The cost of death!

Could be that I am out of touch and the challenge I prefer is "outdated", but hell... to me, it seems GGG wants to go in the direction with PoE2 I would like it going.

That's why some of us are sticking by GGG. After hearing them basically tell players they have skill issues, it made me upgrade my EA support package.
mikeab79#3627 wrote:
Could be that I am out of touch and the challenge I prefer is "outdated", but hell... to me, it seems GGG wants to go in the direction with PoE2 I would like it going.

That's why some of us are sticking by GGG. After hearing them basically tell players they have skill issues, it made me upgrade my EA support package.

When Mark had to hold back on the "waystone sustain problem"... priceless.

When Mark had to hold back on the "waystone sustain problem"... priceless.

another day, another XP loss rant thread with obvious obliviousness as to Omens of Amelioration.


Revive Coin:


Revive Coin:

How long til players complain they can't acquire something like that due to RNG? We already have an item in the game that saves you when you reach low life. How many people complaining about the XP loss runs with that omen in their inventory? Probably not many outside of HC.
there are so many 1 shot mechanics or issues

Please document them one by one so the devs have actual informations about the obnoxious one shot damage sources to adjusts, including your characters stats and the content you are running.

all of the map modifiers gone

Modifiers you chose to put on your maps which made the content harder, and even so you chose to run them, making you die in the process and lose them.

The top end of Diablo 2 was way more punishing than this. Many people stalled out in the low 90's and never hit 100 in classic D2. This is just a continuation of that level of grind/challenge.

Personally I think dying should kick you back to your hideout without losing exp. The player then gets to make a choice. They can either lose 10% exp to use one of their portals and re-enter the map. OR they can load a new waystone into the map node and lose all the prior modifiers on the tile. It’s pretty clear some players value the map/modifiers and not the exp and others highly value the exp and don’t mind running a blank tile. Death would have a penalty either way but the player gets agency in choosing which loss they take.
mikeab79#3627 wrote:

Revive Coin:

How long til players complain they can't acquire something like that due to RNG?

0h, this is a micro transaction coin, no rng drop

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