Experience penalty on death

Please remove the exp penalty on death. I dont understand the purpose. It feels like im being punished for playing.
Once i am above 50% towards the next level i dont do league mechanics anymore until i reached 100%.
Just too risky to loose hours of gameplay with a couple of mistakes or one shots. So i am basically optimising the fun out of the game. Makes me not want to continue.
If you need to stop people from leveling up when they die then at least limit the penalty to the experience you gathered within the map you are dying in.
I am sure nobody is going to miss the penalty. Hope this gets addressed in one of the upcoming patches.
Last bumped on Feb 10, 2025, 10:32:37 AM
You being punished by not caring about trying to play more careful, not trying to make your character more tanky.
I am sure nobody is going to miss the penalty. Hope this gets addressed in one of the upcoming patches.

I would certainly not miss it. It needs to go!

Please remove the exp penalty on death. I dont understand the purpose. It feels like im being punished for playing.
Once i am above 50% towards the next level i dont do league mechanics anymore until i reached 100%.
Just too risky to loose hours of gameplay with a couple of mistakes or one shots. So i am basically optimising the fun out of the game. Makes me not want to continue.
If you need to stop people from leveling up when they die then at least limit the penalty to the experience you gathered within the map you are dying in.
I am sure nobody is going to miss the penalty. Hope this gets addressed in one of the upcoming patches.

+1 to your post.
Agree with you. and this is actually a good idea:


If you need to stop people from leveling up when they die then at least limit the penalty to the experience you gathered within the map you are dying in.

Cheers bro
You mention would be a change to make the game more enjoyable, I agree with you. Dying and losing all my progress in 3 days only makes me quit the game.
game is unplayable due to exp loss and 1 shot mechanics. i would not recommend anyone spending money on this cash grab.
game is unplayable due to exp loss and 1 shot mechanics. i would not recommend anyone spending money on this cash grab.

Bruh... YOU made the decision to spend money to enter Early Access...
do you realise that the game will be free to play on full release?
Crazy "cash grab".
Experience penalty purpose is to make achieving top levels very hard, so that not everybody reaches levels like 95+. Being still hard over around 90.

First of all you do not need to assume you will ever reach 100. Stick to whatever reasonable high level can you achieve. For example I have been stuck on 95 for a long time now.

However because in POE2 you lose the access to the whole area, this could be loosened a bit. I see two options

1) Introduce sth like exping mode - in this mode you won't have any exp penalty, but it will very harshly reduce your drops like around 80% less quantity plus 50% less exp plus all rarity increased is converted perhaps to exp gain increase, so that low base exp rate can be boosted. Also when player switches to exping mode, he/she can switch back to normal mode after some delay like 1day to prevent jumping back and forth. Or introduce an expensive currency to perform such switch. But probably better - just gold fee plus 1day lockout from switching back again.

2) No penalty - enormously raise exp curve staring from like lvl85 and then the higher level the higher exp to next level increase compared to current up to around some really high multiplier on lvl99-100 compared to current.

Also omen of amelioration chance could be raised.
Last edited by Fnts7#2833 on Feb 9, 2025, 3:14:28 PM
The man who invented this must smoke a pot literally.
Fnts7#2833 wrote:
First of all you do not need to assume you will ever reach 100. Stick to whatever reasonable high level can you achieve. For example I have been stuck on 95 for a long time now.

Why? Isn't making slow but constant progress towards the next level a great motivator?
If you do not find good loot in your run: Hey at least you inched a little closer to a new skill point.

Of course i am no game designer. I can only give my perspective which is:
Loosing exp i already earned yesterday feels awful.
Imagine on every death one random item from your character/inventory disappears. That's no fun. Is it?

During the campaign when i died i would immediately give it another go. Now in endgame when i die i immediately turn off the game. It just completely kills my momentum. I don't know. Seems like a weird design choice to me.

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