loosing exp

Is here to stay

In both games
mikeab79#3627 wrote:

There is no explanation that would ever be adequate to you. There is a split in the community and the divide is at "risk vs reward". Some just want a trophy for showing up.

I already pointed out there are 4 layers of punishment other than XP loss. There is still lots of risk, even if you remove the XP penalty.

What risk would there be then? You can then juice any map to the gills and get tons of waystones without risking anything. With an abundance of waystones, what do you really lose when you die now?
mikeab79#3627 wrote:

What risk would there be then? You can then juice any map to the gills and get tons of waystones without risking anything. With an abundance of waystones, what do you really lose when you die now?

You'd have to spend at minimum twice as long to get to max. XP loss pushes the range anywhere from triple, up to infinite time required. Maybe time is not a valuable resource to you, but others like me really value their free time.

You also lose tower influence, you lose loot that you didn't pick up. And you're disregarding, but some people have real issues with waystone sustain (and orbs spent on juicing).
Last edited by SpankyKong#9805 on Feb 9, 2025, 12:12:28 PM
mikeab79#3627 wrote:
mikeab79#3627 wrote:

There is no explanation that would ever be adequate to you. There is a split in the community and the divide is at "risk vs reward". Some just want a trophy for showing up.

I already pointed out there are 4 layers of punishment other than XP loss. There is still lots of risk, even if you remove the XP penalty.

What risk would there be then? You can then juice any map to the gills and get tons of waystones without risking anything. With an abundance of waystones, what do you really lose when you die now?

Are we not playing the same game? Let me list them for you:
- the Waystone
- all the currency you used to craft it
- the league mechanics on the map
- the juice from the tablets you applied to the nearby towers
- the league mechanics from the tablets you applied to the nearby towers
- all the loot you did not pick up before dying
- you likely have to run the map again with 0 mechanics again to progress the atlas further in the direction you want to go

Is that not risk enough for you? If so, why don't you try hardcore and/or SSF?
hellix#5931 wrote:

This is an incredibly weird take that I keep hearing. What do you mean? Why should it be "forbidden" for players "to toss themselves at walls"? Please explain to me how this is bad for the game? If people find it fun, why are you telling them "you are having fun the wrong way, stop having fun".

XP loss needs to be removed as soon as possible!

And let me ask you one more thing. If XP loss on death was optional, how many people do you think will keep it off? My guess is 99.9999% will turn it off the millisecond they log in.

Because that's how the game works... it's not that deep.

EXP-loss is basically only noticeable after level 90 and if you die a lot.
Not only does the EXP loss prevent players from "brute forcing", but it's also a "check".

The game is designed this way so that MOST of your power is achievable around level 90, which means that with a level 90 character, you can fully clear the entire game without any problems. But if you want to be faster, stronger, more tanky, whatever... you go into the "min/max territory".
At this point, everything you gain has normally a lower impact, like getting from level 94 to 96 is barely noticeable, BUT can give you the option for something really specific for your min/maxing.

Furthermore, dying often (thus losing EXP) is an indicator for YOU - change something. Run less dangerous content, get better gear, improve your skills, check your passive tree and so on.
Dying in PoE2, besides unintended stuff like bugs, is actually in an ok spot, if you accept that you cannot just play the game and get everything you want for a lower investment. And no, "I invested x amount of hours" is not the investment needed... it's a GRINDING gear (game); spending tons of hours is the core anyway.

Besides other upsides to the EXP loss, there is even a downside most newer players don't keep in mind.
What happens when GGG removes the EXP loss?
You wouldn't die less, you wouldn't progress faster because the power from the levels you would gain is not the same as for someone who can use each point to its full potential.
BUT... every PoE veteran would have one restriction (nerf) less. Without the EXP loss, we would get level 100 even faster, get more power even quicker, would trivialise the game way earlier... THAT'S an indirect nerf to "the lower end" of the play base.
Every item you find becomes earlier "worthless", the economy "dies" earlier because the vets reach their goals even faster and leave the league etc.

The EXP-loss is not only a "check" for newer ppl - it's a "slow" for the veterans.

Having fun the "wrong way" isn't really a thing, but if you struggle with a mechanic and want it to be changed while the impact is bigger than "I want to have fun" - then you approach the game the wrong way.
"Path of Exile" was always meant to be the game for the "sweaty gamers". Sure, playable by "casuals" too, but it's not GGG's design philosophy to let "casuals" reach the "end" of the game unless they start to sweat too.

That 99% would select the "no EXP loss" is just an assumption and that more ppl over the years argued AGAINST the removal shows... they would not pick it because they would prefer it. They only would select it because "if the power is there and you want to min/max - you take it".
It's like saying "Most ppl would take 10 div at league start"... yeah, sure.
Last edited by JakkerONAIR#4902 on Feb 9, 2025, 12:31:56 PM

You'd have to spend at minimum twice as long to get to max. XP loss pushes the range anywhere from triple, up to infinite time required. Maybe time is not a valuable resource to you, but others like me really value their free time.

You also lose tower influence, you lose loot that you didn't pick up. And you're disregarding, but some people have real issues with waystone sustain (and orbs spent on juicing).

Twice as long, compared to what? Will max level somehow make you a better player? If you value your time and feel this game disregards that, why are you still here when there are other games that have the features you want here?

You died, why should you get that loot? Waystone sustain is directly related to you tossing yourself at content you aren't ready for. Run content you can and you'll have plenty of waystones.

hellix#5931 wrote:
Are we not playing the same game? Let me list them for you:
- the Waystone
- all the currency you used to craft it
- the league mechanics on the map
- the juice from the tablets you applied to the nearby towers
- the league mechanics from the tablets you applied to the nearby towers
- all the loot you did not pick up before dying
- you likely have to run the map again with 0 mechanics again to progress the atlas further in the direction you want to go

Is that not risk enough for you? If so, why don't you try hardcore and/or SSF?

How many times do you count losing the waystone, or the node? No one forced you to over juice a map. There are many things provided in the game to prevent you from running content you shouldn't, and you want that removed. At a point, you'll have to admit, it's a skill issue.
hellix#5931 wrote:

This is an incredibly weird take that I keep hearing. What do you mean? Why should it be "forbidden" for players "to toss themselves at walls"? Please explain to me how this is bad for the game? If people find it fun, why are you telling them "you are having fun the wrong way, stop having fun".

XP loss needs to be removed as soon as possible!

And let me ask you one more thing. If XP loss on death was optional, how many people do you think will keep it off? My guess is 99.9999% will turn it off the millisecond they log in.

Because that's how the game works... it's not that deep.

EXP-loss is basically only noticeable after level 90 and if you die a lot.
Not only does the EXP loss prevent players from "brute forcing", but it's also a "check".

The game is designed this way so that MOST of your power is achievable around level 90, which means that with a level 90 character, you can fully clear the entire game without any problems. But if you want to be faster, stronger, more tanky, whatever... you go into the "min/max territory".
At this point, everything you gain has normally a lower impact, like getting from level 94 to 96 is barely noticeable, BUT can give you the option for something really specific for your min/maxing.

Furthermore, dying often (thus losing EXP) is an indicator for YOU - change something. Run less dangerous content, get better gear, improve your skills, check your passive tree and so on.
Dying in PoE2, besides unintended stuff like bugs, is actually in an ok spot, if you accept that you cannot just play the game and get everything you want for a lower investment. And no, "I invested x amount of hours" is not the investment needed... it's a GRINDING gear (game); spending tons of hours is the core anyway.

Besides other upsides to the EXP loss, there is even a downside most newer players don't keep in mind.
What happens when GGG removes the EXP loss?
You wouldn't die less, you wouldn't progress faster because the power from the levels you would gain is not the same as for someone who can use each point to its full potential.
BUT... every PoE veteran would have one restriction (nerf) less. Without the EXP loss, we would get level 100 even faster, get more power even quicker, would trivialise the game way earlier... THAT'S an indirect nerf to "the lower end" of the play base.
Every item you find because earlier "worthless", the economy "dies" earlier because the vets reach their goals even faster and leave the league etc.

The EXP-loss is not only a "check" for newer ppl - it's a "slow" for the veterans.

Having fun the "wrong way" isn't really a thing, but if you struggle with a mechanic and want it to be changed while the impact is bigger than "I want to have fun" - then you approach the game the wrong way.
"Path of Exile" was always meant to be the game for the "sweaty gamers". Sure, playable by "casuals" too, but it's not GGG's design philosophy to let "casuals" reach the "end" of the game unless they start to sweat too.

That 99% would select the "no EXP loss" is just an assumption and that more ppl over the years argued AGAINST the removal shows... they would not pick it because they would prefer it. They only would select it because "if the power is there and you want to min/max - you take it".
It's like saying "Most ppl would take 10 div at league start"... yeah, sure.

I really appreciate the well thought out reply, you make some very good points, thank you. And I will not even bother to reply the other guy who keeps repeating the same old "SkIll IssUe", "GIT GUD".

Anyway, I have to disagree a bit with you.

The problems you laid out are valid but the XP loss seems like a really bad way to address them.

From a new player's perspective - why not come up with some more interesting ways to show them what the appropriate difficulty level is currently for them? For example, they can put in place quests for atlas progression like in POE 1 but more expanded. They can teach the players how to craft, how to trade, how to farm more efficiently, etc. and then allow them to progress. Just kicking them back down the stairs the moment they are close to achieving something is very disheartening and fun killing. Why not finally fix the DPS meters? Add a death log? I know GGG's answers to these questions but we are 2025, POE has been out for 10+ years and they should have solved these problems by now.

As for veterans - I will say again that you make very good points but I still don't think XP loss is the right way to tackle these issues. First of all, if they would like to reach 100, they will either way, especially in POE1 (buy 5-ways and you are lvl 100 two hours after you finished the campaign) and I am pretty sure sooner or later there will be something similar in POE2. Also, why not keep the veterans engaged with more interesting content? Overhaul the crafting system, itemization, etc. The XP loss is a cheap and meaningless way to try to slow down the veterans imo which ultimately fails.
XP loss always makes me quit the game after a while. It's way too punishing for how grindy the game is.
Is here to stay

In both games


Mash the clean
Bugmann#0436 wrote:
XP loss always makes me quit the game after a while. It's way too punishing for how grindy the game is.

agree. And plus 1 to this post.

If it keeps up ruining the game for me i will just stop playing its no big deal for me .. theres plenty alternative games to play.

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