The Rotten Druid (Cruel)

"[...] asking for reduced difficulty because you couldn't dodge away from an attack that most definitely doesn't 1-shot you is not enough reason to ask to reduce the boss' difficulty."

Your response isn't signaling reading comprehension with the added detail, and I frankly couldn't care less at this point, so this is my final response.

I said, "Please review for balance."

That was not to suggest or infer changing the boss' mechanic. I think the attack is a fine capability for the boss to use and for the player to encounter. However, my request does mean, perhaps, there could be a math bug with the amount of damage that particular mechanic inflicts that could be amplified if one is caught in the blast, particularly against my build. This unintended damage multiplier wouldn't be the first of its kind to get tuned due to unexpected output.

The biggest challenge here for me as a player is I have 0 understanding of what actually happened in the short timeframe of the attack to kill me. I have no log file to review for DPS or what effects applied to my character in the moment, or what my build lacked to know how to defend against the attack next time if I get caught in it. I've been able to steamroll other bosses while getting hit on occasion by their mechanics without coming anywhere near to this amount of damage so fast where I couldn't roll to survive.

Could I have survived the attack if I had 3.2k health instead of 3k? I have no idea. Why couldn't I dodge out of the way despite trying to mash my roll button furiously once the attack started? Was I stunned at first hit and things imploded from there? I have no idea.

It is easy to suggest the idea of just don't get hit. Sure, but when you do, that scenario matters too (provided the build isn't garbage), to ensure the experience works as designed.

Honestly, you and I aren't going to solve this here, but maybe GGG takes a look. In the end, I really wish there was a replay feature to watch and learn from every death, including a log file to scan. Maybe that's a future feature on PS5.
Last edited by diddykong7#0248 on Feb 11, 2025, 10:41:28 PM
There is nothing GGG needs to look into.

You just misplayed one of his mechanics. He has his normal "attack" where he only shoots one projectile and then the "attack" you died to.
This ability has a longer caste time, you can see him charging this attack for long enough so you know it's coming.
If you just walk you won't get hit.

Should you misplay and get hit you will likely get stunned and get shotgunned by the projectiles.

The mechanic works as intended and it's not hard to "outplay".
There is nothing GGG needs to look into.

You just misplayed one of his mechanics. He has his normal "attack" where he only shoots one projectile and then the "attack" you died to.
This ability has a longer caste time, you can see him charging this attack for long enough so you know it's coming.
If you just walk you won't get hit.

Should you misplay and get hit you will likely get stunned and get shotgunned by the projectiles.

The mechanic works as intended and it's not hard to "outplay".

I’m not denying I misplayed and could have been better at avoiding it, and it sounds like I was stunned, which would explain why I couldn't dodge, but to claim there is nothing there to look into sounds like added conjecture.

To get caught in the blast is a one-shot mechanic then, no? He attacks, you mistime the attack, you die. Is that the intended design? If so, fine. But other than the obvious “don’t get hit,” how much damage does that attack do in cruel when you do get hit? And how do you mitigate it (passives for stun buildup) should you be unlucky enough to get caught? I fear this is a pointless debate without looking at the build and the boss dps numbers.
Last edited by diddykong7#0248 on Feb 11, 2025, 11:11:01 PM
In Cruel difficulty, this boss one shot my lvl 52 sorcerer that had 3k HP (1k mana from MOM, 1k ES, and 1k health) in < 2 seconds with his spray attack where I couldn't move out of it. It was infuriating to lose a HC character to this mechanic. Please review for balance.

The homing barrage is one of the most telegraphed attacks in the game imho. All you need to do to evade it is to simply start running and keep running when you see the telegraph. Not a single one will hit you.

I’m not denying I misplayed and could have been better at avoiding it, and it sounds like I was stunned, which would explain why I couldn't dodge, but to claim there is nothing there to look into sounds like added conjecture.

To get caught in the blast is a one-shot mechanic then, no? He attacks, you mistime the attack, you die. Is that the intended design? If so, fine. But other than the obvious “don’t get hit,” how much damage does that attack do in cruel when you do get hit? And how do you mitigate it (passives for stun buildup) should you be unlucky enough to get caught? I fear this is a pointless debate without looking at the build and the boss dps numbers.

I am too lazy to look him up on poedb, but I guess this attack does heavy physical damage, so with armour and a stun charm it's probably not even dangerous.

If you don't have either you still can easily outplay it and to me the damage looks right for his strongest attack.

If you don't have either you still can easily outplay it and to me the damage looks right for his strongest attack.

Good tip on the charm, which is something I didn't have for that moment.

But as far as the damage looking right, given your purported game skills, it doesn't sound like you've had much experience to know if it is fair by actually getting hit with the attack by mistake. Unless you mean it should one-shot. In the end, that's what I'm curious about.

If you don't have either you still can easily outplay it and to me the damage looks right for his strongest attack.
Good tip on the charm, which is something I didn't have for that moment.

But as far as the damage looking right, given your purported game skills, it doesn't sound like you've had much experience to know if it is fair by actually getting hit with the attack by mistake. Unless you mean it should one-shot. In the end, that's what I'm curious about.

I mean, I killed him with every class in Act 1, in Act 1 cruel and his map version and the damage never seemed too high.
Has this attack high damage? Yes. But so do other boss abilities if you don't avoid them.
"[...] asking for reduced difficulty because you couldn't dodge away from an attack that most definitely doesn't 1-shot you is not enough reason to ask to reduce the boss' difficulty."

Your response isn't signaling reading comprehension with the added detail, and I frankly couldn't care less at this point, so this is my final response.

I said, "Please review for balance."

That was not to suggest or infer changing the boss' mechanic. I think the attack is a fine capability for the boss to use and for the player to encounter. However, my request does mean, perhaps, there could be a math bug with the amount of damage that particular mechanic inflicts that could be amplified if one is caught in the blast, particularly against my build. This unintended damage multiplier wouldn't be the first of its kind to get tuned due to unexpected output.

The biggest challenge here for me as a player is I have 0 understanding of what actually happened in the short timeframe of the attack to kill me. I have no log file to review for DPS or what effects applied to my character in the moment, or what my build lacked to know how to defend against the attack next time if I get caught in it. I've been able to steamroll other bosses while getting hit on occasion by their mechanics without coming anywhere near to this amount of damage so fast where I couldn't roll to survive.

Could I have survived the attack if I had 3.2k health instead of 3k? I have no idea. Why couldn't I dodge out of the way despite trying to mash my roll button furiously once the attack started? Was I stunned at first hit and things imploded from there? I have no idea.

It is easy to suggest the idea of just don't get hit. Sure, but when you do, that scenario matters too (provided the build isn't garbage), to ensure the experience works as designed.

Honestly, you and I aren't going to solve this here, but maybe GGG takes a look. In the end, I really wish there was a replay feature to watch and learn from every death, including a log file to scan. Maybe that's a future feature on PS5.

You are the one that didn't understand my reply, which boils down to "no, we don't need a revision".
The fact you say the boss "one shot" in "<2 seconds" shows how little thought you put into your own death. 2 seconds is a huge amount of time in a videogame... and how does a one shot takes more than an instant? Is it instant or is it less than 2 seconds?

Despite that, are you really suggesting a code/interaction revision without even knowing how you died?
Now that you explained your frustration further, you sound like a kid whining that the game seems broken just because it killed you.

- You don't know why you didn't dodge
- You don't know which type of damage killed you
- You can't tell the estimated DPS of the attack (near-instant death vs. less than 2 seconds)

At this point you're just approaching HC wrong and you shouldn't be complaining here.
If you don't know the ins and outs of bosses, play softcore and set yourself a personal limit to how many deaths your character can suffer.
Re-do this several times and lower your limit in every new character. Once you can get to T15+ maps in less than 10-15 deaths consistently, then you might want to consider creating an HC character.
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 12, 2025, 6:17:51 AM

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