[GAMEBREAKING] MP completely broken since Patch? MAP Portals invisible to 90% of ppl?

I tried to play Maps today in MP - so i joined a few and more - but never saw any portals - i thought maybe its many new players closing them by joining maps too high for their level.

After some time i found a Party and could join one of the last 3 Portals.

After that i started my own Party we were in the same instance and i opened the Map.

1 Person was able to join - the other one didnt even see Portals, about 5 ppl joined but no one was able to see the portals.

Tried to kick them out and reinvite them - nothing helped.

We cleared the map with all portals except the 2 we used left. Whats going on?
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2025, 6:51:38 AM
This cant be an isolated problem?

Tried like 30 Parties and got about 2-3 open Gates. And im sure it was more than 5 ppl trying to join - i even ask in chat if someone could try to join and they had the same problem after i invited them.
This obviously isnt isolated since i see tons of ppl in groups that never join an instance?
Just did some testing - maybe this can help to solve the Problem for the DEVs.

It probably has to do with the instances:

When inside the Map and others cant join - going out of the map makes the portals visible to other players again and then they can join. So probably portals are limited since the patch to the instance of the leader which times out way too fast not letting others in.

So for the time beeing the bad solution - because you loose portals - is having the partyleader go out to get the others that cant join.
Last edited by _N0ctus_#6387 on Feb 7, 2025, 2:00:25 PM
I've posted about this again and again in my own threads about this topic and the only replies I get are from trolls that dont even own the game and say Im the only one with a problem.


The only way I've found to get around it is to go to the hosts hideout and then wait for the host to open a new map.
Last edited by KingDaMuncha#6025 on Feb 7, 2025, 9:24:23 PM
I've posted about this again and again in my own threads about this topic and the only replies I get are from trolls that dont even own the game and say Im the only one with a problem.


The only way I've found to get around it is to go to the hosts hideout and then wait for the host to open a new map.

Its weird - maybe many ppl only play with friends and/or simply think all portals are gone.

This is a seriously gamebreaking bug that hurts the community of this game.
Did they even realize this problem? I mean im not even sure if they relized the 5/6 party bug yet ...

At least adress that and fix it fast - this is seriously something that can destroy the game by destroying parts of the community.

If your first expirience with MP is finding 90% of groups you cant join - what do you think will happen - will those people even try again later on?

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