Dear GGG, not interested in your POE2 test event "Legacy of Phrecia"

lol so much salt in this thread. well i guess if i want to rub it in. POE2 definitely will be the focus of GGG. :D
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exsea#1724 wrote:
to be compared to as a d4 player

What you'll always be.

POE1 players be like D4 bad. it only has a skill fig not like poe which has an extensive skill tree, thousands of passives/uniques/ascendancies to have a gazillion possibilities. D4 players are bad cant make their own build and need so much hand holding

POE1 players also be like "so whats the best league starter?" "whats a good build for the new season?"

so much copium.
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At this point, I'm fairly excited for the event. The released details seem like a lot of fun, and if—as you surmise—they use our feedback to improve both POE1 and POE2, all the better.

Ultimately, something is better than nothing at all, particularly when it is unlike anything we've seen before. Bring on the unbridled chaos!
GGG puts on a show. They do all these pod casts and interviews acting like the pinnacle of game development and putting down other devs but always get shown as noob devs that pay shills to praise them and know the majority of npcs will just listen to shills.

arpgaddict#1346 wrote:
GGG puts on a show. They do all these pod casts and interviews acting like the pinnacle of game development and putting down other devs but always get shown as noob devs that pay shills to praise them and know the majority of npcs will just listen to shills.

I've listened to quite a lot of the dev interviews and I have never heard them "putting down other devs".
You know what they say..."You're out of luck until you've gone duck!"
This thread more entertainment than PoE1+2 rigt now!

And that's why we're on the forums ;)
There are people who need to feel superior for thinking that everything in the world is a conspiracy, this post is the same... EVERYTHING IS A CONSPIRACY!
hasatt0#7256 wrote:
This thread more entertainment than PoE1+2 rigt now!

And that's why we're on the forums ;)

sad truth.

i am just waiting for poe2's new "balance changes"/economy reset. no reason for me to play now.

as for poe1. its no longer my cup of tea and the existance of poe2 made me realize i've actually been playing a game i hated for 10 years. fml lol
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Its more that POE2 Bombed so hard and so fast that if they released a POE1 league right now it would literally kill their own new game, POE2 sitting at less than 70k players now at the daily lows..
Asghaad#3967 wrote:
this whole thing stinks of intentional SABOTAGE so that lead dev can point to "look how badly the PoE1 event went, we can go full tilt on PoE2 now" ...

>5k active players

There's no need to sabotage a complete disaster, it's already done.

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