POE2 needs to stop being more like Diablo IV and start being more like POE1.

Climet#7103 wrote:
AintCare#6513 wrote:
then why name it PoE2 then?

i made a thread very early on stating something similar to OP, however i did change my mind and after I played more of the game and i don't see poe2 being that different to poe1 (just to clarify I don't agree with OP)

It's Chris's original vision, Ruthless from PoE1 is the beta test for PoE2. This should directly explain why.

But, Ruthless is basically what GGG wanted PoE to be like, but they found players don't exactly like that, Expedition and Kalandra leagues were the leagues of conflict.

Idea is, PoE, and D4, have become a silly fest of content bloat, and mis-categorizing player speed as definition for player power. People see losing speed as a very, very bad thing, this is agreed by Ben and most PoE1 players. But some don't and so doesn't GGG, for the question - Why? It's because PoE1 feels less like a game and more like an Arcade, D4 is a weird extreme version of this. Also, PoE1 players hated PoE2 years before PoE2 launched - I have proof.

i don't think you understood me, if you yourself claimed poe2 is trying to be diff (which i myself do not agree with) then why you think poe2 is an appropriate name?
AintCare#6513 wrote:

i don't think you understood me, if you yourself claimed poe2 is trying to be diff (which i myself do not agree with) then why you think poe2 is an appropriate name?

Because it's much less about it being a sequel to Path of Exile 1, but Path of Exile 2 is what GGG intended Path of Exile 1 to be. Like, it plays different, and wants to be different, but you are still an Exile, it's not a Diablo like or Last Epoch like, but an Exile like. Path of Exile is an apt name.
Climet#7103 wrote:
AintCare#6513 wrote:

i don't think you understood me, if you yourself claimed poe2 is trying to be diff (which i myself do not agree with) then why you think poe2 is an appropriate name?

Because it's much less about it being a sequel to Path of Exile 1, but Path of Exile 2 is what GGG intended Path of Exile 1 to be. Like, it plays different, and wants to be different, but you are still an Exile, it's not a Diablo like or Last Epoch like, but an Exile like. Path of Exile is an apt name.

fair enough, this is what i actually think of the game anyway, i just wouldn't say its different form poe1. more like poe1 ran stray at some point
PoE 2 has more similarities with diablo 2 than 4 to be honest, and as someone who's spend a significant amout of time playing all 3 I can say that PoE2 feels way more fun to play than both of them (D2 is severely overrated and is held back by nostalgic people who refuse to accept that certain design choices are just straight up trash).

PoE2 ain't perfect by any means but in terms of ARPGs it's by far the best one I've played.
another day another negative kraythax post talking smack about PoE2.

Dude dont you have anything better to do than lurk on the forums of a game you dont like just to moan?

you've make literaly ~450 posts in the last 2 months.

It feels to me as if PoE became too bloated and unmanageable, from this they separated PoE2 and stripped it down to bare basics and upgraded that new engine (more performance, new ‘true’ 3D etc) until they were happy with the core of the barebones.
Then they started creating content and for the campaign that was fairly easy for them as it’s a basic concept with a lot of work to redo all the models and stats etc but essentially a walk through a story. Personally (and there will be a community split on this) I think the campaign starts a little too hard and ends (act 3 not cruel, which is a whole problem in of itself but should work out when acts 4-6 arrive) at a point where enemies are too weak but hit too hard (way too easy to kill but hit like a train).
After that we get the intermission of running one map outside of the campaign or hideout which is clunky but fair enough.
The real problems start in endgame (the atlas). This feels like they were pushed to get the game out and was far from tested or properly conceived at the time EA launched. To be fair they have done a lot since then and it’s much better conceptually, but lacks ‘excitement’ of any kind.
What would be an interesting experiment would be to completely remove waystone tiers, they just drop as a base currency. The tier they open portals at would be the quest phase you are currently on, this would mean (assuming your were strong enough) you’d reach max tier just by successfully completing those quests, thereafter each waystone would automatically be tier 15 (currently) and have the rolls it dropped with or that you applied to it.
Another necessary change imo is that tier 16 waystone should be a natural ‘drop’. Of course due to above suggested change that couldn’t happen but…. As each of the citadels are compulsory tier 15 (aka the quest after doing x tier 15s) you could make beating all three citadels the unlock for tier 16 waystones. In other words your quest progress upgrades your map device and all waystones are just modifying currency to the device.
This would simplify user end progress and reduce backend processing as there would only be one waystone and no need to calculate what tier that waystone is (most by tier 15s have below tier 14 disabled by filter anyhow so that’s wasted item creation).
Besides this we need more exciting endgame. I suspect and have faith that the current lacklustre endgame will be padded out with new features (JWR specifically said he wants delve added but it’s one of the tougher old leagues to include) and activites as the EA progresses.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
PoE 2 definitely need to be different than PoE 1. I stopped with PoE 1 two years ago because it was boring. Now I play PoE 2 and enjoy it so much. If you want PoE 1 go play PoE 1. The reason why both games exist together is for them being different.
Kraythax#2592 wrote:

Right. I am supposed to believe them after so many times they changed their mind and screwed POE1 players? First couple of times, ok. I am not so gullible anymore. Even their event is loaded with obvious testbed for POE2 stuff.

Put the tinfoil down. GGG already said why and how they ended in this situation regarding PoE1. They are not happy about it either.

And that an event they try to throw together for the community is how it is... is nothing special you need to think about. Play it and enjoy it if you want, but stop dooming about PoE1 when they only paused it.
Kraythax#2592 wrote:

Right. I am supposed to believe them after so many times they changed their mind and screwed POE1 players? First couple of times, ok. I am not so gullible anymore. Even their event is loaded with obvious testbed for POE2 stuff.

Put the tinfoil down. GGG already said why and how they ended in this situation regarding PoE1. They are not happy about it either.

And that an event they try to throw together for the community is how it is... is nothing special you need to think about. Play it and enjoy it if you want, but stop dooming about PoE1 when they only paused it.

Haven't you been paying attention? "Conspiracy theorists" are something like 35 wins, 0 losses since 2000. All of my pessimism is based of things they have outright said.
Kraythax#2592 wrote:

Haven't you been paying attention? "Conspiracy theorists" are something like 35 wins, 0 losses since 2000. All of my pessimism is based of things they have outright said.

Are these "conspiracy terrorists" in the room with you?

For real, who has said what and when?

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