinitely, but certain points stand clear to me:

1 portal = game is dead. No crafting = game is dead. Towers and one-run maps = game is dead.

I'm not raging; I'm just stating the facts. Currently, there's a significant overlap between Path of Exile 1 (PoE1) and Path of Exile 2 (PoE2), which poses a substantial risk of killing both games.

Players who dislike PoE2's mechanics won't return to PoE1. I'm in that camp. Why would I go back? Those who are invested in PoE1 will never move to PoE2.

PoE2 fails to attract new players or bring back old ones because it falls under the "Time Waster" category. Deliberate gating and time-wasting tactics are rampant in the game.

Those who enjoyed PoE2 for what it was are gone. They didn't play PoE1, read the hype, checked it out, got what they wanted, and left. Many are frustrated and have simply quit.

If GGG want's to create this game, then they will.
The founders can all retire, there isn't that much stake in the game.
I don't see it being a long term successful game.

I have hundreds of hours, i do leave it running so ... but still enough.
It isn't fun, period.

I can keep going because of personality, I had a goal, I can take consolation in the fact im way off meta builds and feel like im toughing something out.

Then I ask... why?
Why spend hours setting up a farm location with towers, then juice maps ...
Know what happens .... exploding corpse... map gone .... shit!!


One try again .. Oh look Hag death ball spawned right behind me in a narrow hall. I cant move ... there goes that map ..

so what are we at there

Mapping to the towers.
Getting the maps drops.
Getting the tablets for the towers.
Orbs , transmutation, Augmentation , Regal

POOF Gone. Corpse Explosion, Hag , fun!

Im rarely wrong about these things.
PoE2 if it keeps its "Vision" its dead as a door nail.
Last edited by Jitter912#4278 on Feb 11, 2025, 6:54:05 PM
I'm not raging; I'm just stating the facts.

If you state facts you need to base them on something factual.
So where are your facts?

Im rarely wrong about these things.

That's, in fact, is wrong. What you say doesn't become true only because of "trust me bro".
Regarding your entire comment:
Where is your proof of anything you've said?

Precisely the point I am disagreeing with. You think and try to say that "punishment" is isolated from difficulty. I see them as synonymous and intertwined. Without punishment, there exists no challenge. No matter what. If there exist NO CONSEQUENCE to failure....then there is nothing to overcome.

Punishment takes many forms, but it is always inextricably tied to difficulty and "colors' the difficulty in certain ways. And the more severe the punishment, the more "difficult" the game becomes. Always, 100% of the time.

Just like how you decided to describe HC: restricts your choices in overcoming obstacles. THAT is the essence of difficulty. Nuzlocke challenge in pokemon, same thing. Beating someone in chess using fewer pieces. Beating a game in under x time. These are all punishments on the player which are intertwined with the difficulty of the game being played.

Think about something like a sidescroller. The gameplay itself might be absurdly easy "press a single button at the right time". But coupled with a punishment like "no lives" or "restart from the beginning on death", and it becomes an incredibly difficult game to win.

HC is NOT the same difficulty as SC. The punishment for death makes it like playing with 1 hand tied behind your back, as you said "restricted choices". That alone makes it more challenging. Why do you even think its a celebratory achievement to reach level 90 or above in HC? In SC, that is NOTHING. Yet in HC, it is a CHALLENGE that players overcome.

Now I see where you come from. You actually believe in this skewed up definition of "difficulty" and it shows here:

Without punishment, there exists no challenge. No matter what. If there exist NO CONSEQUENCE to failure....then there is nothing to overcome.

Have you ever played Dark Souls? Or Elden Ring? These games' idea is to teach people to not give up and to overcome challenges.
There are even videos about how playing these games changed a person's perspective on life's struggles.

You know how much punishment these games give you on death? None. You're just sent to your previous bonfire/grace and drop a few souls you can easily re-farm in less than 10 minutes if you aren't able to retrieve them. That's it. Elden Ring even gives you a checkpoint at the doorstep of the boss' arena, so you're not even pushed back anymore.
THE games known for being challenging to players and teaching them how to persevere and keep trying to overcome obstacles DON'T punish them when they die.

More examples of challenging/difficult games with little to no punishment

Super Meat Boy or Celeste.
You die, you're sent back to the beginning of your current level. Simple as that. Seconds/minutes later you're back at where you died.

Guild Wars 2 raids and then their CM versions, specially Dhuum.
Takes several hours of practicing per raid so that you can even get a scuffed/lucky raid clear. Takes literally dozens of hours until you're actually good at it and reliably kill the raid boss. You know how much punishment you receive for wiping? Zero. You can be attempting the raid again literal seconds after your party wipes.
The game even has a revive mechanic built into the game DURING THE RAID, so if you somehow are able to have someone step out of doing mechanics and go there revive the dead player, they can do it and keep the run going as if no one died.

Competitive online games.
They have no actual ceiling to how hard/challenging they can be, since you're playing against another human that can practice, improve and make the game harder for you.
How much punishment for losing a match? None. Only losing MMR, which means your next match should be easier, not harder, so I guess the opposite of punishment?

Harsh punishment is just a low-effort way game devs use to make their games feel difficult. Except when you step back and think more deeply about them, these games require little to no in-game skill.

Also, looking at your examples and how you perceive HC, my guess is that you have that warped definition of "difficulty" because you've never played a game that's actually difficult in itself and requires in-game skill that you acquire by playing the game.
You've only played games like PoE: easy in themselves, harsh punishment so that whenever you achieve something you believe you got "good at the game".

The closest you had to have an actual argument on the matter was when you mentioned Nuzlocke and similar challenges. Except none of these are punishment. All of these are something called "restrictions", and yes, they add difficulty the same way SSF adds a restriction that makes PoE more difficult.
They add difficulty because they narrow down what players can and cannot do (restriction), or they reduce their available resources, in the case of games like chess.

By the way, HC doesn't restrict you in any way. It just reduces the viability of some playstyles/builds. Less risk taken = slower progression.
That's why it's just as difficult as softcore, just with harsher punishment.
And you know why I'm right?
Because you can play softcore EXACTLY like HC and do everything without dying ONCE. That's why both characters are literally the same in terms of difficulty. Go play softcore, die once and you delete your character. There you go, now you're playing HC.
The only thing you can stretch to say HC is harder than softcore is that HC characters can't trade with softcore characters, and because there are way less HC players all playing slower, you have less available trading options.

And you want to learn how to spot actual difficulty and progression versus the low-effort, cheap artificial version?
Overcome the challenges in the game and then go back to their "starting areas".

Dark Souls?
Second playthroughs are absurdly easier for anyone. Even going for another souls game you have never played before.

Super Meat Boy and Celeste?
The levels that took you dozens of deaths you can now speed through without dying

Guild Wars 2 raids?
Once you can do them reliably, you can adapt to almost any non-wiping mistake your party makes

Competitive online games?
Smurf accounts are the testament to the abyss between a highly skilled and an unskilled player

Little difference between playing Act 1 maps and T16+ juiced maps.
I'm not raging; I'm just stating the facts.

If you state facts you need to base them on something factual.
So where are your facts?

Im rarely wrong about these things.

That's, in fact, is wrong. What you say doesn't become true only because of "trust me bro".
Regarding your entire comment:
Where is your proof of anything you've said?

No No fair enough

Keep the post in your history .
When I am wrong come back and throw it in my face.


I won't be .
If GGG keeps 1 portal
and GGG keeps no crafting.
and GGG keeps ascending as it is .

1 Year from now every season PoE2 will spike to 100,000 players.
then will decline to 20,000 quickly.
2 years from now it will be entirely irrelevant.

These mechanics are game killers.
All i need to do is look at Ruthless....
Go check those numbers out.

Last edited by Jitter912#4278 on Feb 11, 2025, 7:36:11 PM
I'm not raging; I'm just stating the facts.

If you state facts you need to base them on something factual.
So where are your facts?

Im rarely wrong about these things.

That's, in fact, is wrong. What you say doesn't become true only because of "trust me bro".
Regarding your entire comment:
Where is your proof of anything you've said?

No No fair enough

Keep the post in your history .
When I am wrong come back and throw it in my face.


I won't be .
If GGG keeps 1 portal
and GGG keeps no crafting.
and GGG keeps ascending as it is .

1 Year from now every season PoE2 will spike to 100,000 players.
then will decline to 20,000 quickly.
2 years from now it will be entirely irrelevant.

These mechanics are game killers.
All i need to do is look at Ruthless....
Go check those numbers out.

It's a weird way to say "I cannot present any facts".

My problem is not that you assume things or present your subjective view, but when you say stuff like this:
PoE2 fails to attract new players or bring back old ones because it falls under the "Time Waster" category. Deliberate gating and time-wasting tactics are rampant in the game.

Those who enjoyed PoE2 for what it was are gone. They didn't play PoE1, read the hype, checked it out, got what they wanted, and left. Many are frustrated and have simply quit.

you should be able to base it on factual things or not state it as a fact.

Feels like the entire build conversation again. Where you say "It is good" because you feel like it, but it wasn't factually good.

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