Experience penalty on death

Fnts7#2833 wrote:
First of all you do not need to assume you will ever reach 100. Stick to whatever reasonable high level can you achieve. For example I have been stuck on 95 for a long time now.

Why? Isn't making slow but constant progress towards the next level a great motivator?
If you do not find good loot in your run: Hey at least you inched a little closer to a new skill point.

Yes. Think about this carefully. What happens when you reach the level cap? That motivator goes away.

People frequently assume that you "need" to reach level 100 in order to finish your build, but the reality is that level 100 is supposed to be challenging and time consuming, so that people who want to put the effort in can have a long term goal to work towards. I always plan my builds up until level 90. The remaining 10 passive points are just a bonus.

Speaking as someone who has leveled multiple characters in PoE1 to 100, a major part of the challenge is supposed to be balancing your offenses and your defenses. The reality is that when people talk about "random one shots" as if they are inevitable and unavoidable, in actuality, they just aren't bothering to invest in their defenses sufficiently.

The actual problem right now is that the amount of investment and effort required to achieve "sufficient" defenses is way too high for most types of builds, with the outliers having disproportionate amounts of defensive capability compared to other options. But that will have to wait until the first major patch and economy reset.

As for the actual experience penalty, I honestly don't care one way or another if it exists or not when not dying in the first place is an option. And it is an option- just one that's harder to reach right now than it should be.

Yes. Think about this carefully. What happens when you reach the level cap? That motivator goes away.

You are right. But at the moment the motivator also goes away. Just way earlier than it needs to. At least for me.

I would assume that most people do not reach the 100 lvl cap regardless of exp penalty because of time constraints. I have no idea how many hours of playtime you have to invest to reach the cap. But when you have a job and are not a streamer there will probably be a new league before you are even close to the lvl cap.
And those who are so determined to actually reach lvl 100 probably dont need the lvl for motivation.

Sure, maybe this won't feel so bad when the endgame balance gets better.
But like i said before: It certainly lowers my enjoyment because it feels like the game does not respect my time.
And i hope the devs reconsider the usefullness of this mechanic. They massively postponed the penalty compared to PoE1 with it now starting at lvl 65 (i think ?). So they realised that it's not fun for the average player.

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