ENDGAME Suggestion - Loose XP but dont loose fun and incentive to play for fun
To me one of the main problems of Endgame seems to be that everything in Endgame has a way too high risk atm that actually makes people not play the game normally.
Its pretty obvious why so many ppl leech from higher level players and why everyone seems to primarily play screen-wipe-builds - that from my point of view almost defeat the purpose of the game itself. To me Campaign was the most fun part of combat - you had to use lots of skills, dodge etc. and there was no punishment for beeing bold and play with friends and strangers. In the Endgame it seems different - you can loose a lot of time invested at any point by lag, bugs or invisible one shots with all the visual clutter. Depending on your level that can be hours of XP. This leads to something happening that is pretty bad for the game: - people start to mainly play it save - use metabuilds and non agressive builds - people just leech on high level chars to avoid danger - people use builds that minimize danger and pretty much negate 80% of the skills and mechanics this game offers. This also is extremely bad for the Community and MP - you cant just play for example a Trial with randoms witout actually risking a lot of your time invested for leveling. The next issue is the general gamedesign - i heard they wanted to make players play appropriate content - but thats just awful. Because it locks ppl in place in the worst possible way since the main way to get currency and better gear - required to progress better - is locked mostly in higher Tier maps and if you stay too long on the lower Tiers you actually can never catch up with the market since the droprate difference in items and currency is just so insane. So actually most ppl try to play harder maps mostly not because they want to - but because they have to. IDEAS: - reduce the difference between highest level and mid level when it comes to the ammount of loot and currency - add more possibilities to get higher tier weapons in lower tiers - and if its only white high level bases ppl can gamble with - dont punish players so hard for not playing it safe all the time an actually playing the game and not the latest screen-wipe-meta -- for example start the XP punishment later in the game for example 98-100 and make it less extreme OR -- Give ppl a second life on Maps that if used risks the XP loss while giving a Buff to XP gain and Loot OR -- add some sort of side-activity that enables people to win "Holy Coins" that will stop a XP loss once per coin - or reduce XP-Loss OR -- instead of punishment add bragging rights - like a second XP system with XP loss that unlocks things like Playertitles etc. OR -- tie XP loss to XP-Progress -> 10% of whatever you have in that level OR -- add 3-4 Save-Points per level so ppl can work towards a more reasonable goal AND/OR -- add an option to opt out of XP-Loss but also from XP-Gain to just play for fun with friends I actually like that idea - that way ppl could enjoy playing casually without having to worry about XP-Loss. Last edited by VanAsgard#4613 on Feb 9, 2025, 6:44:21 PM Last bumped on Feb 10, 2025, 8:53:51 AM
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I would seriously like to see their data on ppl stopping Endgame after loosing xy% Progress or ppl just beeing in groups with High Level-Chars.
Seeing the constant spam for services i m pretty sure there is a huge market. |
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2025 and spellcheck still ain't there. Goddamn what world are we living in? Dump Nvidia and invest in Merriam-Webster plz. |
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" just plug stuff into LLM and let it translate it to you if you have a hard time deciphering typos. its cheating but hey, the tech is here so might as well abuse it, right? |
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" I get ya, but it's not any better than AIM in the 90's. Just more copyright infringement. The point is that xp penalty has been around forever, and these "anti" posts are low effort garbage and it's easy to troll them. I'm not elite, I die plenty. I roll a new map and get on with life. |
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" I need an explanation of what you actually mean by that. " Why would you be rewarded with higher-tier items in lower tiers? If you want higher tier items run these areas as easy as possible and you get what you want, but shifting the acquiring into an early stage is completely against the purpose of it. You can still get incredible items that don't have the highest ilvl, but if you want THE BEST you need THE HIGHEST (with a few exceptions). " That's a choice the players make... if you don't want to focus all the time - play a build that allows it. If you want to play your "glass canon" then focus or deal with the consequences if you don't focus. To everything "EXP loss" related, just no. Stop trying to remove a min/maxing part from THE min/maxing game. What's next? Items cannot roll low-tier mods when above ilvl x? Bosses drop always their best item? The entire game, every single boss, encounter, whatever can be cleared without any issues on lvl 90 or even below. So why is it sooo important for new players to reach higher levels? Holy, just stay on 90 or 92 or whatever and improve your character with every other mechanic in the game. The last few levels are for ppl who wanna sweat and min/max. |
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Seems to be reoccuring anyone disagreeing, with facts even, are trolls.
OP these bullet points may apply to you, but they dont apply to everyone. Thats why people say skill issue. I can play an absolute ape of a build on warrior and have none of the issues you posted. Mash the clean
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" There is a difference between dissagreeing with something and making an argument and simply trying to disrupt any dicussion. Your - from my point of view - now first argument is true - but i never said it applys to everyone - i started most sentences with "me" and in the end everything someone posts online is a personal opinion. But neither you nor i have "facts" but simply opinions. It seems like this forum has a lot of people who actually arent interrested in discussions at all but simply are here to disrupt - the now deleted comments were exactly that. |
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" Idk man... I commented under your post and you ignored it, while your comment got deleted because it was not part of some "dialogue" and instead against the "Code of Conduct". Seems like the one who isn't actually "interested" is someone else. |
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